Eurotic's website & webstream

2.8 (49 rating(s))

(2.8 / 5, 49 ratings)

Amateur models online
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07.08.2012, 20:57

Re: Eurotic's website & webstream

Dreamlander wrote:Another more 'tech savvy' member got me to run a 'tracert' (think that's what it's called) program and it shows 14 servers between me and ETV.When I check,there's usually one that fails now and again and the other 13 are running at nanosecond speeds.I think the problems lie there.

Well, there are ~16 routers between ETV and me (Germany) and none ever fails....just saying I never had a single buffering problem here, but yeah,
it's not impossible that it's a routing problem...just not very likely a slow server problem, because in that case everone would have buffering.

07.08.2012, 20:24

Re: Eurotic's website & webstream

space6969 wrote:Users who have a buffering problem with this stream imo either have a very slow internet connection or hardware/software problems.
The streaming server works fine and it's not even HD, so the amount of streamed data is not very big.
A 3 Mbit connection should be sufficient.
Make sure you got the latest versions of flash player and browser.
Right click on FlowPlayer and try different local memory settings.

My speed never drops below 9-10 Mbits,I have Sky Unlimited Broadband.I have the most up to date 'everything' and can easily run 3 or 4 other streams from channels that have dedicated stream providers at the same time with no buffering whatsoever.Another more 'tech savvy' member got me to run a 'tracert' (think that's what it's called) program and it shows 14 servers between me and ETV.When I check,there's usually one that fails now and again and the other 13 are running at nanosecond speeds.I think the problems lie there.Many members at different times from all over Europe using different servers and equipment post here or contact me through PMs about buffering problems.I appreciate that some of the fault lies in the 'receiver' but if they were serious about the stream,ETV would leave the running if it to a dedicated provider (money is the sticking point,I'm guessing though) and the problems would all but disappear and a guy running Windows 3.1 using a 486DX could run their non-HD stream without it buffering! Tongue

Anyway,I'm still chuffed it was perfect today! Thumb up


07.08.2012, 20:08

Re: Eurotic's website & webstream

Dreamlander wrote:Really wanted to shout from the rooftops that for the whole hour,the stream didn't buffer once! Thumb up Do ETV know when I'm watching a girl that isn't one of my favourites and just bugger around with the stream to annoy me when Karry or Gia are on the web show? TongueBig Grin
Nothing in my equipment or ISP has changed,the speed is still the same.I'm no technical expert but could it be that less people watched the Premium of Ava compared to the Exclusive shows of Karry and Gia,using up less bandwidth,or was I just lucky? Smile


Users who have a buffering problem with this stream imo either have a very slow internet connection or hardware/software problems.
The streaming server works fine and it's not even HD, so the amount of streamed data is not very big.
A 3 Mbit connection should be sufficient.
Make sure you got the latest versions of flash player and browser and switch off other devices that use bandwidth.
Right click on FlowPlayer and try different local memory settings.

07.08.2012, 19:40

Re: Eurotic's website & webstream

Sexy Premium show from Ava! No 'downstairs' action Tongue but plenty of perfect body on show. A little more 'professional' than I'm used to from an ETV model but enjoyable nonetheless. Up until the smoking of course,a real eroticism killer for me! Thumb down Why does Europe still have this fascination with Cancer Sticks? A 5 minute buzz that takes 15 minutes off your healthy life every time you light one.Not to mention filling your lungs with tar and making you smell like an ashtray,not a good perfume for a beautiful young woman! Sad
Anyway,I digress,as usual! Tongue Really wanted to shout from the rooftops that for the whole hour,the stream didn't buffer once! Thumb up Do ETV know when I'm watching a girl that isn't one of my favourites and just bugger around with the stream to annoy me when Karry or Gia are on the web show? TongueBig Grin
Nothing in my equipment or ISP has changed,the speed is still the same.I'm no technical expert but could it be that less people watched the Premium of Ava compared to the Exclusive shows of Karry and Gia,using up less bandwidth,or was I just lucky? Smile


07.08.2012, 18:09

Re: Eurotic's website & webstream

CommanderData wrote:
brokingbull wrote:I like the webstream.In love
Because I have no satellite.EnvyEnvyEnvy
A dish would be enough, you dont need your own satellite Big Grin.

My own satellite? Damn, that's a good idea!Big Grin
Because I know at least 50 girls ready for a strip.Big GrinBig GrinBig Grin

PS: How much does Ariadne cost per minute?
PPS: No, not Adriana's sister. That rocket. Big Grin

07.08.2012, 17:56

Re: Eurotic's website & webstream

Like Cato has spoken in the Ancient Romans Era.

Delenda est Molvania.

Or don´t buy for illusions if the truth is really bad....Thumb downAngry

07.08.2012, 16:37

Re: Eurotic's website & webstream

We've seen enough examples of totally nude without seeing the last secret.
We know what to expect unless hopelessly optimistic (which i'm not) Big Grin

07.08.2012, 16:01

Re: Eurotic's website & webstream

victor999 wrote:22:00 CET - Gia - Premium Hour / 2 cr./ "The hidden voice of the fully naked body" ETV: We do not sell nudity You still believe these fraudsters?

And i don´t believe that she is visible fully nude.....

I don´t think she will show her last secret like Roshana or Amy did it before.

But it is another burner to drill the fans to buy her show.

07.08.2012, 16:00

Re: Eurotic's website & webstream

Hi guys! Is it me or the ELS changed the format to 16: 9, that was not so before. If you changed it now, or stream it will be powerful enough to transmit normally show? I have some doubts.SadConfused

07.08.2012, 15:57

Re: Eurotic's website & webstream

22:00 CET - Gia - Premium Hour / 2 cr./ "The hidden voice of the fully naked body" ETV: We do not sell nudity You still believe these fraudsters?

07.08.2012, 15:19

Re: Eurotic's website & webstream

Ava said we can send wishes but they will fulfill them only in Premiumshow because they have "New Rules"...Big GrinBig GrinBig Grin

Yes, have the Rule to milk the Fans in Premiumshow. Stop your ELS Crap, make 4 Premiumshows with 4 different Models and the the user can decide what he want. But not that unhappy hours for the models and viewers where they should watch boring stuff..

And Ava you are nice but if you are injured stay at home and get well.

Best regards,


07.08.2012, 15:00

Re: Eurotic's website & webstream

Watched Mashi + Scarlet Premium Hour yesterday...should've known better, won't watch anything with Scarlet in it anymore.
This girl is determined to cover up and show as less as possible, even less than in FTA.

Mashi's Premium Hour was much better....she always delivers (when she's alone, not together with Scarlet).
Lots of oil...and I mean lots...shitloads of oil and water involved....I feel sorry for the person who had to clean this mess up. Big Grin

07.08.2012, 06:03

Re: Eurotic's website & webstream

Woooow Ashley, what a flesh and beauty curve, ohhhhhh
you take my breath away and, You complete me!
Please Ashley be part of ELS models where the studipidity of camera
has no power.TongueHeartThumb up
John Guitar

06.08.2012, 23:02

Re: Eurotic's website & webstream

lumpi wrote:With this kind of shows my account wont go empty soon. So I have to ask them to pay interest.

My friend wake up they wont give you back even one penny
its a fire in the blood, willy-nilly so let's get on with it.Angry
John Guitar

06.08.2012, 22:10

Re: Eurotic's website & webstream

I like the webstream.In love

Because I have no satellite.EnvyEnvyEnvy