Last Nights Show - Premium show

1.5 (6 rating(s))

(1.5 / 5, 6 ratings)

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26.06.2015, 03:24

Re: Last Nights Show - Premium show

in that case, for Sunday, yes, you missed nothing. but Monday was excellent and you sure missed out.

Wednesday was great too!

25.06.2015, 22:57

Re: Last Nights Show - Premium show

kennyboy2012 wrote:Another good night last night, enjoyable show Smile

for you but you know have the new etv standards

25.06.2015, 22:56

Re: Last Nights Show - Premium show

kennyboy2012 wrote:
badrus wrote:thanks that tells me I have spent money wisely not

OK, not sure what you mean there, the wording could have a number of meanings?

it means I did not miss anything and saved money

25.06.2015, 15:59

Re: Last Nights Show - Premium show

Another good night last night, enjoyable show Smile

25.06.2015, 15:58

Re: Last Nights Show - Premium show

badrus wrote:thanks that tells me I have spent money wisely not

OK, not sure what you mean there, the wording could have a number of meanings?

25.06.2015, 01:07

Re: Last Nights Show - Premium show

kennyboy2012 wrote:quick catch up on recent shows

Sundays exclusives show, was virtually all preplanned shows , and it was shite, up to the point I switched off (after about 2hrs) - blunt but fair.
The problem with these preplanned shows is that sometimes, whoever does them, needs a slap. They go off into some art noir weird whacky world of their own, and produce a script that is so weird and strange that it makes no sense, it cant be made sexy, regardless of the abilities of the girls, its jut a bizarre long drab out waste of time that leaves us thinking 'what was that all about?'

Mondays exclusives show., Bloody excellent - preplanned, but way less weird, and quite definetly way more sexy. some really great sights to see, and an altogether much better show that Sunday. the two can hardly be compared.

One criticism that is quite valid is that when a request is sent in, and they display it on one of their screens, and accept it and agree to do it. The big question is when ? I have requests sent in and accepted, and then had to wait 3 hrs to see it. This isn't fair, it needs to be within a reasonable timeframe, maybe 1 hr.

Occasionally, they will do a an exclusive that covers more than one request. That's OK and fair, but they need to make sure we know which requests are being covered. Maybe add to one of the displays, a list of requestors, that are being covered by the next exclusive?

OK, that's enough for now, buy watching tonights now Smile

thanks that tells me I have spent money wisely not

25.06.2015, 01:02

Re: Last Nights Show - Premium show

quick catch up on recent shows

Sundays exclusives show, was virtually all preplanned shows , and it was shite, up to the point I switched off (after about 2hrs) - blunt but fair.
The problem with these preplanned shows is that sometimes, whoever does them, needs a slap. They go off into some art noir weird whacky world of their own, and produce a script that is so weird and strange that it makes no sense, it cant be made sexy, regardless of the abilities of the girls, its jut a bizarre long drab out waste of time that leaves us thinking 'what was that all about?'

Mondays exclusives show., Bloody excellent - preplanned, but way less weird, and quite definetly way more sexy. some really great sights to see, and an altogether much better show that Sunday. the two can hardly be compared.

One criticism that is quite valid is that when a request is sent in, and they display it on one of their screens, and accept it and agree to do it. The big question is when ? I have requests sent in and accepted, and then had to wait 3 hrs to see it. This isn't fair, it needs to be within a reasonable timeframe, maybe 1 hr.

Occasionally, they will do a an exclusive that covers more than one request. That's OK and fair, but they need to make sure we know which requests are being covered. Maybe add to one of the displays, a list of requestors, that are being covered by the next exclusive?

OK, that's enough for now, buy watching tonights now Smile

21.06.2015, 18:01

Re: Last Nights Show - Premium show

I have watched the nightshows, the FTA ones, and for me, they bore me. Hence I only watch the exclusives and Friday nights, which I think are a lot better. To me, the FTA shows are a different product to the exclusives and the premium shows, hence a different thread. The FTA thread is mainly full of moaning and negativity (some justified) so this thread is for posts about the premium content and products, and hopefully wont be filled with just whinging posts, but will have fair comment, good and bad.

21.06.2015, 14:48

Re: Last Nights Show - Premium show

kennyboy2012 wrote:yup, last night was poor compared to last week. Last weeks show was great. When/if they release the video for last week, and if they keep the show 'as it was' you'll see what I mean.

they won't why don't you watch some nightshows earlier in year no different then you watched and paid for

21.06.2015, 14:40

Re: Last Nights Show - Premium show

kennyboy2012 wrote:yup, last night was poor compared to last week. Last weeks show was great. When/if they release the video for last week, and if they keep the show 'as it was' you'll see what I mean.

I am certainly going to be disappointed, video will be censor as always, to see...???Sad

20.06.2015, 22:36

Competitive Edition | The Guest Model | Ginger

well, I am impressed. Ginger wasn't that good last night, but I've just watched her three part show, and wow, not shy, some lovely sights indeed. Don't know what happened last night, but she's just made up for it for sure Smile

20.06.2015, 20:19

Re: Last Nights Show - Premium show

yup, last night was poor compared to last week. Last weeks show was great. When/if they release the video for last week, and if they keep the show 'as it was' you'll see what I mean.

20.06.2015, 19:38

Re: Last Nights Show - Premium show

The show of Friday evening was poor,a lot of censure and the camera often too much far.I did not see the show of last Friday,but yesterday evening show was discouraging and annoying.Some rare hot stages, but very rare,often the cam work was calamitous.I fell asleep during show!!!For me, a big disappointment....Thumb down

20.06.2015, 19:34

Re: Last Nights Show - Premium show

kennyboy2012 wrote:but the thread 'Eurotic's website & webstream' covers both FTA and paid for shows. This thread is just for the paid shows, so comments relating to the FTA and the paid shows, can be kept separate Smile

Hey kenny, good luck with this thread. I definitely appreciate the motivation to create such a thread, no doubt. Thumb up

However, what comes to my mind is, that there is basically nobody around paying or watching the internet shows as many many comments in the various related threads give proof of. As such it will be difficult to initiate any profound discussion about the quality and contents of the internet shows with the none viewers.

Further I also believe that this is already covered by the website and webstream thread.

Anyway, and as said, good luck with this, hoping that my assessment proves wrong and that this develops to an interesting thread opposite to others, where we can read day in day out the very same repetitive comments of always the very same people. Confused


P.S.: I also watch the internet shows very rarely, if at all, so I also do not qualify for any further comment related to the quality or contents of any of the shows. ..... ah well ..... with one exception Smile

20.06.2015, 19:13

Re: Last Nights Show - Premium show

but the thread 'Eurotic's website & webstream' covers both FTA and paid for shows. This thread is just for the paid shows, so comments relating to the FTA and the paid shows, can be kept separate Smile