Good morning, my mostly honoured Lady Tia, Queen of etv

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06.11.2007, 09:42

Good morning, my mostly honoured Lady Tia, Queen of etv

I know you read here. First: Thank you for your fantastic shows. Thank you that I  live  on the same continent like you. And at the same time. A wonderful imagination. Could we meet some time  in the future? Venus 2008?

This year I could have met Jaya and Veni with Georg.  Problem no.1 : I would have wanted to beat Georg's mouth.

Problem no2: Where should I wait to meet them. It is a huge area. And the fair lasted 4 days. Thanks,  my sympathy wasn't enough.

So Lady Tia, do you remember me? We talked for nearly one hour and I thanked you for the fantastic shows.


Please show me your whole paradise..

08.02.2008, 17:34

Re: Good morning, my mostly honoured Lady Tia, Queen of etv

Tia is the best Model on ETV. Tia Rules!!!!!!!!!!

08.02.2008, 09:43

Re: Good morning, my mostly honoured Lady Tia, Queen of etv

Yesterday Tia was also good behind the camera as well as before! She is fit in all things!

07.02.2008, 22:16

Re: Good morning, my mostly honoured Lady Tia, Queen of etv

Simply wonderful tonight, pity she's directing the show and has to go behind cameras.

16.11.2007, 21:10

Re: Good morning, my mostly honoured Lady Tia, Queen of etv

Tia and Gia are the best:)

soft is beautiful

hot is ugly.

06.11.2007, 19:28

Re: Good morning, my mostly honoured Lady Tia, Queen of etv

I think Tia's magic is in her magnetic (and melancholy veiled) eyes that make appear her as a Pierrot and in her shiny smile.

Yes, she has something magic, that's why I name her "fatina"

Tia at home...

06.11.2007, 18:31

Re: Good morning, my mostly honoured Lady Tia, Queen of etv

John, i agree with you. I have another favourite girl, but i would say Tia ist the queen of eurotic tv. Unfortunately she can`t show in this studio what she can! She must have a pole and a stage where she can show her acrobatic abilities.

06.11.2007, 17:51

Re: Good morning, my mostly honoured Lady Tia, Queen of etv

john i agree with you. Totally. I see that a lot of members here have good tastes for women. Yesterday i had a false impression

06.11.2007, 17:25

Re: Good morning, my mostly honoured Lady Tia, Queen of etv

Back in topic.....

Tia isn't one of my top favourite girls in ETV, but I think she's the number 1 ETV model as class and style.

06.11.2007, 16:54

Re: Good morning, my mostly honoured Lady Tia, Queen of etv


I couldn't humble myself by reading this "love letter" from 0942 twice.

The term "court jester" was meant as a joke not an offense of anybody but you're right the limits are fluent.

I'll be careful next time.;-)

06.11.2007, 16:39

Re: Good morning, my mostly honoured Lady Tia, Queen of etv

sorry sheriff

06.11.2007, 16:24

Re: Good morning, my mostly honoured Lady Tia, Queen of etv

@ clemenza. You really should read the topic header and first post before making such remarks.

I am not the Court Jester. I am the jail keeper.

@ erik. You do know a common definition of satire so to quote the sarge at Hill Street Blues "Be careful out there"

@ to everyone. The jail key is still in my hand -))

06.11.2007, 15:33

Re: Good morning, my mostly honoured Lady Tia, Queen of etv

the boardmod?

06.11.2007, 15:09

Re: Good morning, my mostly honoured Lady Tia, Queen of etv

In former times every King or Queen used to have a court jester.

His task was glorifying the monarch.

Guess who it is now...

06.11.2007, 15:02

Re: Good morning, my mostly honoured Lady Tia, Queen of etv

BoardMod is becomind bored mod again -))

Guys ! Stick to the topic. It concerns Tia and NOTHING else.

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