Eurotic's website & webstream

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22.08.2012, 20:06

Re: Eurotic's website & webstream

space6969 wrote:
eigentor wrote:What I find more interesting is the fact that noone ever mentioned such an exceptional and hot show here, when everytime it is boring,
this thread is brimming over with complaints.

Just looked at the preview lo-res stream of Claudia/Kristina Premium Hour and it seems to be a damn hot show.
Should've logged in...

And I wrote earlier that Gia imo delivered some of the best shows (ok, some of the worst also) and that
Mashi imo reached a continious high level of eroticism on Premium Hours (and former ELS).

That's not negative and no complaining...

Yes, thats true, and also Wilson wrote when it was a good show.
But in general when reading this thread you will have to agree.

22.08.2012, 20:03

Re: Eurotic's website & webstream

eigentor wrote:What I find more interesting is the fact that noone ever mentioned such an exceptional and hot show here, when everytime it is boring,
this thread is brimming over with complaints.

Just looked at the preview lo-res stream of Claudia/Kristina Premium Hour and it seems to be a damn hot show.
Should've logged in...

And I wrote earlier that Gia imo delivered some of the best shows (ok, some of the worst also) and that
Mashi imo reached a continious high level of eroticism on Premium Hours (and former ELS).

That's not negative and no complaining...

22.08.2012, 19:30

Re: Eurotic's website & webstream

Then you all watching the wrong camsites. At and i have never had seen such guys. They are mostly the models say they don´t undress because of no tokens or they don´t want.

And in any Websites is written, you can undress and play with yourself or not. There is no must or they get forced.

This it what i see. MFC is too big for me. To much girls....CoolBig Grin

22.08.2012, 19:30

Re: Eurotic's website & webstream

Chris26 wrote:
space6969 wrote:Some viewers got sucked in by the illusion of friendship.
They think some of the models (and propably staffers too) are their friends.
They don't want a horde of horny bastards to see their "friends" naked.

This, in my opinion, is, curiously enough, very true, in some cases.

In some cases, propably not this one, because slow is not a Nancy fan. Obviously different people have different thoughts about
where pornography begins.
What I find more interesting is the fact that noone ever mentioned such an exceptional and hot show here, when everytime it is boring,
this thread is brimming over with complaints.

22.08.2012, 19:29

Re: Eurotic's website & webstream

wolf1 wrote:
Slowfox wrote:
brokingbull wrote:
AGINULFO wrote:Slow wrote on etv wall:
[...] The first part of the show was on the verge of BEING PORNOGRAPHIC and not erotic, with Nancy being felt up by two other invisible girls. [...]
On the positive side I like to mention, that lighting and CAMERA WORK was VERY GOOD, NOT SHOWING THE VERY INTIMATE PARTS of her body.
Albert wrote on etv wall:
An amazing show yesterday from Gia! [...] when she is on video in a show so intense like yesterday, I go crazy for her.
Some like it hot...


While girls are fully clothed these ***** "viewers" write such a megacrap?
EnvyEnvyEnvyThumb downThumb downThumb down

speak up, my friend, and do not hide behind some little stars. or do I smell an offense rather then an opinion ?

but thanks to the smart one copying the messages originally posted to the etv wall, to have some food for the very same complaints, of the very same people, as to keep them busy. Big Grin

it is getting really boring and so predictable.


I seemed to understand that your concept of eroticism does not include the exposure of the naked body.
I respect your thoughts even if they do not agree with them.
But I find it really ridiculous to speak of "ON THE VERGE TO BE PORNOGRAPHIC" ...

I wish it would on the Verge to be pornographic that would finaly a Reason for me to watch it.

Big Grin This discussion reminds me to the problems of Oswalt Kolle in the late 60ies - a lot of people not happy about this pure "hardcore porn" ! Big Grin
Today the most of us have changed the opinion about what is porn .... the most ... ! Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin
I remember a lot scenes this way during normal ETV show in freeTV ... dirty, dirty really ! Big Grin But we must have respect - every generation has own view of the pu**y ! Tongue Big Grin

22.08.2012, 19:27

Re: Eurotic's website & webstream

But still anybody thinks that anyone visiting this WEBS or watching erotic programs is looking for something different than Erotic stuff.
It reminds me when wife gets her husband with Playboy or similar magazine and tells her “he bought the magazine because of wonderful reports.”
Could you imagine this people writing a letter to Playboy saying please stop placing this pictures because sometime it is nearly pornographic..
Let´s be serious…

22.08.2012, 19:10

Re: Eurotic's website & webstream

space6969 wrote:Some viewers got sucked in by the illusion of friendship.
They think some of the models (and propably staffers too) are their friends.
They don't want a horde of horny bastards to see their "friends" naked.

This, in my opinion, is, curiously enough, very true, in some cases.

If you think about it, MFC (MyFreeCams) has the same "problem" and the same "who cares as long as we get money" by their owners.

Models start "normally" (and by "normal" I mean "how it would be expected on a porn cam site"), getting tips/group shows/private shows to perform, and such.

After a while, some of them get a member (you can call him however you want: white knight, pimp, rich lonely guy, member, your call) who continuosly tip them humongous amounts of money every time they're online, to do nothing at all.
Some take it to the extreme, effectively asking them not to do naked stuff, not to compromise themselves, blablabla.
I remember a case in which a model had created a "tip war", asking people in the room to tip for the "Go naked" faction or the "Don't go naked" faction; basically, every time the "Go naked" faction got the lead, a member (the "white knight, pimp, rich lonely guy" of the case) would tip the difference and more, and in the end the "Don't go naked" front won.

If, again, you think about it, there are such cases on ETV too, models who basically have no need to do anything (or to do a lot) as they're always on the phone with "regulars" (a term borrowed by MFC, pardon me). ETV (rightly so, in this case), doesn't care, because money is money.

22.08.2012, 19:02

Re: Eurotic's website & webstream

Slowfox wrote:
brokingbull wrote:
AGINULFO wrote:Slow wrote on etv wall:
[...] The first part of the show was on the verge of BEING PORNOGRAPHIC and not erotic, with Nancy being felt up by two other invisible girls. [...]
On the positive side I like to mention, that lighting and CAMERA WORK was VERY GOOD, NOT SHOWING THE VERY INTIMATE PARTS of her body.
Albert wrote on etv wall:
An amazing show yesterday from Gia! [...] when she is on video in a show so intense like yesterday, I go crazy for her.
Some like it hot...


While girls are fully clothed these ***** "viewers" write such a megacrap?
EnvyEnvyEnvyThumb downThumb downThumb down

speak up, my friend, and do not hide behind some little stars. or do I smell an offense rather then an opinion ?

but thanks to the smart one copying the messages originally posted to the etv wall, to have some food for the very same complaints, of the very same people, as to keep them busy. Big Grin

it is getting really boring and so predictable.


I seemed to understand that your concept of eroticism does not include the exposure of the naked body.
I respect your thoughts even if they do not agree with them.
But I find it really ridiculous to speak of "ON THE VERGE TO BE PORNOGRAPHIC" ...

I wish it would on the Verge to be pornographic that would finaly a Reason for me to watch it.

22.08.2012, 18:44

Re: Eurotic's website & webstream

Slowfox wrote:
brokingbull wrote:
AGINULFO wrote:Slow wrote on etv wall:
[...] The first part of the show was on the verge of BEING PORNOGRAPHIC and not erotic, with Nancy being felt up by two other invisible girls. [...]
On the positive side I like to mention, that lighting and CAMERA WORK was VERY GOOD, NOT SHOWING THE VERY INTIMATE PARTS of her body.
Albert wrote on etv wall:
An amazing show yesterday from Gia! [...] when she is on video in a show so intense like yesterday, I go crazy for her.
Some like it hot...


While girls are fully clothed these ***** "viewers" write such a megacrap?
EnvyEnvyEnvyThumb downThumb downThumb down

speak up, my friend, and do not hide behind some little stars. or do I smell an offense rather then an opinion ?

but thanks to the smart one copying the messages originally posted to the etv wall, to have some food for the very same complaints, of the very same people, as to keep them busy. Big Grin

it is getting really boring and so predictable.


I seemed to understand that your concept of eroticism does not include the exposure of the naked body.
I respect your thoughts even if they do not agree with them.
But I find it really ridiculous to speak of "ON THE VERGE TO BE PORNOGRAPHIC" ...

22.08.2012, 18:24

Re: Eurotic's website & webstream

Slowfox wrote:but thanks to the smart one copying the messages originally posted to the etv wall, to have some food for the very same complaints, of the very same people, as to keep them busy. Big Grin

it is getting really boring and so predictable.


Slow I am sure you are familiar to the following "Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother's eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye?"
Or in a more common English "first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother's eye."

22.08.2012, 18:18

Re: Eurotic's website & webstream

fcn2011 wrote:I discussed with a lots of guys about the show and even the Fans of Nancy said that is was a Storm in the Waterglass.

There was no pornography at all. It was even one of the best shows ever from ETV.!!Thumb upThumb up

The Giashow was nothing special, Her ELS after the show was better. Where is the reason?

Everyone including the guys that posted on the ETV wall know that there is never anything close to pornography on ETV nowadays.

Some viewers got sucked in by the illusion of friendship.
They think some of the models (and propably staffers too) are their friends.
They don't want a horde of horny bastards to see their "friends" naked.

Yeah, Gia's burqa show kinda sucked......well, it's Gia, dude, you never know what will happen.
She delivered some of the best Premium Hours/former ELS and some of the worst.
I don't think ETV/money etc. has to do anything with this, it's just her personality.

The only model who reached a continious high level of eroticism on Premium Hours (and former ELS) is Mashiara.
But that's just my opinion...

22.08.2012, 18:11

Re: Eurotic's website & webstream

brokingbull wrote:
AGINULFO wrote:Slow wrote on etv wall:
[...] The first part of the show was on the verge of BEING PORNOGRAPHIC and not erotic, with Nancy being felt up by two other invisible girls. [...]
On the positive side I like to mention, that lighting and CAMERA WORK was VERY GOOD, NOT SHOWING THE VERY INTIMATE PARTS of her body.
Albert wrote on etv wall:
An amazing show yesterday from Gia! [...] when she is on video in a show so intense like yesterday, I go crazy for her.
Some like it hot...


While girls are fully clothed these ***** "viewers" write such a megacrap?
EnvyEnvyEnvyThumb downThumb downThumb down

speak up, my friend, and do not hide behind some little stars. or do I smell an offense rather then an opinion ?

but thanks to the smart one copying the messages originally posted to the etv wall, to have some food for the very same complaints, of the very same people, as to keep them busy. Big Grin

it is getting really boring and so predictable.


22.08.2012, 17:46

Re: Eurotic's website & webstream

fcn2011 wrote:
ironboy wrote:Hi! Today, perhaps the most boring in the history of ELS, rather than torment poor Claudia could add an interesting picture, or better yet spinning, magic circle.Thumb downThumb downThumb down

There are two questions. Is she told to do nothing or does she really get no calls and SMS? It is a webshow, so we can´t see what really happens.

I saw the beginning and later a couple of times I was looking, I'm sure he got a text message that could be seen reading them and certainly with someone on the phone. But why does not do anything, I do not know. so I guess that it refers only to watch all Premium, do not know if it's a good way to attract customers.

22.08.2012, 17:42

Re: Eurotic's website & webstream

AGINULFO wrote:Slow wrote on etv wall:
[...] The first part of the show was on the verge of BEING PORNOGRAPHIC and not erotic, with Nancy being felt up by two other invisible girls. [...]
On the positive side I like to mention, that lighting and CAMERA WORK was VERY GOOD, NOT SHOWING THE VERY INTIMATE PARTS of her body.
Albert wrote on etv wall:
An amazing show yesterday from Gia! [...] when she is on video in a show so intense like yesterday, I go crazy for her.
Some like it hot...


While girls are fully clothed these ***** "viewers" write such a megacrap?
EnvyEnvyEnvyThumb downThumb downThumb down

22.08.2012, 17:39

Re: Eurotic's website & webstream

ironboy wrote:Hi! Today, perhaps the most boring in the history of ELS, rather than torment poor Claudia could add an interesting picture, or better yet spinning, magic circle.Thumb downThumb downThumb down

There are two questions. Is she told to do nothing or does she really get no calls and SMS? It is a webshow, so we can´t see what really happens.
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