Eurotic's website & webstream

2.8 (49 rating(s))

(2.8 / 5, 49 ratings)

Author Posts

08.10.2016, 20:08

Re: Eurotic's website & webstream

Sometimes ago when ETV'S business booming prosperously I used to spend lot of credits
buying decent shows performed by real and pretty girls.
Now my credits are endless and lacking in movement because I buy less or not at all as
the old good times came to an end, considering things of the past.
It was real emotional and great group of pretty girls (Scarlet, Gia Kristina Karry etc) and we
had a lot of goodtime viewers and models together, we never thought it would end.
But now, all capable girls left and leaving, even though ETV has no intention to restore the
confidence of it's viewers.
Therefore, I believe that no matter how hard times may get, we always hold our anger and
I believe also, if ETV give 100 percent all of the time, somehow things will work out in the end.
Finally I read lot of sorrow and subdued sadness in this forum, so let me just make bit humorous
and clean joke and say keep calm it's weekend get drunk.Thumb up

08.10.2016, 19:29

Re: Eurotic's website & webstream

In fact, ETV will no longer change.
If you are happy with the current ETV, to help you further.
Who not, must draw the consequences of just.
There are enough alternatives.

08.10.2016, 18:55

Re: Eurotic's website & webstream

once upon a time.... a bunch of "stupid" guys that was complaining about the so called "new era", about internet project and all their crap...
A bunch of silly former customers that was complaining about the Mr. P's arrogance and his way to throw mud on these guys which have contributed to keep ETV alive for ten years, but no longer good enough for the "wind of Change" because they didn't want to pay for his shit.
Unfortunatly some of you agreed with Mr P. and this bunch of complainers it was also called "miserable minority" or "freeloaders".

Now that finally these guys are over, due to obvious reasons, the mr P's arrogance is all on you, people who some time ago was the "first class", the "gold members" now is at the same level of the useless TV viewers.
Customers may change, Mr P. can't!!

08.10.2016, 18:40

Re: Eurotic's website & webstream

Sorry, but do you understand that ETV is a deadman walking?!?
I'm shocked to see some posts, in which there is a list of what ETV should improve...
There is nothing to improve, because there is no future, and I know that this is a deja-vu because a lot of people said this thing in the past, but now is 100% clear, no TV/ no cameramen/ no moderators/ no models.
Whether you like it or not, this company is next to closure and they're trying to fool the last naives that give money to them, then END.

08.10.2016, 17:42

Re: Eurotic's website & webstream

good post Kenny.

About Zoe. They said it very clear on Wednesday, 21st Sep:

"ETV team: For now Zoe is no longer part of our team, but we don't know what will happen in the future."

Destiny is also out of the team, is pretty clear. Today Samantha cancelled, and taking in count her last show was pre-recorded i am tempted to think she is also out, and since several days.

Kenny,it´s really easy:

- stop doing static camera crap shows,
- stop with pre-recorded arty censored bollocks
- make more erotic shows with decent camera work. If you don´t have camera man for so many shows, then make less boring soft crap shows and concentrate in making less but better ones.
- stop the Tia and Jasmine lectures and her stupid behaviour.
- give the fans of talk shows and soft stuff their space, and give the right space also to those who wants hotter shows. Don´t make stupid combinations.
- stop leaving the new models under the terrible tentacles of the octopuss and predator Angelina, who is more frightening for the newbies than Jason Voorhees. Angelina will pass to the ETV legend as the expert one scaring and ruining every interesting new model. The last one: Calista.
- If i could, i would fire Tia right now, right now she is a cancer there. I would also fire Ely, of course, she and her absurd art is completely disconnected from the viewers. Angelina, of course, she would be out too. IF ETV wants a renew, it´s completely necessary.
- stop writing crap on the lounge, with false reviews, and stop intimidating those who don´t agree with ETV. IT could be a good moment for starting being honest with the viewers, and give better and more honest explanations, for example, why do you cancel a show. Today no explanations about Samantha, weeks to say something about Zoe, crazy, absurd and umbelievable to explain Calista cancelation. I guess it´s very difficult to admit your team is a bunch of useless people and someone so mediocre as Angelina is so powerful there.

they have returned to their old ways of too much crap on schedule. Do you remember when they said they would do much less shows to do better, more interesting, and more exciting ones? they are actually failing to this, making 3-4 shows daily,most of them infamous, exactly like the latest times of the exclusive shows era. I said it before, they know where that way leads.

08.10.2016, 17:32

Re: Eurotic's website & webstream

Enjoy now, "kennyboy" Is not etvshow not exactly what you wanted, is visible only to paying customers and on the Internet only enjoyable moments with

08.10.2016, 16:52

Re: Eurotic's website & webstream

shagshaggy wrote:I said that along time ago, with " best of moments of" shows ETV has being loosing customers over the years times have changed from 2 g to 4g and many cam sites where girls show their bodies. ETV are still producing same like shows as before(premiums) and many are gone or chopped.
I think they should put 2 wish for free shows a week and one show every other night 2 hours no more.

I like the idea of them bringing back wishes for free, they were very popular last time, until some stupidity at etv decided to tame them down, which resulted in the complaints starting which snowballs and ended the shows. The abuse that was sent in via messages was quite bad and a lot of it was inexcusable. Some of it was justified but still no excuse for the worst of the abuse, probably a case of bravery hiding behind a keyboard. BUT the problem was created by etv trying to tame things down, which is never going to work well. .

I was hopeful, along with others, that with web-only, it might improve, and after a shaky start, it showed positive signs, but in the past few weeks, it returned to being a waste of time and money, There's the new girls that look promising and started well, but have now been tamed down, the few girls that were already there, that were worth watching, have either shrunk in numbers or have been tamed down again. No sign of Destiny or Zoe. We still have to put up with dodgy video quality from one of the camera's that needs chucking out. On the plus side, Mikeila still makes the effort and will get round the taming down when she can, Yoko is quite good on occasions, but even Yoko's last show with Samantha was ruined by this fixation on offering shows with storylines and acting, and all that arty bollocks, when all we want are sexy erotic shows, with girls that are happy to be naked and display their charms. .
Roshana is borderline for me, she's good looking but tame and doesn't seem prepared to change, so her choice but not for me
Yoko, is good, and could be better if allowed but held back by etv bs
Nancy, I like and isn't too tame. .
Mikeila, is great, and for me, is one of the few that makes etv worth watching sometimes. She does actually make the effort and she's reliable and hot. .
the new girls, I like, so far, provided they don't get tamed down by the etv collective of censorship. .
Kiara, does nothing for me, and her squeaky voice drives me nuts, needs the mute button. .
Destiny and Zoe, missing in action, and no word of they will be back
Jasmine, seems to have turned to the dark side, and wants to present a chat show, Good luck with that, one for her fanbois. .
Tia, Oh dear, I cant watch shows with her, her attitude now sucks. .

and that's the main issue for etv, too few girls worth bothering with. The only solutions I can think of, are:
1) Stop with the censoring that's creeping back in. .
2) Try and get some of the old girls back. Not the wastes of space, try and get some of the hot girls back, Leslie, the twins Dacota and Kelly, Sandra, , Lauren, Selena, Flora, Izzy, Kia, Aleiss, and there's probably more that others would include, Why not try and get some of these girls back, for guest shows at least. .
3) Get rid of the directors that don't like showing pussy. its not just about pussy, but the ones that will change camera angles at the first sign of pink, and killing the shows and any interest. .
4) Get rid of the dodgy camera. it offers awful video quality sometimes, and is so frustrating. .
1) Stop the arty bollocks and concentrate on sexy shows. .
2) Try the free wishes show again, but with girls that will do the request and not give attitude (tia etc). .
3) Maybe a 3hr talk show with fixed 10mins stripshows included every 30 mins, so everyone knows what will be in the show and so cant whinge (unless the taming continues). .

and above all, stop with the smart arse comments on the wall. The customers (the genuine ones) that post to the wall, should be heard and be able to express their opinion, as paying customers, without getting an attitude back from etv, that's sometimes quite condescending or childish. ETV should be listening and taking on board feedback and not just sticking the collective heads in the sand or replying with sometimes quite insulting comments. It's a business, you have to take criticism sometimes, you don't always get it right, you can be wrong, deal with it, it’s what your paid for. Your not a charity doing us a favour, we pay for a product, and if you don't want to hear or accept that your product is not good enough sometimes, then shut up shop, you shouldn't be in business. .

etv is on the slippery slope again, how long do they have to turn it around, again! or will they even try? who knows, but its not looking good at the moment.


I'm posting this to the etv wall as well, lets see of they are listening or still collectively heads in the sand,

08.10.2016, 11:34

Re: Eurotic's website & webstream

I said that along time ago, with " best of moments of" shows ETV has being loosing customers over the years times have changed from 2 g to 4g and many cam sites where girls show their bodies. ETV are still producing same like shows as before(premiums) and many are gone or chopped.
I think they should put 2 wish for free shows a week and one show every other night 2 hours no more.

08.10.2016, 08:00

Re: Eurotic's website & webstream

@ Wilsonsand

The points you are making are correct, no doubt, but why bother ?

If they want to drive what remains of ETV into the ground I personally really do not mind or care. I wouldn't lose anything and it wouldn't make my life less rich. To the contrary, once ETV shuts down I wouldn't waste my time anymore with checking their schedule / website and also with reading this forum, as to see whether there is any frequently repetitive news or comments. I.e. without ETV there is even a gain.


08.10.2016, 03:16

Re: Eurotic's website & webstream

Mr.Meadow wrote:As long as people keep paying it does not really matter what kind of shows ETV is producing. Why should they bother ?
Yes, why they should bother, right? it looks a very good strategy to keep the tension high, yes. And people keep paying, yes, but what if they keep paying less or is less people?

If this strategy is so brillant and it works so good....

why they have now so few models and they can´t pay a more varied and brilliant casting?
why they had to close the tv?
why they had to fire directors, camera man, moderators, account manager, makeup woman, directors, hairdressers..?
why they have to renounce to a big part of the studio?
why they can´t make the website working properly?

Could it be reasonable to think, from my humble point of view, and even remotely...that they receive too much LESS income than before? that they have much LESS viewers paying?
Looks reasonable to think ETV is significantly smaller than some months ago and hugely smaller than 4-5 years ago?
If they are everyday smaller, is it reasonable to think they can shrink even more till the complete extinction?
and if they are everyday smaller and they can´t grow and decrease more and more.... could it be reasonable to think they are following terrible and counter-productive strategies?
can we agree if they can´t grow getting new viewers and they go losing step by step the existing ones there is no other consequence than extinction?

After closing the Tv, the web shows should be much better than before, with all efforts only concentrated on it. This is the result today: Joy in front of a static camera during 90 minutes, doing nothing but talking for 1 hour, with one or two callings and only 2 messages. Wow, what a strategy so succesful. The last week, the same model, and talking only about sms, got 9 sms more than today making a shorter show. Yes, every sms sent is money, but less sms sent is less money. Maybe they should bother, unless they care a damn if the bussiness finally comes to it´s end, or even if they are looking for it, what it´s probable taking in count the insistence in so bad decisions and the taking of this strategies which can´t get any other results than destruction.

07.10.2016, 12:51

Re: Eurotic's website & webstream

As long as people keep paying it does not really matter what kind of shows ETV is producing. Why should they bother ? And about the sms. Every sms sent is money. Did you ever consider that this can be kind of marketing strategy ? Doing softer shows, just to provoke sms of the guys who want harder shows ? IMHO this is a well laid trap, people are always and again stupid enough to be caught in. Or is it really the addiction, as mentioned by Scottishbloke, making people weak and unresistant, digging out the coins out of their pockets again and again ?

Isadora seems to be the best example. I personally believe she is one of the highest rated in terms of money return, without doing anything. Not even giving a lengthy view at her not very impressive boobs. But people keep paying in kind of competition as to see who will be the one (the hero) to melt her. People are even financing entire reserved exclusives, at costs we can only speculate about, in the vague hope this will make her show more. Admittedly a smart strategy of hers and ETV.

Also once they go the harder way, it will be interesting only for a very limited time. Very soon people will be fed up with the few girls left, 'Have seen it all more then once, now it's boring, bring something new'. The present strategy of ETV keeps the tension high. It is like a kindergarden, with the kids crying for cookies, but are being told there won't be any prior lunch. Only once in a while, once the tension, respectively interest, gets lower, one very sweet cookie is given to the kids, making them believe that next time it will be likewise. But no, then they have to wait again until lunch is over, keeping them begging for the next rare cookie.

.... And this is how the cookie crumbles .... (Bruce Nolan)

07.10.2016, 06:16

Re: Eurotic's website & webstream

Unfortunately it seems the arty faction is winning. There was not only a single show this week decent enough. All bad, tamed, soft, boring mostly static and below the level of the last weeks.Tia must be feeling really happy, now she can continue making her shit like wednesday, reading stories in her show. They have very few models, some not interesting at all, and some are already dead body models. Tia is the one who smell the worst. Yesterday the exclusives came back, with all that bad ETV publicly said about them (remember when they called it "garbage"?), but this time in a pre-recorded show form, so even worst. Absurd, soft, stupid and many times boring despite the quality and beauty of the 2 models. All ruined again. The genious director and the arty faction must feel really happy. ETV is removing the part of the interaction with viewers from the shows, it´s pretty clear the battle against "pussyfication" of the shows already started, they are in the "art exclusification" time now. They know what they did bad in the past and what it is what doesn´t work, but they prefer returning back to the arty abysm than receiving a lot of sms from that "vocal minority", that " smaller percentage of our viewers" who only send "stupid and boring" pussy wishes. Let´s go with the art, ETV, let´s go, and le´ts see how big is the abyss.

07.10.2016, 02:08

Re: Eurotic's website & webstream

brokingbull wrote:Yoko & Samantha 6-10-16
A total crap with a Samantha undressing only in the last 5 minutes.Thumb downThumb downThumb downAngryAngryAngry
Maybe there was a vacuum in the director's brain...
(replaced with a bunch of shit)

the sad thing is that they are both not shy..

but its "ART"

07.10.2016, 01:03

Re: Eurotic's website & webstream

Yoko & Samantha 6-10-16
A total crap with a Samantha undressing only in the last 5 minutes.Thumb downThumb downThumb downAngryAngryAngry
Maybe there was a vacuum in the director's brain...
(replaced with a bunch of shit)

06.10.2016, 19:06

Re: Eurotic's website & webstream

kazimir wrote:
shagshaggy wrote:No one says anything about Isaboring r even Mikeila .
I watched Angelina show with Roshi having granny pants, sick show

Hi Shagshaggy,
From your question about Isaboring I conclude that she is not your favorite model. She did the full show just by herself without Danna, I don't know why.
For Isadora fans she did an erotic show fully naked under a transparant gown. At the end some oops. Ooh this girl is so sexy, I cannot wait to see her next show.
But for you, do not spent crdits as you expect more than she delivers. Have fun.

Hi Shagshaggy, before you ask the question. No reason to spent credits on today's Isadora's reserved experience. Have fun with other shows.