Eurotic's website & webstream

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24.07.2014, 21:27

Re: Eurotic's website & webstream

brokingbull wrote:
Slowfox wrote:
cirano wrote:a lot.

too much to read, sorry

He met the art directors of MET (NY), Louvre and ETV in the National Gallery of Paris (no, not the video gallery of Sofia!) and they talked about the next exhibition of modern arts, artistic and bohemian sms and smms in the modern Mall of Molvania.
Or something like that....Big Grin

Thanks for the summary. Much appreciated. No personal offense included ? That would rather surprise me.

24.07.2014, 21:25

Re: Eurotic's website & webstream

Slowfox wrote:
cirano wrote:a lot.

too much to read, sorry

He met the art directors of MET (NY), Louvre and ETV in the National Gallery of Paris (no, not the video gallery of Sofia!) and they talked about the next exhibition of modern arts, artistic and bohemian sms and smms in the modern Mall of Molvania.
Or something like that....Big Grin

24.07.2014, 20:43

Re: Eurotic's website & webstream


I think they know perfectly how to make good shows, and seems that today they showed it.
The issue is that they don't wanna do so... Big Grin

The nightshows are always made by the same models, in the same format, with the same slow rhythm, with the usual heavy and absurd censorship. They are so boring, just a perfect remedy for insomnia.
No comments about dayshows, pure crap.

The same as web. The only difference is that on the web you pay to see the shows.
No difference about the rest: the same heavy and absurd censorship, same boring shows.

For this reason, I fear this Katelin & Jasmine shower show, probably, it was just a bait for new fish...

24.07.2014, 20:29

Re: Eurotic's website & webstream

cirano wrote:a lot.

too much to read, sorry

24.07.2014, 20:22

Re: Eurotic's website & webstream

Slowfox wrote:‘Jean Désiré Gustave Courbet (French: [ɡystav kuʁbɛ]; 10 June 1819 – 31 December 1877) was a French painter who led the Realist movement in 19th-century French painting. The Realist movement bridged the Romantic movement (characterized by the paintings of Théodore Géricault and Eugène Delacroix) with the Barbizon School and the Impressionists. Courbet occupies an important place in 19th century French painting as an innovator and as an artist willing to make bold social statements through his work.’ ([hidden link - please register]

Not a single time any relation to the bohemianism is mentioned here. 

Oh my various gods...
I could never imagine being involved in cultural debate with Slowfox! Big GrinBig GrinBig Grin

Well, time ago, I went to Paris and took the chance to see an art exhibition that was at the National Galleries, into the Grand Palais. The exhibition was titled "bohèmes" - to avoid misunderstandings, "bohemes" is the franch word for bohemians.
As you can see below, the name of Courbet was even in the front page of the official program...

[hidden image - please register]

Of course, Slowfox, feel free to extend your thoughts to Mr. Sylvain Amic, he was the exhibition's Chief Curator.
I'm sure he will be very interested in your remarks.


This is a part of the report by Richard Dorment, he is the Daily Telegraph’s chief art critic.

[...] The most obvious manifestation of the new bohemians was appearance. Géricault and Delacroix grew their hair, wore open collars and wrapped themselves in long black capes. Hollow eyes, high cheekbones and a melancholy disposition were taken as signs of artistic sensibility. Even poverty became chic, as young artists painted pictures of themselves in their bare studios without possessions.

The identification of the artist with the gipsy was complete by 1854 when the realist painter Gustave Courbet depicted himself as wandering vagabond encountering his patron on the open road. In Bonjour Monsieur Courbet he is roughly dressed and possesses nothing, and yet the rich man with his servant doff their hats in deference to his genius. By flaunting his poverty and wearing his outsider status as a badge of honour, the bohemian turned the tables on the bourgeoisie.

But of course this worked only if the artist in question was a Courbet or a Van Gogh. Bohemia was at once a place of myth and a state of mind. A young artist could spend time there, but he had better not stay too long. [...]

Here you can find the full report by Dorment:
[hidden link - please register]

Vegetarianism, hippie, naturism, these are some of lifestyle.
Bohemian is just a vague term used to refer to people who live some sort of "alternative", often artistic lifestyle.

Impressionism, expressionism, realism, dadaism, abstract art are all artistic movements.
Each artistic movement is defined by the content of the art that expresses, not by the dresses or the alcoholic content.

Some surrealists were bohemian, others do not. The same to the impressionists, and so on.
Art movements and lifestyles play different leagues.

Slowfox wrote:Seems to me, there is a misunderstanding between Realism and Bohemianism.

You are right, there is a misunderstanding...
...probably in your head.

24.07.2014, 19:39

Re: Eurotic's website & webstream

well, i´ve watched the reserved show with Katelin and Jasmine and i must say it was really good. I liked a lot, so my congratulations to the models and the ones who made it possible. I want to say some words about it:

1. it´s is the first time i see a reserved show which the girls are there without the caller: all the time it was a shower show and the girls didn´t have headphones on, so, it was the first time a reserved show was a "show" in show terms.

2. After this, it seems now it´s possible to reserve "shows". Is this a new category of shows after the fta, dels, dps? Well, i can assure to you this show was much better than most of the dps ETV is making everyday. (reserved shows available for free in video section, i hope also this show soon) So simple: a shower, some white shirts and 2 beautiful models. No scripts and no stupid experiments with chroma or colored lights and darkness.

3. It sounds too hard that it was needed someone had to ask for it spending at least 25 credits (1 hour=50 credits) to convince them to produce something so basic and so simple than a shower show from this two super sexy and beautiful models. (it was asked many times from many people before) . I remember (if someone is lost right now) that we are talking about a erotic channel. It´s prooved they were ready for this (we knew it before), so, why not premium showers shows with them? why they are so blind to see this is a very good show to make? why not them and Cassie? how could they waste models like Tina, Allegra, Lina.. without offering shower shows, which has been proof many times (do you remember Melinda?) is an ideal show for models who are not still confortable with more nudity demanding shows?

Some days ago i wrote to ETV asking for shower shows, because it´s summer everywhere in Europe but ETV, there are no hints of summer there. Maybe it is too much asking. Their reply was they are "considering the kind of show you are talking about", but they are not ready for any "promises yet". I hope they don´t last too long considering...summer is not so long.

24.07.2014, 14:28

Re: Eurotic's website & webstream

Slowfox wrote:Well, to me Bohemianism, in the sense of ETV, is something to be more crazy, unexpected, an easy life thing, rather then any decent p***y shots. But then I do not watch the shows as a) none of the girls is on my list, b) from the girls on the cast list (Angelina and her usual side kicks) it can only be a failure. So I can neither judge nor comment any of the shows, and I gladly save my credits for better things which are more of my taste and/or interest. Be it Bohemian or not, but preferable not.


As far as ETV is concerned, Bohemianism, to me, is a substitute for real content in a show, for any real planning, any beginning, middle or end, and anything that could include a real sense of erotic euphoria which we know, and have seen, many of the best girls at ETV acheive with consumate ease in the past by themselves.
To title the show 'Bohemian' means that there can be no real excuses or complaints from the paying viewer because it is all 'emotionally charged' and 'spontaneous'. Basically a 'cop out' for when the show doesn't meet the expectations of the viewer. A way for the protagonists to wash their hands of any responsibility for a 'failed' show.
It is, of course, also the preserve of Angelina and her chums. Gone are the days when a girl like Mashi, Roshana, Alice etc. could create a wonderful show for themselves with help from Elly and a few others. The very lack of structure and Angelina's predatory instincts are enough to scare off the other girls who would happily take part in a full Premium that they could control, with their own ideas and boundaries and the ability to control their own free will at the time without fear of being physically, emotionally or personally exposed in my opinion.
This leads to the current lack of girls willing, or allowed, to do full Premium shows, I believe. There is no development of a girl's skills at all these days, unless, it appears, these are skills they already came with, which generally goes against the 'girl-next-door' ethos of ETV. It's one true, unique feature in this industry. The new girls either toil away in the DPS or not at all or fully commit to entering the 'Premium' gang where shows are predictable, over crowded, Night Show clones with no real distinction.
I have no interest at all in these shows. You can watch very similar for free every night just by watching a Night Show. Thankfully, and predictably, none of my favourite girls are/were involved, so they can slip by unnoticed for me.
The main annoyance now being that, in the past, I would have had a wonderful solo or duo show to look forward to during the week with the likes of Karry, Mashi, Alice, Jade, Ava, Roshana, Tara etc. All girls who developed into the wonderful models they are through regular, interesting, inventive full Premiums that gave them scope to discover who they were at ETV and what they could comfortably, and sometimes challengingly, do in them. They were involved in creating shows that truly defined what Premiums are for instead of what they have become now. Basically, a little extra holiday money for a chosen few.


24.07.2014, 13:51

Re: Eurotic's website & webstream

Etv's inspiration found here:-[hidden link - please register]

24.07.2014, 13:41

Re: Eurotic's website & webstream

Reading all of below comments I get the impression that nobody really knows what Bohemian, or bohemian lifestyle, means.

People seem to believe that Bohemian is equal to uncensored nudity and careless camera work. Well, it is not, as can be read e.g. at Wikipedia

(Please don’t get me wrong, am the last to teach anybody, so take it as info for your perusal.)

‘Bohemianism is the practice of an unconventional lifestyle, often in the company of like-minded people, with few permanent ties, involving musical, artistic, or literary pursuits. In this context, Bohemians may be wanderers, adventurers, or vagabonds.’ ([hidden link - please register]

‘Jean Désiré Gustave Courbet (French: [ɡystav kuʁbɛ]; 10 June 1819 – 31 December 1877) was a French painter who led the Realist movement in 19th-century French painting. The Realist movement bridged the Romantic movement (characterized by the paintings of Théodore Géricault and Eugène Delacroix) with the Barbizon School and the Impressionists. Courbet occupies an important place in 19th century French painting as an innovator and as an artist willing to make bold social statements through his work.’ ([hidden link - please register]

Not a single time any relation to the bohemianism is mentioned here.  Seems to me, there is a misunderstanding between Realism and Bohemianism.

Even mentions the painting ‘The Origin of the World’ as associated to Realism rather then Bohemianism.

Well, to me Bohemianism, in the sense of ETV, is something to be more crazy, unexpected, an easy life thing, rather then any decent p***y shots. But then I do not watch the shows as a) none of the girls is on my list, b) from the girls on the cast list (Angelina and her usual side kicks) it can only be a failure. So I can neither judge nor comment any of the shows, and I gladly save my credits for better things which are more of my taste and/or interest. Be it Bohemian or not, but preferable not.


24.07.2014, 09:03

Re: Eurotic's website & webstream

according to Etv Big Grin.

[hidden image - please register]

"The Origin of the World" has been painted by French artist Gustave Courbet in 1866.
Courbet, born in 1819, was one of the first true bohemian artists.

[hidden image - please register]

These people from the country of yoghurt, who don't miss a chance to flaunt the flag of art, are false bohemians.
They fill the shows of censorship in any way, calling it art. They are not artists, just charlatans.

23.07.2014, 23:05

Re: Eurotic's website & webstream

Eurotic seems to suffer from phobia pussy,at least in recent times,or if there's a camera crew so horny that the camera does not want to stay in the hand?

23.07.2014, 18:50

Re: Eurotic's website & webstream

Vector wrote:
As soon as there is something to see, swings the Kammera away. Or it is switched super fast to another camera. Once they have been slow to react and Selena was seen 2 seconds with wide open legs.

Vector my friend, you are great and always wise-man, regarding the swift changing of those behind the camera and their
censorship are rubbish, not only, but they deserve an unfair trial to put them under the gallows.
What is more, when they show us wobbling boobs or swinging loosely shoes they spent lot of time, instead, when there
is the perfect body shape naked of Roshana they carelessly spent seconds.
What a shameful bastards job is going on in that studio, and what a disgraceful show bear our eyes.Thumb downAngry

23.07.2014, 18:11

Re: Eurotic's website & webstream

slava64 wrote:ETV today returned back poor quality FTA stream, on what time is unknown. AngryThumb down

Sad...but for now I think I´ll prefer lower res/lower bitrate rather than a high res. white spinning circle Tongue

Hope they will solve the issues and be back streaming a flawless HQ-stream...

23.07.2014, 17:51

Re: Eurotic's website & webstream

ETV today returned back poor quality FTA stream, on what time is unknown. AngryThumb down
Now it so:

[hidden link - please register]

Video: MPEG4 Video (H264) 720x404 20fps 1024kbps

23.07.2014, 15:58

Re: Eurotic's website & webstream

vector wrote:As soon as there is something to see, swings the Kammera away. Or it is switched super fast to another camera. Once they have been slow to react and Selena was seen 2 seconds with wide open legs.

In fact, my question is why they kiss each other for example on the stomach or legs if the camera switch on the hair, on the hand or the feet? i think it's better not to do this censored scenes and the show remain cute but at least without cut
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