Eurotic TV - General Discussion

3.98 (143 rating(s))

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28.02.2010, 22:15

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

Usual question about Gia. Missing or late?

28.02.2010, 17:57

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

The two weekend shows were superb and I think this shows that when they want the can ! Unfortunately I have no trust in ETV and this probably will not last long . The issue of the remote camera is serious as its going to over take the show . Yesterday night most of the remote camera was don by the studio itself , it is a bit strange but it looks as if they have only one camera man (or only one camera) so yesterday while Scarlet was auditioning in very tempting positions (and a day before) in front of the camera probably to be used later on their site the remote camera was in a still mode throughout this period. If you had 2 camera man/woman you don't need to do this . I am sure some members here have more knowledge on the subject and will comment about this theory.
We weren't so lucky to see this and I am afraid in the future most show will be teaser for us to access the web and see the real action for money. Unless the web site is planned to be harder (former INXTC like) then we may still see some hot action FTA.
I myself don't like watching staff on the web as most material is in very low quality . In addition there is no fun watching short sessions like this I mean there is no big difference than other transaction based web cams. If on the other hand they plan to transmit a hot version of the show through this media and you will be able to purchase something like a subscription card (like the ones you have on satellite) then this may work. To summarize (once again me the pessimist) I think the last shows are teasing the viewers in order to win audience as you have to remember that the majority are not like us ETV addicts and are not so familiar with the staff that was aired in 2006-7 .
Once again I really hope that I am totally and utterly wrong !!!

28.02.2010, 17:34

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

I totally support the request..maybe remote cam will be good idea for future Etv2..but for now it's just annoying..

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28.02.2010, 16:00

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

I had a hard day at work and fell asleep in a second without even pushing a record button. Hell! Things now getting hotter but this viewers camera is a disaster. Otherwise the only bad thing is too many beautiful girls left already.

28.02.2010, 15:48

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

Things are finally picking up, hopefully the posts will remain postitive as the show reinstates itself back to it's former glory, I wonder what has brought on this wind of change, could it be new management perhaps or have they been reading this forum, it would be fantastic if they would also remove the censership rules during the day shows but you have to be happy with the progress being made so far and not ask for for too much too soon. Thumb up

28.02.2010, 13:52

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

New haircut for Angie, it seems.

28.02.2010, 13:25

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

Damn, missed last nights show, sounds like it was a good one Sad

28.02.2010, 12:59

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

Hi Mauro hope you ar well. Yes the shows over the last two nights are almost reminders of what was shown every night in the past. I thought they got just the right amount of "exposure" and the girls worked well last night. While the mobile camera might seem a good idea to raise more money --I feel its lack of quality pictures and the way it is being utilised is letting idea down. And isn"t amazing how all the models suddenly gather round when it is active showing more for the mobile camera than the studio cameras !!! The downside of this camera is that it has spoiled what would have been good scenes between some models whose callers will undoubtably get fed up seeing there call being interupted with this mobile camera. I think the quality is the main issue here. But hey-ho at least the shower is being used to good effect. Angelina showering fully clothed last week was new but oh so sexy--more please ha ha. I think the Candy ? should stick to daytime leg shows which she does so well. She looked utterly ill at ease last night with all that nudity going on around her ( I wiil take her place if she wants ha ha )Bye bye for now and I wish you all many happy shower and cream shows.

28.02.2010, 12:52

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

Dreamlander wrote:Am I the only one who believes most of the 'viewer' cam shots are not controlled by the viewer but someone a lot closer in the studio!

I'm agree with you and I also agree with the message destroy the remote camera, it is a bad idea.
A great idea is been the version Scarlet/Sharon Stone also if the action of the legs is been too much fast (maybe she hasn't seen the film). I hope to see yet this kind of show with a lot of pussyshow, Scarlet wonderful, Tia is alwais a certainty, Amy has made a pretty shower and above all compliments at Inez, her shower is been very hot.
I said this also yesterday and maybe it is only a coincidence to have seen hot show, but in this two last show it is been important the absence of Sabrina and Lace.

28.02.2010, 12:27

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

Yes,it was a good show for ETV and 2010.

But Candy was a dissapointment for me. If she isn´t ready for a nightshow or for strips she should stay at the dayshows.

But it is my opinion. I respect her Fans but for me she was even hotter in daytimeshow.

Scarlet was amazing. Why couldn´t Lia do some shows like her?

28.02.2010, 11:36

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

Good show again last night,apart from the CCTV footage! Big Grin Am I the only one who believes most of the 'viewer' cam shots are not controlled by the viewer but someone a lot closer in the studio! Tongue Amy is turning into a great girl for interaction! She got a sexy performance from Marayah and made the lovely Candy go a little further too as well as putting on a great show herself! Perhaps when looking for a model for good interaction the producers do not need to look for Lace as much now!


28.02.2010, 11:05

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

Remote camera? It looked rather a security cam.
Maybe this will be the only cam available for free in the future.
Thumb down

28.02.2010, 10:58

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

Top show from Amy, Inez, Tia and the wonderful Scarlet who obviously enjoyed both weekend shows (working very well together with erotic art teacher Tia)

I really had to lay down when reviewing the recording this morning. Hans indeed seemed to have read his first "Directing for Dummies" book (or at least the first couple of pages) even though he quickly lost the plot again not having a clue which request was actually fulfilled. Anyway, there was a visible improvement.

Just a last request from me (and I think I'm not the only one):

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28.02.2010, 10:31

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

right, but I think that amanda and candy should be in the days time shows only and keep the middle soft and hot for the night shows ---
the models are trying to do something and make a change even the cameramen too but unfortunately the director is doing what he wants..
anyway the general concept for ETV shows now is that the models yes they can make a full strip but only for the eyes of people in the set and never for camera..
thanks again and there is some progress this last week hoping for the better

28.02.2010, 10:19

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

Quite nice shows over the last two nights.
And Scarlet did a really great job to entertain us, even Hans couldn't stop her (I have to admit that his last two Saturday shows were better than his average efforts, maybe someone changed his medication?).
But it's still a long way back to 2006 ...
The Basic Instinct reprise was quite nice and the third best we have seen (2nd place: Sharon Stone herself, 1st place: of course Tyras interpretation. If you have missed it, you can download it here: [hidden link - please register]
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