Eurotic's website & webstream

2.8 (49 rating(s))

(2.8 / 5, 49 ratings)

Author Posts

12.02.2013, 19:03

Re: Eurotic's website & webstream

wolf1 wrote:Viagra yes that you need on ETV-Shows without nothing happens down there. Big Grin

respect, sir Thumb up

not everybody is coming out and admits voluntarily that nothing happens down there without chemical or any other support

12.02.2013, 18:05

Re: Eurotic's website & webstream

Viagra yes that you need on ETV-Shows without nothing happens down there. Big Grin

12.02.2013, 17:51

Re: Eurotic's website & webstream

Angelika wrote:2 1/2 hours.

I've got enough kleenex and viagra in the house.

Let the games begin.

And viagra will be needed for what you to consider it a sexy show Big Grin good advert for it Tongue

12.02.2013, 17:37

Re: Eurotic's website & webstream

2 1/2 hours.

I've got enough kleenex and viagra in the house.

Let the games begin.

12.02.2013, 12:11

Re: Eurotic's website & webstream

bellerophon wrote:
lucifer70 wrote:Wow I've read many posts on Evah and Brona Premium and I've to say that if one show definitely announced as soft and definitely soft is capable of moving a lot of attention, this can only mean that ETV is really running out.Big GrinBig GrinBig GrinBig Grin

Sorry, but it doesn't mean that at all. It means that they know that they can earn a lot of money by putting on this show. If it was every week, maybe not, but "first time ever", it's a no-brainer. They've been trying to persuade E & B to do this show for ages.

As Mashiara and Kristina found out, even the hotter shows with the best girls don't always attract the viewers after a while. Variety is the spice of etv's bank balance.

This clearly shows that:
the Web does not earn enough
the interest of the customers to the new models is low (for many of them each premium is "first time ever")
to get attention must turn to the "old" models (I mean girls chosen in other times and with other specifications)
ETV continues to sell promises and not facts

I just hope that all the pressures that they confess they've done on the models does'nt have the same effect it had on all the others ... they are gone!

12.02.2013, 10:54

Re: Eurotic's website & webstream

Wow I've read many posts on Evah and Brona Premium and I've to say that if one show definitely announced as soft and definitely soft is capable of moving a lot of attention, this can only mean that ETV is really running out.Big GrinBig GrinBig GrinBig Grin

11.02.2013, 19:11

Re: Eurotic's website & webstream

JohnGuitar wrote:Hello Gentlemen,
just for your kind information check at the moment in ES and you will
realize what would soon come out as Premium Show with Eva and
her berst friend Brona.Thumb downAngry

Wearing a marijuana leaf necklace doesn't mean that the premium show will be terrible Big Grin

11.02.2013, 18:34

Re: Eurotic's website & webstream

Hello Gentlemen,
just for your kind information check at the moment in ES and you will
realize what would soon come out as Premium Show with Eva and
her berst friend Brona.Thumb downAngry

11.02.2013, 17:30

Re: Eurotic's website & webstream

Begin to load the credits .... they only care that you buy ... and then they said .. they will not see anything ... I'm soft .....CoolCoolThumb down

11.02.2013, 16:16

Re: Eurotic's website & webstream

11.02.2013, 15:48

Re: Eurotic's website & webstream

[hidden link - please register]

Black and white for the broadcasting ?
Good luck to Gerd, who will be able to see Brona's red underwear Big Grin

11.02.2013, 14:16

Re: Eurotic's website & webstream

rialpka wrote:Big Grin Once again "he" bought and wasted his time and his money (6credits) to ETV and Karry ...
Big Grin Once again I laugh at his anger, his contradictions, his lack of credibility ...
Big Grin Once again his sick obsession to speak badly of ETV and Karry is so large that it covers himself ridiculous ( I do not like shit, but if I find someone who sells it, I buy it and i shout that it is bad )Big Grin

Sure, appointment at the next Premium, ETV and Karry waiting for you and your money, once againBig GrinBig GrinBig Grin

Sorry if I quote only you, but this is valid for other people too:

[hidden image - please register]

Keep on. ;)

P.S.: wash your mouth and look at yourself in the mirror before speaking about "sick obsession", thanks. Smile Must I remind you of the disgusting blackmail you did towards this very forum together with your fellow countryman?

11.02.2013, 13:53

Re: Eurotic's website & webstream

bellerophon wrote:So frankly, it's a win win situation for etv's bank balance, so good luck to them. They don't care if there is then a gale of useless hot air on this forum. Why should they? Smile

And why should they give any kind of attention for a group of people who have been completely controlled and demonstrated by ETV programme .

We even can't stop this useless argument about the upcoming show with these two specific soft models which by the way everybody knows very well how the final outcome will be .

Over again .....

Why should they give any attention for us ....Since they guaranteed that anything they will offer whatever it will be .....We will surely accept it .

11.02.2013, 13:34

Re: Eurotic's website & webstream

Nice to meet her (unless she starts singing in russian) but unfortunately I fear there are also arrogant molvanians among this site visitors.

Back IT: Evah as the angel and Brona as the devil? I'd always thought about the opposite.

11.02.2013, 13:16

Re: Eurotic's website & webstream

outside wrote:..
This reminds me of some lecturing about "positive critics" from a very arrogant former model who visited italian forum.

Thank God this forum is only visited by non-arrogant former models.