New ETV Concept

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08.03.2008, 23:40

Re: New ETV Concept

This whole afternoon-show was crap and not just that the crew changed roles. Only a few ooops scenes of Carmen were quite entertaining.

 Vicky has to learn that a director has not to be in front of the camera and making a talk-show with mod Martin. Who is realy interested in what they are doing after the show and which drink they would order? The were some VIP sms requests for a performance of Carmen, which were not fulfilled as Vicky talked with Alex and Martin and they did not pay any attention. Why should anyone call a model or send a sms if the camera is clued on Vicky? If Vicky talk-shows were the new business model of ETV, the station would be on the best way to bankruptcy.

08.03.2008, 19:58

Re: New ETV Concept

I'm in just too good a mood to talk about this today.

Tomorrow morning I will probably feel very different -))