Eurotic's website & webstream

2.8 (49 rating(s))

(2.8 / 5, 49 ratings)

Author Posts

16.07.2013, 19:00

Re: Eurotic's website & webstream

Wilsonsand wrote:[hidden link - please register]

I wouldnt call it "different", it´s a usual "show" from them...Thumb downThumb downThumb downThumb downThumb down

maybe it's a wish !! Big Grin Big Grin

16.07.2013, 18:31

Re: Eurotic's website & webstream

Excuse me, but someone was really really expecting something.... "different"??!??Big GrinBig GrinBig Grin

16.07.2013, 18:28

Re: Eurotic's website & webstream

[hidden link - please register]

I wouldnt call it "different", it´s a usual "show" from them...Thumb downThumb downThumb downThumb downThumb down

16.07.2013, 18:27

Re: Eurotic's website & webstream

A different daily show is: A red curtain that does not work apparently, a white circle, that rotates for hours and a managment, which all ideas are run dry Confused

16.07.2013, 16:40

Re: Eurotic's website & webstream

Is anyone else getting the hypnotic spinning white circle again? hasn't happened to me for a while Angry

16.07.2013, 01:28

Re: Eurotic's website & webstream

pffff too long, I applaud the 16 people who took the trouble to read it

Please you of not doing useless efforts: there are no pictures inside the post, but only words.

It is often said that writing can be therapeutic for the troubled mind ...

Unfortunately, writing over 2,000 posts does not seem to have helped your mental health.
Big Grin

15.07.2013, 20:50

Re: Eurotic's website & webstream

ironboy wrote:It's amazing, a girl after such a long period of activity explains how to use the website. Big GrinBig GrinBig Grin

Oops! I was wrong, it was the advertising campaign to sell access to new movies in the video section.

15.07.2013, 19:36

Re: Eurotic's website & webstream

It's amazing, a girl after such a long period of activity explains how to use the website. Big GrinBig GrinBig Grin

15.07.2013, 19:29

Re: Eurotic's website & webstream

apparantly out of ideas or out of models, but still not much of a schedule for the webshows this week Confused

15.07.2013, 18:45

Re: Eurotic's website & webstream

Once upon a time etv show.........SmileThumb up

15.07.2013, 17:54

Re: Eurotic's website & webstream

Chris26 wrote:
Mr_Niceguy wrote:pffff too long, I applaud the 16 people who took the trouble to read it Thumb up Big Grin

Reading can be useful and/or funny, you should try it sometimes. Big Grin

It is often said that writing can be therapeutic for the troubled mind ...

15.07.2013, 17:33

Re: Eurotic's website & webstream

Mr_Niceguy wrote:pffff too long, I applaud the 16 people who took the trouble to read it Thumb up Big Grin

Reading can be useful and/or funny, you should try it sometimes. Big Grin

15.07.2013, 17:23

Re: Eurotic's website & webstream

pffff too long, I applaud the 16 people who took the trouble to read it Thumb up Big Grin

15.07.2013, 14:05

Re: Eurotic's website & webstream


Once upon a time in the homeland of yogurt there were the Els.

A free web show with only one model under a baldachin full of pillows and with red curtains, in front of a cam, on a fixed tripod, shooting static.
No cameramen, no director, only one tv technician in the control room. That's Els. A real basic show: a cam show.
Sometimes, however, there were great performances in the Els: everything depended on the feeling between the model and the viewers.
I saw some very good Els: for sure Nancy, Mashiara, Aida and others too.
On an hand the really poor set, on the other the advantage that neither cameraman nor director could do damage...
it seems small, this point, but it is not:many times Els were much better than Premiums.

Well, a few months ago, our molvanian friends decided to develop the Els. Implementation was the key word.
The "Molvanian Brainstorming" found a solution in a new els format: the "Els.1".
No longer only one model under the baldachin, in front of a single static camera, but a new and larger set with two or three models, two cams, two cameramen and also the director. All of this in order to better animating the afternoon web shows, making it possible a higher economic returns to Etv.
The day after, in fact, the Els appeared in the video gallery: those who had no the chance to watch it live, they could do it, the day after, for a few credits. So, it happened the same thing as it happens when you have a good free software on your pc and you could change it to a new payable version with unnecessary additional functionality: no way.
Anyone would understand that Els.1 would become very expensive (too many people to pay: models, cameramen and director) and not enough profitable: not many more callers there and only a few costumers would pay the day after to see the same stuff that was free the day before.
Anyone would understand it, except the ETV heads. In fact. Less than a week, the Els.1 failed. A typical molvanian success.

The defeat on the field does not seem to have left aftermath: all the Generals were still in place.
And so, shortly after, taking advantage of the premiums changes, the same incapable Etv Generals put again their hand on Els. Another time.
Usually, when you have a few and confused ideas, the first thing that is to do is "painting over". Translated: changing the name.
You are laughing free. They changed it. From Els to Dels.
More. Not knowing what to do to improve the new Dels , in a very "brilliant" move, they have delivered the full weight of the Dels management (artistic and technical) to a person who has never done it before: Angelina.

The result is there for all to see.

When I heard that Angelina takes webshow, I thought that if anyone but she will be able to enliven presentations. But now after a few days, I have to say that I am disappointed.

...if she (Angelina) is the responsible of this kind of experiment they call "daily exclusive live shows" is even more than disappointing.
Not only for the extrememely low erotic quality of the "shows", but for the horrible camera work, most of the times ridiculously far from the models,
lighting deficiencies, the stupid messages like "soon there will a model in exclusive again",
when there are no way to know when it will be or "a new piece of hot show" when all you will find is soft girls doing the same -nothing- than they do in the tv or softer versions of hot models.

For such shows Brona and Karry should realy apologize to the viewers. Why the direction does not intervene here?

It's a circle that will never be broken, as ETV clearly wants viewers to act first (so that they may reap money without having to care about shows or no-shows), whereas viewers are already being teased by hotter models, and therefore are certainly not going to make the first step.
So, everybody loses: ETV gets little to no income from two of the arguably most profitable models, and there'll always be a poor fellow who will waste his money for a request that will never get fulfilled.

A service which leaves so large a number of its customers unsatisfied has to drive them into revolt, make an attempt or effort to do something in order to regain our old good days shows.

Bad Lighting.
Bad direction.
Bad camera work (some shots seem from several parsecs far away).
Lazy models.
No fullfilled requests.
No scheduling.
Boring shows.
These are clear and detailed opinions from ETV costumers.
Any serious company in the world holds in highest regard the feedbacks from their customers.
Etv will? Until now it has not happened.
A business such as ETV, based on the interactivity between the viewers and the models, it can not work long on the dissatisfaction of its customers.
If the molvanian Generals don't understand this simple point, their defeat is inevitable.

See you soon, with another amazing episode in the saga of our molvanian heroes.

* (credits: Stephen Frears)

15.07.2013, 10:13

Re: Eurotic's website & webstream

ironboy wrote:You have to understand that there are people that this formula the like, and even read some of the text messages are delighted with this program, and are willing to pay for it. Most of these people (I guess) does not read this forum, and it is not possible to give up watching ETV.
Simply put, they like it and they will pay for it, and as long as it will be of any changes can only dream of.
Regards Ironboy.

Big Grin.......a handful of pensioners with money to burn and hunger for young flesh, whatever it is ......Tongue
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