Last night's show

3.32 (22 rating(s))

(3.32 / 5, 22 ratings)

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19.06.2015, 19:27

Re: Last night's show

glassy wrote:Hi Voncall thanks for the reply. I'm pretty sure they know things are going downhill. But as I wrote- nobody has the balls to admit it or change the format

... or cares

19.06.2015, 18:14

Re: Last night's show

Hi Voncall thanks for the reply. I'm pretty sure they know things are going downhill. But as I wrote- nobody has the balls to admit it or change the format

19.06.2015, 15:56

Re: Last night's show

Goos evening Mr Glassy
You are right as You say in this threat great production are normally a default.
Is it possible that someone in ETV management doesn't realise that
are broadcasting crap shows?
Another question: Does the money that they are earning from internet shows
cover the expenses of these shows or not?
I'm sure that ETV never say the true
Best regards

19.06.2015, 10:58

Re: Last night's show

It really is amazing how Eurotic have turned a success story into a struggling sham not knowing what direction to go in. The've turned happy girl next door type of models into faceless wooden and soulless shadows of what they used to be. The fun and spontanious interaction between the models has been replaced with pre planned actions derived from the head of some want to be artistic producer who has finally been given an avenue to express what they think is art with an erotic twist. The models faces at times reflect exactly what they think of this format, and the recent plea for calls to the show from Ginger just compounds the fact that the shows are not liked or wanted. Oh and they claim not wanting to show nudity just for the sake of it ha ha. Isn't it amazing how halfway through an unsuccessful and dwindling show, they start showing close up pussy shots to try and encourage calls !! And is the after hours part starting earlier and earlier these days ? Eurotic has 'disaster' written in stone these days but nobody has the balls to pull their heads out of the sand and admit it's all wrong.
Even some big American porn producers tried to get away from 'normal' porn thinking they knew better than the customers. Does anybody remember the big budget production where they filmed a porn movie inside a diving aircraft to create weightlessness ? The 'actors' were floating around trying to have sex and make it erotic---the whole film failed and they went back to producing what the customer wanted. A German crew tried to diversify by making a period production in a Scottish castle--- it bombed as well. Eurotic would be well advised to do the same-- give the customer what they want. They may have left it a little to late.

18.06.2015, 19:54

Re: Last night's show

i think they stole money somehow illegal... and they broadcast bullshit cause they dont need our money to pay girls, bills.... So they feel strong enough to fooling us; they dont need us, so they're laughing at us!
For this simple reason, FUCK YOU ETV! No more consideration and respect by me to you.

18.06.2015, 19:03

Re: Last night's show

I really can't understand how they hope to receive calls if there's nothing on the tv , if every paid request is not answered, if they gamble with their viewer (both web and tv) i admit it's 15 days i don't watch a show and i'm not interested if the things stay like now.

18.06.2015, 18:52

Re: Last night's show

Hilbert wrote:
genson wrote:
goldy wrote:
jeegrobot wrote:Dear ETV, when are you going to stop this clownery ? Is so difficult to make an erotik show ?
i add also this question:
why, dear eUcomic TV, do you still broadcast this shit also without our money? where do you get the money to pay girls, bills, light's studio, cameramen... etc etc?

phone calls

Phone calls? Really?

[hidden link - please register]
[hidden link - please register]

Ginger: "Hello, hello my dear viewers.
But where are you now, my sweety Mark, my sweety Alex, Carlos,
where are you? Sebastian, I'm waiting for your calls.
And Marla wants to speak with somebody from Köln.
Stella too, wants to speak with somebody from Köln, Germany,
Swederland (??? Maybe Switzerland or Sweden).
Where are you? We are there naked alone, and where are you?
I want to speak with somebody and I don't want to be alone! I hate to be alone!
Do you want to say something for your german friend?"

Marla: "I want a new friend from Köln and I want from him to love cats,
and to love jogging and of course to listen Nirvana!"

Ginger:" I am a little wet and I want to... somebody!"

fantastic lets all stop calling and maybe bring them to there senses even though I miss my talks with lauren

18.06.2015, 17:34

Re: Last night's show

tux.friend wrote:But it's nerving to write every time the same. Like some girls they/I give up.

That reminds me of something: "The definition of crazy means you do the same thing over and over again and expect different results." Sounds like ETV's strategy, doesn't it?

18.06.2015, 17:22

Re: Last night's show

goldy wrote:
jeegrobot wrote:Dear ETV, when are you going to stop this clownery ? Is so difficult to make an erotik show ?
i add also this question:
why, dear eUcomic TV, do you still broadcast this shit also without our money? where do you get the money to pay girls, bills, light's studio, cameramen... etc etc?

That is the question. How long can do etv this or how pays for this rubbish?

18.06.2015, 17:17

Re: Last night's show

MisterXXX wrote:I really wonder if i am the only one who found last night's show stupid and unsexy as drying paint on the wall
I endured this comedy til 1:00 a.m.
(About 4 VIPs, none exclusive and at least one not even fulfilled!)
Seemed to be a quiet night for viewers..


But it's nerving to write every time the same. Like some girls they/I give up.

18.06.2015, 14:33

Re: Last night's show

goldy wrote:
jeegrobot wrote:Dear ETV, when are you going to stop this clownery ? Is so difficult to make an erotik show ?
i add also this question:
why, dear eUcomic TV, do you still broadcast this shit also without our money? where do you get the money to pay girls, bills, light's studio, cameramen... etc etc?

phone calls

18.06.2015, 13:33

Re: Last night's show

jeegrobot wrote:Dear ETV, when are you going to stop this clownery ? Is so difficult to make an erotik show ?
i add also this question:
why, dear eUcomic TV, do you still broadcast this shit also without our money? where do you get the money to pay girls, bills, light's studio, cameramen... etc etc?

18.06.2015, 12:35

Re: Last night's show

Dear ETV, when are you going to stop this clownery ? Is so difficult to make an erotik show ?

18.06.2015, 11:11

Re: Last night's show

I really wonder if i am the only one who found last night's show stupid and unsexy as drying paint on the wall
I endured this comedy til 1:00 a.m.
(About 4 VIPs, none exclusive and at least one not even fulfilled!)
Seemed to be a quiet night for viewers..

16.06.2015, 21:53

Re: Last night's show

But someone really pays to watch at Tia and Kia play dominoes?

Big GrinBig GrinBig GrinBig GrinBig GrinBig GrinBig GrinBig GrinBig GrinBig Grin
New eU.....comic day....ah, ah, ah.......Cry
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