Last night's show

3.32 (22 rating(s))

(3.32 / 5, 22 ratings)

Author Posts

30.06.2011, 13:20

Re: Last night's show

They become more and more "erotic".

After feet and shoes, this time hands and faces.

If they continue this way we will see one of the next shows with girls in winter-coats
and anoraks with "erotic" close-ups to the buttons and zipper !!

I´m so excited, I can´t await it...

30.06.2011, 12:29

Re: Last night's show

stop w this bad show of naked models is better than erotic! It s an erotic tv not a porn show, ws want more sensual and erotic models!

30.06.2011, 12:25

Re: Last night's show

brudgon wrote:tonight are scheduled only 6 modelsThumb up.....hopes like last shower show and i want janine-directorCool ..........oh my god but there is gia tonightHeart

oh my god but there was..............nobodyCry

30.06.2011, 11:18

Re: Last night's show

I guess the shower show was a present for the censorsThumb up and a proof that ETV is like the weather.Confused
Fine weather a week agoSmile and ugly weather last night.Sad
What`s the weather forecast for tonight?Big Grin

30.06.2011, 11:13

Re: Last night's show

stop w this good show of soft models is better than hot! It s an erotic tv not a fashion show, ws want more hot and hard models! In the night, the others have to work during the day or to stay at home!!!!

30.06.2011, 11:11

Re: Last night's show

I agree with you mate, but a close up of two beautiful girls kissin c'mon.
And some of the close ups Janine gave us were very eurotic
I think that we see more of the softies in terms of sunsuality compared to
11.00 pm clothes off job done, no more to see just stand and wriggle a bit.
A pair of open legs with panties on close up is better than legs squashed together
trying to hide something

30.06.2011, 10:35

Re: Last night's show

In sometimes the soft shows could be more interesting and beautiful than the hot shows specially when these kind of the soft shows include some real beauties honestly trying to exert all their efforts to convince the viewers by their performance without going nude , at least it's something worth praise and respect .

So from this prospective , the new softer models must take a big credit for their honest efforts in order to satisfy the viewers in yesterday matter if they undressed or not ...but at least their performance was very good .

Regarding Janine as the new director for the shower show there are some points needs to be raised :

It's very important when u manage a show , to use more than one style in order not to make the viewers get bored . However Janine has used one style in direction depend on the constant deep close up for a specific things , and the total misallocation for models in all around the studio .

The style of the close up in yesterday was exactly like when you press the button of the zoom in your tv three or four time ….which completely ended the enjoyment which exist in it .

There is also another significant point …the misallocation for the models in the studio …I mean she put all the models all night in such one direct line in a very small area and forgot to use the remaining area of the studio .

The shower show is like the beauty gallery....and it's diffenetly needs more than one style to look at it....So, it's very important to distribute the models all around the studio …one in the back ground , two in the middle …one in the left , one in the right .

I do think that Janine is good director but she should ensure the good distribution for the models all around the studio and let her cams moves very smoothly between them..... also she should use to use more than one style ... once with the close up and once with the wider angel in order to succeed in providing a good and satiefied show ...and not to spend the four hours with such a boring deep close up .

30.06.2011, 10:24

Re: Last night's show

4 soft models 2 hot that are becoming soft, they will take the virus from soft models! A very very poor shower show ! It s time to change , thank u ETV

30.06.2011, 08:53

Re: Last night's show

last night shower sleepers show...

28.06.2011, 05:17

Re: Last night's show


At the time of posting:-
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You lose Tongue .

27.06.2011, 23:49

Re: Last night's show

lucifer70 wrote:Please criticized me, if you want, but do not say that it is not the time to give them a serious lesson. We are not speaking here of inch of bare skin or others foolish things, here the issue is serious and goes beyond the game and the joke.
They consider us nullity which have only one honor ... a credit card!Thumb down

I think you are right, lucifer70 and I also think it's more than time to change these awful shows. The only way to get influence is indeed sending no more sms and no more calling. But, suppose that all the members of this forum would follow your advice, would it be enough for ETV to wake up? I really would want to believe this, but I fear reality is different. Besides the members (and viewers) of this forum, there are thousands who don't read this forum and watch these shows and will probably keep calling or sending sms. Among those thousands there will be people who don't mind the quality, sadly.
Nevertheless, I think this way to reach them is the only way. Sending an email doesn't change a thing, they even don't answer an email which is full of criticisim.

27.06.2011, 23:42

Re: Last night's show

jonadam wrote:the funniest thing in eutv is the warning that this is not for minors... i think it should be perfect for babiesAngryThumb downThumb downThumb downThumb downThumb down

The truth is that at any beach you can see more and more interesting things.

27.06.2011, 23:31

Re: Last night's show

I've seen incidentally, because if Gia isn't in the studio I refuse to watch the show, the new advertising of Wiever's show. I found it extremely vulgar and absolutely offensive for those who still follows this puppet show and especially for the paying customers that allow these Molvani to survive despite their great incompetence.
The truth is that they have not even the slightest perception of their inadequacy and while they continue to produce shows of a very low quality they, instead of appreciate criticism, at least those constructive, they allow themself to treat their customers as poor nerds.
Well ... Molvani friends, without those "nerds" you could not even put the lunch on the table! It's time to stop. It's time that our molvanians friends learn to stand in the real world, enough with the justifications and do-gooderism. There is no point in exchanging our views on the web or send tons of mail to their address they don't care, if we want ETV listen to us, at the end, there is only one way ..... not call and not send sms. I'd like see our molvani friends after a week of absolute silence on the part of customers.
I am sorry for girls which work for these people but it's time to give them what they deserve. DO NOT call and NOT send sms and especially NOT justified their bad behavior ever more, since they do not respect us.
If you want respect, you must give respect.
By the way, I'm too, as the customer protagonist of advertising, fed up with Lace, Marayah, Lilian, Aria, Hans, Julia, shoes, balloons, leggins, foot, chairs, whips etc. ... They must learn to be more serious and respectful of the wishes of their customers.

Please criticized me, if you want, but do not say that it is not the time to give them a serious lesson. We are not speaking here of inch of bare skin or others foolish things, here the issue is serious and goes beyond the game and the joke.
They consider us nullity which have only one honor ... a credit card!Thumb down

27.06.2011, 21:42

Re: Last night's show

the funniest thing in eutv is the warning that this is not for minors... i think it should be perfect for babiesAngryThumb downThumb downThumb downThumb downThumb down

27.06.2011, 15:19

Re: Last night's show

9 models, including 3 non-nude and 2,I do not want to see naked.