Eurotic's website & webstream

2.8 (49 rating(s))

(2.8 / 5, 49 ratings)

Author Posts

16.12.2010, 14:02

Re: problems


It was in response to an SMS asking when the triplets would be together again. The answer was the night show on Christmas day. On Christmas Eve Amy and Mash and at New Year (not sure if 31st or 1st) Scarlet and Amy would be on at night. Or something like that. If the schedule ever appears again all will become clear.

16.12.2010, 13:00

Re: problems


Amy & Mashiyara were mentioning about Scarlet in the microphone .. possibly about her return or no return and wished her for Chrismas or new year .

Unfortunately that was in a language which I could not understand a word except Scarlet.. Scarlet .. two to three times ...((with no disrespect for the language but a shame that I do not know)

Could you or Tarl , please.. Could you post the message here for the benefit of all of us..

Thanks in advance

16.12.2010, 10:44

Re: problems

Last night I spoke with one very very kind and nice model (the one who has a wink murderer).
At the end of conversation I asked her if she knew that the site ETV was out of order.

She called Vicky who answered "maintenance".

We knew since a few days that ETV worked in slow motion, manifestly the maintenance also.

16.12.2010, 02:25 problems

i have problem with site it doesn't work. is there some new site or what? live strem on doesn't work to only live stream that i can watch is on but there is very small window:/ Can sb help me?

14.12.2010, 22:39

Re: Eurotic's website & webstream

Any news about ?
Are they changing the features?
Is it anything to do with [hidden link - please register] project?

14.12.2010, 19:50

Re: Eurotic's website & webstream

checker321 wrote:Does anybody know, when etv will be back?

HvB 12/12/10 wrote:Server crashed
will be back in a few days

14.12.2010, 19:40

Re: Eurotic's website & webstream

Does anybody know, when etv will be back?

14.12.2010, 19:36

Re: Eurotic's website & webstream

Maybe they forgot pay for hosting

14.12.2010, 16:55

Re: Eurotic's website & webstream

What happened to eurotic site where you can watch the show?

14.12.2010, 06:27

Re: Eurotic's website & webstream

akrep wrote:
Mr_Niceguy wrote:Maybe ETV is under attack from wikileaks sympathizers.Big Grin
I think soBig Grin

The Anonymous have changed from operation "payback" to operation "leakspin"
[hidden link - please register]

13.12.2010, 18:45

Re: eUrotic TV Live-Stream

the problem is not in the browser but in the eurotic server.
It's down since two days.
The only streaming working at the moment is in [hidden link - please register]

13.12.2010, 18:41

eUrotic TV Live-Stream

Unable to connect

Firefox can't establish a connection to the server at

not only on firefox but also do that error with explorer chrome and opera what is that i can't see the shows please fix this bad error of your server

13.12.2010, 10:45

Re: Eurotic's website & webstream

Mr_Niceguy wrote:Maybe ETV is under attack from wikileaks sympathizers.Big Grin
I think soBig Grin

13.12.2010, 10:11

Re: Eurotic's website & webstream

Maybe ETV is under attack from wikileaks sympathizers.Big Grin

12.12.2010, 16:02

Re: Eurotic's website & webstream

HvB wrote:
schubert wrote:Or , they have to buy it from me !Big GrinBig Grin

Thumb up

so you would give yours and we will be bereaved of reading your posts?

Sounds like a fair deal I think ... Tongue

All a joke . But I , with my son have still all the computers what i and my son used .
Sinclair , Amiga , Commodores ( vic20 and Vic 64) the first Pentium ( from Vobis , Germany) and the 86's .

I only miss my cassetterecorder for the Sinclair Confused (It was a Superscope)

@ Watcher NOT to buy from me for those 150 Pounds !! Memories Big GrinBig Grin
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