Last night's show

3.32 (22 rating(s))

(3.32 / 5, 22 ratings)

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19.09.2015, 09:13

Re: Last night's show

I Think thes Channel going dawon like sexysat Thumb down the last nights show f**king shit

19.09.2015, 08:13

Re: Last night's show

The history of ETV is cyclical.
Molvanians destroy the shows cause of their hunger for money.
Fewer customers and less gains.Thumb down
They hire young girls incapable which have just the flavor of the newness and cost little.
Shows worst.
Customers still diminish, the earnings decrease again.
They, desperate, hire professional and selling them for next door girls.Big Grin
Ludicrous Big GrinBig GrinBig Grin

But, I must add that, in the end, they're right.
As long as there's someone willing to pay to get nothing in return why they should improve?Cool

18.09.2015, 10:31

Re: Last night's show

Lorena In love show for 10 min better than the full show. Effy did not make any thing last night. I hope Lorena show in th night show.

18.09.2015, 09:38

Re: Last night's show

Lorena back to the night program, during the few minutes did more than "Effy, stella" throughout the course of the night and have been involved in the program !!Envy

17.09.2015, 12:54

Re: Last night's show

it was a poor night of everything, girls, scenes, direction, anything good

17.09.2015, 12:08

Re: Last night's show

the guardian wrote:
Poor girls !!

Why poor girls?

17.09.2015, 11:50

Re: Last night's show

The last night show was a real torture, nothing to make the show, as well as a bad direction. Poor girls !!

16.09.2015, 22:31

Re: Last night's show

maybe not everything went, but for me it was a really hot show of Kia and Kristina, and a solid performance Tia and Linda (even Linda is not quite one of my favorites).


11.09.2015, 22:26

Re: Last night's show

In my own opinion etv becomes very boring
at first from the models they make all viewers
requests by a very soft and boring mode ConfusedConfused
secondly the mangement of the channel also
behaves the same way they lose the aim of the
shows i mean the fun because they only think
about money AngryAngryCryCry

11.09.2015, 21:11

Re: Last night's show

stegiato wrote:
bigboy24 wrote:When there are 3 or 4 girls in the nightshow who don't want to do a fullstrip a lot of wishes can not be fullfilled.
If it goes on that way several viewers won't write anymore I think because it's useless.

yes an indecipherable strategy... who knows???

Not indecipherable.......only a molvanian strategyTongue

10.09.2015, 18:11

Re: Last night's show

bigboy24 wrote:When there are 3 or 4 girls in the nightshow who don't want to do a fullstrip a lot of wishes can not be fullfilled.
If it goes on that way several viewers won't write anymore I think because it's useless.

yes an indecipherable strategy... who knows???

06.09.2015, 11:04

Re: Last night's show

Before a night show or exclusive show begins, each girl herself should imagine.
Hi I am the XY and not Fullstrip.
So how does it Penelope.
Unfortunately it says you only if the request is already on the plasma TV.
So free paid Smile

06.09.2015, 09:55

Re: Last night's show

When there are 3 or 4 girls in the nightshow who don't want to do a fullstrip a lot of wishes can not be fullfilled.
If it goes on that way several viewers won't write anymore I think because it's useless.

06.09.2015, 09:49

Re: Last night's show

Yesterday Effy disappeared from the night show or I was sleeping ?!

05.09.2015, 19:59

Re: Last night's show

EasternRebel3 wrote:the wish for free last night was not good. Why they take a girl in a premium show that not going nude?
i dont understand this. Zoe was many to shy and for someone i will not pay money.
I"ve seen many wish for free in the last time, but that was my last I think.
I"m not ready to pay 8 Euros for seeing this kind of soft show.
Also the camera was repeatly not good enough.

Maybe to stir some interest with a new model?
"The chicken named ETV has lost many feathers during the last months." Always presenting the same few models regardless how good they are can finally lead to boredom/saturation. Big Grin
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