Last night's show

3.32 (22 rating(s))

(3.32 / 5, 22 ratings)

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11.07.2015, 18:21

Re: Last night's show

badrus wrote:
glassy wrote:It was more or less just a soft topless show which would have been caned for being too soft during the day years ago. The only highlight of the night was Candice who thankfully received a decent amount of airtime. She is mixing well with the other models and seems relaxed considering the short time she has been at Eurotic. Her naked shower at the end of the night topped off a good show from her. The other models worked well enough but just did the basics to justify their presence. An air of lethargy seems to be blowing through the nightshows recently. Is it the summer season blues or have they reached some kind of burn out. Too many productions being made outwith the normal shows may be the reason models are losing motivation in the live shows- who knows. Fun loving Sellena is being sorely missed for her interacting and crazy actions, while being able to be so sexy too. Camera work has dropped off too with too many static cams positioned in a semi circle just zooming in and out from a distance. It creates a cold atmosphere where the customer is segregated from the model they requested. It used to be so dynamic and daring with quick flashes from girls like Sabrina or Kaleya in close up. Much more sexy than a model just standing staring at a camera with her pants at her knees. Slow and sexy with plenty close up views is so simple to create. Well it used to be so simple-

don't agree this was a typical night show from earlier in year before we had to pay for exclusives maybe they will go back I doubt it

if its a typical show from earlier in the year before exclusives were paid for, then at least don't go back to that. I don't see any issue with paying for exclusives that are worth paying for, but they do need to be worth paying for. and currently, they are not. They are just tame and dull and the girls are obviously fed up as well, its obvious from their lack of energy and enthusiasm, and I cant blame them
Bring back exclusives that are exciting and sexy, and actually go further than the FTA footage. Then they will be justified in being charged for, and they will be worth it. Until then, pahh.

11.07.2015, 13:44

Re: Last night's show

glassy wrote:It was more or less just a soft topless show which would have been caned for being too soft during the day years ago. The only highlight of the night was Candice who thankfully received a decent amount of airtime. She is mixing well with the other models and seems relaxed considering the short time she has been at Eurotic. Her naked shower at the end of the night topped off a good show from her. The other models worked well enough but just did the basics to justify their presence. An air of lethargy seems to be blowing through the nightshows recently. Is it the summer season blues or have they reached some kind of burn out. Too many productions being made outwith the normal shows may be the reason models are losing motivation in the live shows- who knows. Fun loving Sellena is being sorely missed for her interacting and crazy actions, while being able to be so sexy too. Camera work has dropped off too with too many static cams positioned in a semi circle just zooming in and out from a distance. It creates a cold atmosphere where the customer is segregated from the model they requested. It used to be so dynamic and daring with quick flashes from girls like Sabrina or Kaleya in close up. Much more sexy than a model just standing staring at a camera with her pants at her knees. Slow and sexy with plenty close up views is so simple to create. Well it used to be so simple-

don't agree this was a typical night show from earlier in year before we had to pay for exclusives maybe they will go back I doubt it

11.07.2015, 11:29

Re: Last night's show

glassy wrote:It was more or less just a soft topless show which would have been caned for being too soft during the day years ago...
Well, actually 50:50. Roshanna, Saya and Tia went fully nude often, Kia a bit few, and Candice, Elmar and Penelope not at all.
And the mood of the girls seemed to be in rather good and not too bad camera work, so for me not too bad anyway.


11.07.2015, 08:51

Re: Last night's show

It was more or less just a soft topless show which would have been caned for being too soft during the day years ago. The only highlight of the night was Candice who thankfully received a decent amount of airtime. She is mixing well with the other models and seems relaxed considering the short time she has been at Eurotic. Her naked shower at the end of the night topped off a good show from her. The other models worked well enough but just did the basics to justify their presence. An air of lethargy seems to be blowing through the nightshows recently. Is it the summer season blues or have they reached some kind of burn out. Too many productions being made outwith the normal shows may be the reason models are losing motivation in the live shows- who knows. Fun loving Sellena is being sorely missed for her interacting and crazy actions, while being able to be so sexy too. Camera work has dropped off too with too many static cams positioned in a semi circle just zooming in and out from a distance. It creates a cold atmosphere where the customer is segregated from the model they requested. It used to be so dynamic and daring with quick flashes from girls like Sabrina or Kaleya in close up. Much more sexy than a model just standing staring at a camera with her pants at her knees. Slow and sexy with plenty close up views is so simple to create. Well it used to be so simple-

09.07.2015, 21:45

Re: Last night's show

jeegrobot wrote:
kennyboy2012 wrote:From the etv wall:
Wednesday Evening Show
Thursday, 9th Jul 2015

What a great Show Smile thanks to everybody involved - the models, directing and the camerawork all did an outstanding Job. all the exclusives were simply amazing, a special thanks to Kia and Kristina for
doing four Shows in a row and still finding a way to make each Show different and unique Smile "

I think he must have been watching another channel ! Last night was ultra tame, slow, and dull, and with Fridays show cancelled without an explanation, its Sunday before I'll be on ETV, and at this rate, my patience is running very low indeed.

He or she or it wrote about the evening exl.-show from 17 to 23, not the nightshow. Obviously ETV put at once the praise on the wall.

Excuse me, but you both really believe that this series of nonsense has been written by a real customer?Cool

All their shows are unique ......Big GrinBig GrinBig GrinBig GrinBig GrinBig GrinBig Grin

09.07.2015, 21:31

Re: Last night's show

kennyboy2012 wrote:From the etv wall:
Wednesday Evening Show
Thursday, 9th Jul 2015

What a great Show Smile thanks to everybody involved - the models, directing and the camerawork all did an outstanding Job. all the exclusives were simply amazing, a special thanks to Kia and Kristina for
doing four Shows in a row and still finding a way to make each Show different and unique Smile "

I think he must have been watching another channel ! Last night was ultra tame, slow, and dull, and with Fridays show cancelled without an explanation, its Sunday before I'll be on ETV, and at this rate, my patience is running very low indeed.

He or she or it wrote about the evening exl.-show from 17 to 23, not the nightshow. Obviously ETV put at once the praise on the wall.

09.07.2015, 21:17

Re: Last night's show

kennyboy2012 wrote:From the etv wall:
Wednesday Evening Show
Thursday, 9th Jul 2015

What a great Show Smile thanks to everybody involved - the models, directing and the camerawork all did an outstanding Job. all the exclusives were simply amazing, a special thanks to Kia and Kristina for
doing four Shows in a row and still finding a way to make each Show different and unique Smile "

I think he must have been watching another channel ! Last night was ultra tame, slow, and dull, and with Fridays show cancelled without an explanation, its Sunday before I'll be on ETV, and at this rate, my patience is running very low indeed.

told you weeks ago to save your money sunday wont be any better

09.07.2015, 20:09

Re: Last night's show

From the etv wall:
Wednesday Evening Show
Thursday, 9th Jul 2015

What a great Show Smile thanks to everybody involved - the models, directing and the camerawork all did an outstanding Job. all the exclusives were simply amazing, a special thanks to Kia and Kristina for
doing four Shows in a row and still finding a way to make each Show different and unique Smile "

I think he must have been watching another channel ! Last night was ultra tame, slow, and dull, and with Fridays show cancelled without an explanation, its Sunday before I'll be on ETV, and at this rate, my patience is running very low indeed.

09.07.2015, 04:59

Re: Last night's show

Yet again the camera crew run scared and stay back from any decent shots. I only seen the later part of the show and may have missed any decent coverage of the models. Jasmine up on the platform with Marla after spending ages setting up the red cloth (which looked dangerous to me) hardly got a look from any camera. Jasmine was putting on a good show but gave up trying after a short time. Candice was also trying hard but she too was ignored. Candice could be a great asset to Eurotic, but coverage like this must make the models feel they are wasting their time. Pity- good cast- terrible coverage.

08.07.2015, 17:14

Re: Last night's show

Hi Halo1819 - fair point- but you notice their complaints stopped when several msgs came in one after the other providing them with much needed income. Its all about the money ha ha. Enjoy your day- Glassy

08.07.2015, 09:45

Re: Last night's show

It was a reasonably good show tonight where the girls were allowed to perform and was in good spirits, it also appeared there were many vip So simple can it be done when will ETV realize this is the way to do it!

08.07.2015, 08:32

Re: Last night's show

Nice little show last night- it's been a while coming. So simple and 'arty' free

07.07.2015, 21:14

Re: Last night's show

In her defense, the word "please" should be known to everyone, even if english isn't your native language.
This is common courtesy which were hopefully taught to everyone from their parents.

07.07.2015, 10:58

Re: Last night's show

It seems Jasmine was not happy with the way a request for a pussy show was written. She should come down off her high and mighty horse and appreciate that many callers or requesters are non english speaking. So the translation may seem a little direct as if it was a demand. She should remember that what was requested is exactly what she does for a career-- pussy shows. Her choice not ours.

05.07.2015, 11:08

Re: Last night's show

After the holiday as a dessert the last show of the night.Tongue
After an hour, the interest was gone.Cry
ETV does no longer for me, or I'm getting older.Smile
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