Eurotic's website & webstream

2.8 (49 rating(s))

(2.8 / 5, 49 ratings)

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29.10.2017, 12:38

Re: Eurotic's website & webstream

matmat67 wrote:The future is dark, I regret it.I was a big fan of ETV, but it was before !!! Thumb down
There is no hope, it's dead. Thumb down
It would be easy to turn the tide, but it's too late,it's irreparable,incompetence and mediocrity are exacerbated. Thumb down

The solution for you : stop buying the shows and complaining .

28.10.2017, 14:33

Re: Eurotic's website & webstream

For very long months programming: what sadness !!! Thumb down
Shows without any interest, bland, empty, boring,incomprehensible work.I buy one show this week (Samantha) ,it was really stupid,1000% censored,1000%soft,1000%boring,where is interest??? Thumb down
Eroticism is gone,pleasure is gone, passion is gone,excitement is gone.There is nothing left. Thumb down
Remember the good times,with pleasure,passion,excitement.Only good memories left. Thumb down
The future is dark, I regret it.I was a big fan of ETV, but it was before !!! Thumb down
There is no hope, it's dead. Thumb down
It would be easy to turn the tide, but it's too late,it's irreparable,incompetence and mediocrity are exacerbated. Thumb down

27.10.2017, 01:50

Re: Eurotic's website & webstream

Mr.Meadow wrote:
john9090 wrote:I wonder how much is paid Alain by etv for all his bullshit messages on the lounge and the pictures he makes !

Writing bullshit messages is even in ETV country not illegal ... unfortunately

I don't think they realise that all the BS from the same few fake accounts just dissuades genuine viewers from bothering any more, and hence the point of the etv wall is questioned. I was once told by etv that its there to advertise and promote the shows, but with the posts being so clearly bs, fake and so many being so ridiculous, anyone looking at that wall, would more likely think the site was dodgy lol

25.10.2017, 19:30

Re: Eurotic's website & webstream

john9090 wrote:I wonder how much is paid Alain by etv for all his bullshit messages on the lounge and the pictures he makes !

Writing bullshit messages is even in ETV country not illegal ... unfortunately

25.10.2017, 10:00

Re: Eurotic's website & webstream

I wonder how much is paid Alain by etv for all his bullshit messages on the lounge and the pictures he makes !

24.10.2017, 22:59

Re: Eurotic's website & webstream

missed the first 10mins of Sams show, so at 35mins, it wasn't worth paying for just over two-thirds of a show lol

24.10.2017, 22:36

Re: Eurotic's website & webstream

john9090 wrote:
kennyboy2012 wrote:.......

I gave it a go. Sellena was great, but it was tame, regardless of who's choice or decision. Not worth the cost.

To be clear, Sellena was great, the big issue was, and is, how much they are charging for these shows. its a urine extraction situation Smile

Thank you man for the feedback . I personnaly prefer lesbian shows but glad you enjoyed the striptease show Smile

Of course Sellena is always great . She is my favourite . Let's hope for more hot lesbians shows with her .

Hell yeah, lesbian shows are GREAT especially with the younger girls Smile
, except when its 'you know who' who these days, just seems to be pray on girls. Shame because she used to be great, but now, kinda of maybe needs to direct the action more Smile

24.10.2017, 21:31

Re: Eurotic's website & webstream

kennyboy2012 wrote:.......

I gave it a go. Sellena was great, but it was tame, regardless of who's choice or decision. Not worth the cost.

To be clear, Sellena was great, the big issue was, and is, how much they are charging for these shows. its a urine extraction situation Smile

Thank you man for the feedback . I personnaly prefer lesbian shows but glad you enjoyed the striptease show Smile

Of course Sellena is always great . She is my favourite . Let's hope for more hot lesbians shows with her .

24.10.2017, 20:29

Re: Eurotic's website & webstream

nandi wrote:
Mr.Meadow wrote:... and prices on the rise.

Now 3 credits for presumably 45 pre-recorded minutes of a 1 girl show.

For this price, the girls and above all the people behind the camera should offer more than was shown in recent times. So let's wait for the first show!

OK, my own personal thoughts: Great quality video, it was well planned out with a good number of different striptease routines. Sellena looked great as always, the video and audio was spot on, lighting etc, all well done
it was tame, yes, it was nude, with a couple of quick flashes, but overwhelmingly it was a nude only show. Nothing wrong with that, in itself, but for the price, I was hoping for something stronger. a lot stronger !

I gave it a go. Sellena was great, but it was tame, regardless of who's choice or decision. Not worth the cost.

To be clear, Sellena was great, the big issue was, and is, how much they are charging for these shows. its a urine extraction situation Smile

23.10.2017, 16:55

Re: Eurotic's website & webstream

Mr.Meadow wrote:... and prices on the rise.

Now 3 credits for presumably 45 pre-recorded minutes of a 1 girl show.

For this price, the girls and above all the people behind the camera should offer more than was shown in recent times. So let's wait for the first show!

23.10.2017, 15:13

Re: Eurotic's website & webstream

... and prices on the rise.

Now 3 credits for presumably 45 pre-recorded minutes of a 1 girl show.

22.10.2017, 13:07

Re: Eurotic's website & webstream

john9090 wrote:New week only STRIPTEASE FEST ? Single models shows ??

Again a boring week to come Thumb down Thumb down

Surely it depends on the shows? OK, if striptease isn't interesting to you, then maybe, but I like it, so it will all depend on the shows, they may be good, or they may be shite, we'll get an idea after seeing Sellena. She's not shy, so it will give us a big clue as to whether etv are taming down or heating up.

22.10.2017, 12:43

Re: Eurotic's website & webstream

New week only STRIPTEASE FEST ? Single models shows ??

Again a boring week to come Thumb down Thumb down

19.10.2017, 18:06

Re: Eurotic's website & webstream

Danna is the latest on 17dead as regards the strip feast another cockup waiting to happen.

19.10.2017, 17:04

Re: Eurotic's website & webstream

kennyboy2012 wrote:
john9090 wrote:Again etv lied to us !!

Yesterday show was not live no live messages !!! and in the lobby they wrote ' live stage ' Thumb down

Not excusing them but I think they addressed this issue by saying that the shows are recorded live. So techniclally, they are shows, recorded, on the live stage.


seeing Sellena back is a Godsend, and for me, the striptease fest is most welcome.

Yes I agree with you !

Maybe I did not notice them saying that the shows are recorded live . Anyways the shows were great even not live , I am sick of messages of Guissepe and dominik_from_austria , they keep killing the live shows with boring messages Thumb down

I am also very happy to see Sellena back , she is so nice , I hope she will stay longer this time , because the last time , she did few shows and left ! Etv needs more models like her Thumb up
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