Last night's show

3.32 (22 rating(s))

(3.32 / 5, 22 ratings)

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07.04.2010, 13:16

Re: Last night's show

It all depends on your definition of harmless ...Cool

Well last night show was a great concept, however a little drawback was the Vip-sms watching in the main studio. Nice was good long views of a favorite model, but this meant also long views of less favorite models. All and All I say Thumb up and keep on learning.

Gia's performance before 11 was totaly hot, smoking hot I would say. This show concept fit her like a glove unlike other girls who seemed a bit lost at the start. When they could get naked they seemed to feel better.Big Grin

05.04.2010, 11:49

Re: Last night's show

HvB wrote:
Watcher wrote:mostly harmless ..... Cool .
How many years of field research did you spend on this?

Forty-two, of course Big Grin .

Good show, what I saw of it (though I'd better get back on topic Smile ).

05.04.2010, 10:59

Re: Last night's show

Watcher wrote:mostly harmless ..... Cool .
How many years of field research did you spend on this?

05.04.2010, 09:07

Re: Last night's show

mostly harmless ..... Cool .

04.04.2010, 01:34

Re: Last night's show

quite good... Smile

03.04.2010, 16:23

Re: Last night's show

Another friday funday at ETV, it started with a very hot Clio in the evening show. If she dresses like this and moves like she did in this show I wouldn't mind if she was on all the timeBig Grin And sweet Nicole should be back in the nightshow quikly, but leave your sister at home pleaseTongue

What to say about the night show? It was fabulous although this doesn's apply for everybody's performance. When I see Sabrina I think she doesn't enjoy her work very much, it makes for a weak show, maybe she should find another job. Then it seemed I had some trouble with my tv for the channel seemed to switch to Animal Planet with some documentary on whales or seriously, I don't mean any disrespect but is there nobody who can tell Lace she is killing herself if she keeps this up. Maybe not a Mr Niceguy comment, but to ignore this would be hypocritical.

Luckily the performance of the other girls more then made up for it. Special thanks to AmyBig Grin, but most of all Mashiara who really blew me away. Great to see her fabulous body and smile in the same shot and still more to come...Big Grin

31.03.2010, 14:05

Re: Last night's show

Didn't I say life is like a chocolate box ... Well yesterday we got cute and lovely Lin covered with it , Great !! She is a wonderful lovely girl .. sometimes she looks so shy and she is the opposite.
Last nigh show was superb most of the girls participated in the happening and even Lilian was trying her best !

31.03.2010, 10:01

Re: Last night's show

After the last couple of shows it seemed to me there was a break in the "Golden Age" of fabulous shows, but after last night's show it seems it was only a short breakBig Grin

Most of the girls weren't even my type but still the show was awesomeThumb up
Full credits to all, especially Lin Tongue and ofcourse the magical awesome AmyBig Grin

Only the music sucked big timeThumb down after a good start, what up with that ETV?

28.03.2010, 16:37

Re: Last night's show

Well Yasmine, obviously you are the expert because I have to agree with you, I found the show not very good. Maybe we are getting a little spoiled though because if we had a show like this a year ago I think the comment would be different.

For now I'd like to comment that Gia and Penelope made some efforts do make a hot show, but unfortunately they got no love from the camera/regie Angry . The other girls.... I don't know what to say, they were present, but not even Scarlet and Inez were very hot Sad. Clearly what was missing was some Amy magic to put it all together.

27.03.2010, 18:46

Re: Last night's show

Life is like a chocolate box - you never know what you get ! One thing I know that in the past few shows Randa was on the shows were Thumb down

27.03.2010, 18:31

Re: Last night's show

Yesterday night's show was good, however it would have been better if the moderator wouldn't have found it neccesary to keep on talking and talking Angry ...... and even more talking. Also I must say there was a little overkill on the shower shows for my tasteConfused.
Too much of a good thing is still too much.

I wonder what tonight's show will bring, the line up looks promising, but as you said, you never know what you're gonna get.Smile

26.03.2010, 19:19

Re: Last night's show

Watchout what you are saing about topping of the shows.


There are manu night when you look at the casting you will think wow and than it was the baddest show you saw.

There is also no competion between the girls how is the best or sexiest or doimg the most full shows.

It's always waiting on the next shownight and crossing the fingers (if you have time for that)
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