Eurotic TV - General Discussion

3.98 (143 rating(s))

(3.98 / 5, 143 ratings)

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19.03.2010, 22:57

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

There is still a bathtub somewhere in the studio!!
And a toilet.ConfusedIn love
Or the gym studio.
No, not the gynecological chair.Big Grin

19.03.2010, 22:57

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

The_Feeling wrote:The girls in evening show said there will be a shower with Vicky in the night show.
But why should she do that?

This was a 'joke' started by Clio several weeks ago. I don't believe Vicky has any intention of taking part but Clio keeps on pushing ...... maybe ..... no, probably not.

@davecool31 & Yasmine1
The problem is that 'familiarity breeds contempt' or to put it another way, no matter what format the show takes, you will get used to it and it will become the 'same-old same-old'.
As I see it, the answer is to get used to it or watch less Cool .

19.03.2010, 22:30

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

Furthermore what makes for an erotic show is to expect the unexpected, the shower scenes now are nothing special and to be honest its now rather boring seeing the same old trick every night now, why not revamp the whole show and actually change the theme each night, what about the studio having a setting of lets say a sauna now that would be hot or have some kind of hot lubed up girls gone wild meets jerry springer oil fights or have them playing strip poker or something because right now its predictable crap.

19.03.2010, 22:19

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

Davecool31, you are right I have written this a few weeks ago that once the showers were the cherry of a cream cake now we are let with the cherry but no cake !
I hope I am wrong but I have no good feeling for tonights show , I hope I will be wrong !!

19.03.2010, 21:58

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

Is it just me or isn't this show now turning out to be predictable and rather stale. Yes the shower strips are always sexy but this now seems to be the only focus point of this show as most of the time all the models do is tease the viewer and rarely show much for long, also the camera seems only to focus on the cold couldn't give a shit models who sit around doing nothing, showing nothing more or less counting down the hours till the end of the show, it has to start picking up and offering more as it's in real danger of becoming as bad what 2009 had to offer and nobody wants to see a return to those dark days.

19.03.2010, 21:55

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

I hope in a hot show (like last Friday, Carmen and Athina Tongue).
Tonight there are also two important waitings:
Do we can to see Amy in a pussy show like Carmen or Inez? What type of model is now Mashiara in her return in nightshow? Total dress model, topless model, or handbra model without slip?

19.03.2010, 20:20

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

Do you think its going to be a good hot show tonight or a repeat of last Saturday ?

19.03.2010, 19:58

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

vappiano68 wrote:
rialpka wrote:Hi Vappiano, please can you repeat for the news like me to your nickname . THk

In this poetry Giacomo Leopardi told us that, in the village, Saturday is a day of joy for all the people, because they are waiting for Sunday.

So you can understand that 68 is a number of joy, because I'm waiting for... Big GrinBig GrinBig Grin

Thank you .Pour the name I suspected it ( sano....) for the number, in my country he reminds the other matter than Leopardi big poet whom I studied to the high school. Souvenir, souvenir.
For the enjoyment I am as you because when I see the efforts of Scarlet so badly rewarded it is the inverse feeling which invades me, and it is as well the proof as this chanel is not there to pass on the enjoyment. In any case it makes nothing for. THK again

19.03.2010, 19:45

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

brokingbull wrote:Ah, you are waiting for a 69? That's also my favourite position.Big GrinBig GrinBig Grin

Hi Bull, I had no doubts you're a 'bon vivant ...Big GrinBig GrinBig Grin

19.03.2010, 19:38

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

vappiano68 wrote:I hope to satisfy your curiosity Big Grin : ...

Ah, you are waiting for a 69? That's also my favourite position.Big GrinBig GrinBig Grin

19.03.2010, 19:14

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

rialpka wrote:Hi Vappiano, please can you repeat for the news like me to your nickname . THk

I hope to satisfy your curiosity Big Grin :

The name :

vappiano is composed in this way:

'va' + 'piano' (infinite present: andare piano, literally : 'to go slowly')

But in Italian it's an idiom just like an exhortation:

'Relax, take it easy, we are in this forum to spend some funny moments'

but also:

'give all things no more importance than what they deserve'

The number:

it refers to the 'Sabato del Villaggio' (Saturday in the village), a poetry from Giacomo Leopardi

[hidden link - please register]

In this poetry Giacomo Leopardi told us that, in the village, Saturday is a day of joy for all the people, because they are waiting for Sunday.

So you can understand that 68 is a number of joy, because I'm waiting for... Big GrinBig GrinBig Grin

19.03.2010, 18:53

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

Hi Vappiano, please can you repeat for the news like me to your nickname . THk

19.03.2010, 18:00

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

[Sorry Mr. Pink, but when you read this post you will see that there are absolutely no issues with anybody, just my experience in front of ETV, as a clarification for all the members.
If you don't think so, feel free to delete this post.]

@ The_Feeling

I'm not angry and I'm very grateful to you because now all is clear, without misunderstandings.I'm happy of this clarification because I consider you to be a good guy.

The_Feeling wrote:But why always bawled or screwed non-stop the same facts or models? I think this a other kind of mobbing and this is not behave with integrity.
I can speak only for myself:

I'm not so 'old' as you could think reading my nick Smile(someone already know the meaning of my nick Big Grin), and I like to spend my weekends outside, in the real world.
During the week, when I have some time, I like to spend some hours watching this TV (I can do it only during the nightshows).
I've not so much free time, so I can't post 10 videos/day, but I can assure you: every single video I post is meant as an expression of appreciation to the girls involved and to ETV in general,an expression that speaks more than 1000 words, most of all because you will never see, from me, a video containing something I don't like: I offer only my best (in my opinion).
Unfortunately, during the week, the girls I can watch are not the girls I like, and with honesty I have to say that many of them have nothing to do with an erotic channel.
Moreover, the day that a good cast is on air during the week, often a 'bad' director kills the show.What's the meaning of my words?
It's difficult to spend some money when you can watch this TV in some moments, and in those moments you can't find what you like.
But I say this with the same honesty with which I affirm that Amy is a wonderful girl (for aspect and performances), or Clio is a marvelous girl.
Pity that, most of the times, I can say this only after having checked my recs, because when I'm in front on my TV, watching ETV, I can see always MaLiAr-Tv, and you know what I'm forced to do...


19.03.2010, 17:35

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

But what happens in this forum now is a fight of the "old" members (who want to get back the former show versions) against the newbies who are satisfied with endless and boring oops-shows. When summer is back in Berlin I can see lots of nice clothed girls in every supermarket. Why should I pay for a smile of a nice girl?

ps.: I still believe that Lace belongs to a freak show, not in erotic shows.[/quote

]I agree .And for me from spring on the beach in front of my home!!!!!.

19.03.2010, 17:26

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

STOP!!!! If anyone here has issues with other members use the PM option. Everyone here is free to form his optinion about ETV and other channels, and I do NOT wanna read any opinions from member A about member B here.