Eurotic's website & webstream

2.8 (49 rating(s))

(2.8 / 5, 49 ratings)

Amateur models online
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18.04.2013, 17:55

Re: Eurotic's website & webstream

They receive a critic about the bohemian show, the bad camera work, and that´s their answer:

"There is no such situation in which models want to, but we do not show them. /Bad camera work/ What is shown is what models want and nothing else is acceptable for them. They believe that we are not showing anything vulgar or explicit, and therefore they behave freely. Nobody wants to do porn and show genitals and vulgar things. Who thinks that the models want it - is completely misguided. It's ridiculous to think that the models want to show their bodies in that way, but the team forbids them this. Even if for a moment to think about it - anyone will realize that this is the logical, not some wishful illusion. Which normal girl wants to show a close-up to her delicate body parts. We work with normal girls, not porn actresses. This is our strength. Who wants something else can watch silicone American professionals on the Internet – not us. "

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the poor guy who wrote his message didn´t talk about genitals, porn, and anything like that. And finally, about the last and scornful sentence, maybe they forget the silicon is not something "american", there are some silicone on molvanian studios too, indeed, there was in the bohemian premium. Ah! and ask Jeit,what she thinks about pussy doggy style shots, please! or TImi (who said "i am not allowed to show you more closer,sorry" while she showed her pussy in ELS). I deeply think that avoiding this escapes from the censorship are the main reason for the introduction of the director in ELS and don´t let the models control (opposite as they announced) the cameras.

18.04.2013, 17:31

Re: Eurotic's website & webstream

[quote='Mr_Niceguy']Also a vid message from Karry on the wall. for all those interested.

Is the obliged exercise of self-criticism in the Soviet mode?Big Grin
or they hoped a self-flagellation.Cry

18.04.2013, 16:53

Re: Eurotic's website & webstream

Mr_Niceguy wrote:On another note, is this tread about the wall or about webshows from ETV ?

the wall is part of the etv website.
thus is this thread about the website including the wall and the webshows.

maybe Karry only topics could be better discussed in the Karry D&C instead of this thread.

18.04.2013, 15:39

Re: Eurotic's website & webstream

Also a vid message from Karry on the wall. for all those interested.

On another note, is this tread about the wall or about webshows from ETV ?

18.04.2013, 15:38

Re: Eurotic's website & webstream

bellerophon wrote:To keep you up to date - I wrote to the Wall last night, pointing out that there is indeed at least one camera operator in ELS2 - (since one camera picked up the other being wheeled in for a closer view!) and that the girls were not using the zoom and camera change button themselves. I asked if there was a reason for the change to their original posted intention not to use camera operators.

They have not published it of course, though how on earth that can be considered negative or abusive or irrelevant, compared to the previous subject for correspondence, their God only knows.

To their list of reasons for not publishing, perhaps they should have added "embarrassingly inconvenient".

I would ask others to write in the same question to the Wall and see if they have better luck......

They have now Smile

18.04.2013, 14:53

Re: Eurotic's website & webstream

The usual humor - lyng session from the wall:

"We can't make the models kiss each other if they don't feel like doing it. We do not forbid it, as long as it is done in a beautiful way." yes, we all know you don´t forbid anything, all depends on the models.. bla bla bla
"The models are just normal girls - not porn actresses" really? we didn´t notice, but kissing a girl don´t become a girl in a porn actress Big Grin

and the Karry issue:

"Karry did show up, we talked and she is ready to work. The viewers want to talk to her- we got three reserved call hours right away. What should we do? Fire her? What do you think we should do? What would you do if you were us? For now, we will try not to have night shows with her, until we find the right form of work with her: performing and development. Each one of us should have a chance for a working field where you could feel free to express yourself and your wishes."
IT seems ETv doesn´t read, or lie again, what they should do is not allowing that behaviour from them, it´s very simple. Talk with her, explain her the customers deserve respect, even when you have a bad day or you are in bad mood. Explain to her the business need the customers to be alive, and a little change from her would be enough for changing things for better.That´s all. But stop fooling the customers. This explanation is a pure joke after so many messages on the wall.

"what do you think we should do? they want several suggestions on the wall?

18.04.2013, 09:06

Re: Eurotic's website & webstream

"if you want us completely naked you must call us" ... and paying too much.

I think they're a little too over-estimating the real "value" of their models.


18.04.2013, 04:51

Re: Eurotic's website & webstream

Tarl_Cabot wrote:
yusef89 wrote:... it makes much more sense to watch some football or read a bookSmile.

well, reading a book is (nearly) always wiser than watching soccer or etv. Smile

That is making a fairly big assumption ... Tongue

18.04.2013, 00:35

Re: Eurotic's website & webstream

Tarl_Cabot wrote:
yusef89 wrote:... it makes much more sense to watch some football or read a bookSmile.

well, reading a book is (nearly) always wiser than watching soccer or etv. Smile

and it extends the education (the reading of a book, but depends on the kind of book)

Big Grin

17.04.2013, 23:02

Re: Eurotic's website & webstream

"Change everything, so that nothing changes"
Il Gattopardo (The Leopard)
Giuseppe Tomasi di Lampedusa

17.04.2013, 22:46

Re: Eurotic's website & webstream

we all know reserved are no shows.
@Slowfox, I think the watching of the entire show can only be bearable for the people of nº1 group of your classification. I don´t usually watch any reserved, but today i was a little bit curious about Karry´s words, after being treated in a wrong way from their bosses. Some minutes were enought for me: nothing has changed.

17.04.2013, 22:27

Re: Eurotic's website & webstream

yusef89 wrote:... it makes much more sense to watch some football or read a bookSmile.

well, reading a book is (nearly) always wiser than watching soccer or etv. Smile

17.04.2013, 22:09

Re: Eurotic's website & webstream

Wilsonsand wrote:Rose, about some pussy shows (some of them can be perfectly fulfilled as basic instinct show) request messages:

"this is not a porn channel guys, it´s very different"
"if you want us completely naked you must call us"

what Aida or Mashi did is porn, Rose and dear Eli?

and after that she open her legs and we can show her pussy reflected in the metal table from the distance...
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Maybe she forgot her balaclava hood at home.
Big Grin

17.04.2013, 22:01

Re: Eurotic's website & webstream

yusef89 wrote:
Wilsonsand wrote:she has said it:
"sorry i cannot change", "and i really like the way i am" while she received a lot of compliments and the usual self-compliments too.

Before i watch that sort of show it makes much more sense to watch some football or read a bookSmile.Sorry but she is for neutrals unwatchable(maybe in some shows in excl and before she made friends like luddi/Patrick)

you certainly have a valid point there

but as you realize yourself there are still people who want to watch such a show, however, devided into two categories:

1) the fans, i.e. the so called white knights or ludi puddi fraction (sorry, Ludger), in support of the girl
2) those who need to watch the entire show to have food for their comments, even if they do not like the show

17.04.2013, 21:43

Re: Eurotic's website & webstream

Wilsonsand wrote:she has said it:
"sorry i cannot change", "and i really like the way i am" while she received a lot of compliments and the usual self-compliments too.

Before i watch that sort of show it makes much more sense to watch some football or read a bookSmile.Sorry but she is for neutrals unwatchable(maybe in some shows in excl and before she made friends like luddi/Patrick)