Eurotic TV - General Discussion

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23.04.2012, 20:24

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

Jufan wrote:... but tomorrow you'll have to start moderating right away.
we could re-open the Gia D&C for a kind of test run. ;)
...ouch !

23.04.2012, 20:22

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

JuFan wrote:
maryna1234 wrote:
dazaman wrote:Regards the Gia thread, this is not a debate and will be opened on the date Admin said on may the 2nd Smile

JuFan wrote:... but tomorrow you'll have to start moderating right away. Tongue

we could re-open the Gia D&C for a kind of test run. ;)

That was a joke by JuFan for the new Moderators, nothing more and seems not to be as funny to some Sad

Not a debate.

23.04.2012, 20:12

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

Regards the Gia thread, this is not a debate and will be opened on the date Admin said on may the 2nd Smile[/quote]

JuFan wrote:... but tomorrow you'll have to start moderating right away. Tongue

we could re-open the Gia D&C for a kind of test run. ;)

23.04.2012, 19:42

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

Sounds like a very boring Movie! Big Grin[/quote]

At least I tried!

23.04.2012, 19:38

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

maryna1234 wrote:A sin to laugh at people!

Yes Maryna1234, I know a pair of them that seems they can do/write everything without any consequences.

23.04.2012, 19:33

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

fcn2011 wrote:
maryna1234 wrote:Enough! It's not funny! Everything had calmed down! Open GIA!!!!!!!

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Maryna1234 proudly presents Saw 8 - Open Gia!!

CoolBig GrinSmile

Sounds like a very boring Movie! Big Grin

23.04.2012, 19:32

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Maryna1234 proudly presents Saw 8 - Open Gia!!

CoolBig GrinSmile[/quote]

A sin to laugh at people!

23.04.2012, 19:26

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

maryna1234 wrote:Enough! It's not funny! Everything had calmed down! Open GIA!!!!!!!

I think the idea of a cookery show is good and different, plus i watch a lot of real cookery shows and read lots of books on the subject, but never expected to see it on one of these channels, so thats 2 hobbies in one show Thumb up

Regards the Gia thread, this is not a debate and will be opened on the date Admin said on may the 2nd Smile

23.04.2012, 19:24

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

maryna1234 wrote:Enough! It's not funny! Everything had calmed down! Open GIA!!!!!!!

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Maryna1234 proudly presents Saw 8 - Open Gia!!

CoolBig GrinSmile

23.04.2012, 19:12

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

Enough! It's not funny! Everything had calmed down! Open GIA!!!!!!!

23.04.2012, 19:08

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

robert wrote:
Chris26 wrote:But this is not cooking.

Nope. It is pure comedy gold! Thumb up

"Brona, this is a mushroom."

I would love to see them "cook" other national dishes. They could do British but after 3 minutes in the microwave what do they do for the rest of the show? Big Grin

Come on robert "Boil in the bags" can take over 20 minutes.

Your making us sound bad Sad

23.04.2012, 18:54

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

Chris26 wrote:But this is not cooking.

Nope. It is pure comedy gold! Thumb up

"Brona, this is a mushroom."

I would love to see them "cook" other national dishes. They could do British but after 3 minutes in the microwave what do they do for the rest of the show? Big Grin

23.04.2012, 16:23

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

We would never be satisfied even if ......we already had and will have in the future ...the best service ever from their side …we still would never feel satisfied ....would we ?

If we find someone who is trying to develop the initial idea of the programme .....from just a boring phone call programme with some pretty faces who spent the time around the couch .

To a real integrated programme which offers the real entertainment services ....with all kind of the new ideas and new approaches ....would we denounce and refuse the idea !!!!!

I had a great respect and great appreciation for Miss ETV and her unbelievable efforts in ETV nowadays ....even if she still far away from my taste .

A polite and nice welcome for all the fans and the admirers through her answers in the Mic ......a real sensual erotic shows in the night ......A great efforts to reintroduce the thematic shows again in Sunday afternoon ...and the new interesting show in the morning .

Well done Miss ETV .

23.04.2012, 14:35

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

Chris26 wrote:
lucifer70 wrote:noon 4 beautiful girls put into the studio........ to cook ... ...Cry
Someone should wake Brona, she seems to be taking a nap!Big Grin
EUCOMIC...OOKING TVBig GrinBig GrinBig GrinBig GrinBig GrinBig GrinBig Grin

But this is not cooking.

Call it whatever you like: slaughtering, playdough moulding, just... just not cooking.

This is more like food torture. Cry

And those were not "spaghetti alla bolognese". I think that they were not even spaghetti, for sure not after the girls put them into the cold water for maybe 30 min...

Sorry girls CryCryCry

23.04.2012, 14:16

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

lucifer70 wrote:noon 4 beautiful girls put into the studio........ to cook ... ...Cry
Someone should wake Brona, she seems to be taking a nap!Big Grin
EUCOMIC...OOKING TVBig GrinBig GrinBig GrinBig GrinBig GrinBig GrinBig Grin

But this is not cooking.

Call it whatever you like: slaughtering, playdough moulding, just... just not cooking.

This is more like food torture. Cry