Eurotic tv tv guide.

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01.04.2009, 18:42

Re: schedule



01.04.2009, 18:35


sorry if this is a repeat, but ive seen a few times people have mentioned the schedule.. where is it possible to get this schedule as i have searched with no joy...

Any help would be greatful

10.03.2009, 22:51

Re: Visual Schedule

you forgot the coat hanger :-)

10.03.2009, 22:26

Visual Schedule

When I saw the fruit bowl this evening, Nakita came straight to mind and that gave me an idea. ETV should have some visual totems representing each girl to indicate who is currently on screen and who will appear in the next shift.

12.11.2008, 06:45

Re: Where is the Tv guide?

That's a good question, Villeneuve. It has been deleted by ETV without any reason some weeks ago.

12.11.2008, 02:04

Where is the Tv guide?

Eurotic tv site.Where is the tv guide.?

08.09.2008, 16:58

Re: Eurotic tv tv guide problem.

ok do you know what is the problem coz there are some viewers who don't heard about it...?

08.09.2008, 15:59

Re: Eurotic tv tv guide problem.

Good morning, Villeneuve. We've already discussed this problem.;-))

08.09.2008, 10:38

Eurotic tv tv guide problem.

Eurotic tv site Tv Guide problem.

07.09.2008, 22:48

Re: * moved * where is the tv guide of eurotv ?

does anyone knows if new models will arrive in our ETV from this Spring?

07.09.2008, 21:41

Re: * moved * where is the tv guide of eurotv ?

manger of ETVgooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo heal

07.09.2008, 18:26

Re: * moved * where is the tv guide of eurotv ?

my hypothesis: ETV may have to dismiss their webmaster

07.09.2008, 17:23

Re: * moved * where is the tv guide of eurotv ?


That's my conclusion. I can't imagine that ETV-responsibles are so unprofessional to delete these valuable information pages.

07.09.2008, 16:39

Re: * moved * where is the tv guide of eurotv ?

Why is it almost impossible to find out when a girl is on stage? If I wanted to know when a certain model was at work I've asked her or sent SMS but once upon a time ...

I've seen the hint  "Under construction" on websites for many weeks ...

07.09.2008, 16:12

Re: * moved * where is the tv guide of eurotv ?

To kill the schedule is one of the most stupid decisions of ETV. I think that many among us view ETV only because of one (or maybe 2-3 ;-) ) girls. OTOH, few of us have the time to check every hour if the girl(s) is on screen - most have another life too! In the days of the fixed show starts this was somewhat easier, but now almost impossible.

And I don't believe that a new display is 'under construction'. New pages get developed and tested 'in the background', and wenn considered ok, changed in an instant.
