Eurotic TV - General Discussion

3.98 (143 rating(s))

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23.04.2012, 13:52

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

noon 4 beautiful girls put into the studio........ to cook ... ...Cry
Someone should wake Brona, she seems to be taking a nap!Big Grin
EUCOMIC...OOKING TVBig GrinBig GrinBig GrinBig GrinBig GrinBig GrinBig Grin

23.04.2012, 13:34

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

JamesSantiago wrote:Hello.

I search a Girl from yesterday night at 1:00 with black hairs
and a pink bra. the girl made a shower show with a black girl.

This is Michelle. You can find it [hidden link - please register] and [hidden link - please register] Smile

21.04.2012, 13:02

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

watcher1 wrote:Hi,
the last show of Celine and Liane was announced for 03.04.2012 - but they are not canceled on the Models Page - is this right ?

It's right,but both will be removed of the MP after this weekend,because we have rules how long models must be missing (without special announcement) before they will removed.

21.04.2012, 12:43

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

the last show of Celine and Liane was announced for 03.04.2012 - but they are not canceled on the Models Page - is this right ?

21.04.2012, 11:43

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

This week I watched a night show only 2 times and a afternoon shows only 1 times. I had no reason to watch a other shows. Cry
Through this forum I now know I made the right decision. Thanks to all members for their contributions. Thumb up

Thumb down Thanks to ETV. Thumb down

This week I sleep a long time and very well. Smile

20.04.2012, 01:22

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

I think that ETV from now on must set a new level of limits about what is allowed to be shown in their screen concerning " the written messages " ...and what is not allowed to be shown .

They also must give the full attention for ....understanding what exactly the techniques of the microphone …..And what should be said and how it could be directed to the masses of recipients ...and what should not be said from the beginning .

I also think that the whole situation in yesterday show which by the way bothered everybody who was watching the show concerning that " dirty message" And the way the whole cast has handled it .

Starting from the moderator who passed it from the beginning ....reaching to extremist impolite reaction from Sabrina ..reaching to the one who was responsible about handling the whole show .

Must be reviewed from the top management of ETV as quickly as possible with the full obligation to take the right reaction towards them all.

The techniques of the microphone and the way you react to the masses of viewers and customers..... is one of the most significant factors ....and without doubt it has a serious impact on the final financial outcome for every single show

And as ETV is trying nowadays to get a new ground in different markets..... it must keep in mind that what comes in the first priorities for every single recipient whatsoever he is find the full appreciation and respect from the services provider side ...that's the one and the only way to guarantee their loyalty .

Which means that the impolite answers and replays which directed to the masses of the recipients which usually comes from a specific group of the rude workers ..…are not acceptable anymore.

19.04.2012, 16:38

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

lucifer70 wrote:Last night, no Scarlet and no fever, an incompetent director, sabrina that taking a nap on the bed and penelope who counted the hours to go home.
Today the appointment of Amy from home jumped, in the studio at noon 4 mediocre models and tonight a show for children. That's ETV now, only confusion.
Maybe it's better to see Scarlet cooking?!Sad

I think the sameThumb up:thumbup:appers as we think only we regrettablySadSadSadSad last week very very midiocre showThumb downThumb downThumb down

19.04.2012, 13:17

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

Last night, no Scarlet and no fever, an incompetent director, sabrina that taking a nap on the bed and penelope who counted the hours to go home.
Today the appointment of Amy from home jumped, in the studio at noon 4 mediocre models and tonight a show for children. That's ETV now, only confusion.
Maybe it's better to see Scarlet cooking?!Sad

16.04.2012, 10:51

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

lucifer70 wrote:ETV has taken away my deepest erotic desire ... to see Scarlet cooking a cake!Big Grin

Ah come on... Not so bad... I bet you wouldn't deny eating her cake.

16.04.2012, 09:14

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

lucifer70 wrote:ETV has taken away my deepest erotic desire ... to see Scarlet cooking a cake!Big Grin

and next time they bake soup

16.04.2012, 09:09

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

ETV has taken away my deepest erotic desire ... to see Scarlet cooking a cake!Big Grin

16.04.2012, 08:26

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

In actual fact, last night show was nice because 4 beautiful girls shows 4 amazing bodies. Even camera-work was better. But a so called star of etv annoyed us. Beauty is not enough! It's unfair to her team because the other girls are engaged and acted every minute. She messed around. It's better to place a newbie in night show who performs real hot scenes and not nonsense like handbra. I talked with many people about etv. In conclusion, they will only pay something for hot show, fullnaked girls and sometimes scenes like in era 2005-2006. Garbage like scrunch ballons, simulating stomach ache is ridiculous.
Hoping that etv will master to find back to good performances like in some parts of the past.

10.04.2012, 21:23

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

Hello forum members. Sorry for my English monster. I do not know the language and interpreter use GOOGLE. I watch the channel for more than 2 years, but I write for the first time. The reason, in recent times the channel makes a lot of mistakes and follies. This STUDIO BERLIN and LIVESHOW.ME and much more. Now the channel makes a suicidal attempt to care on the Internet. Forum is full of complaints about the bad show. Some have suggested a boycott. I am against. The carrot is always better to stick. Complaints are useless. ETV did not want the audience. He needs subscribers. Their calls and SMS.Therefore Ping Pong TV. Hence, the transformation of an erotic show in talk show. This disregard for popular models. Why would they show it. They are constantly calling and so. Many complaints. But no one has a real way out. I think the only way to improve the ETV-if the basic income will bring viewers. Not subscribers and ordinary viewers. But no one will pay for the FTA channel. I agree. If you declare a screen: Would you like to watch our shows, pay money, then no one will pay. Reasons: a pity money. 2 lazy to spend their time the most important .3. The viewer will think: This is a fraud. Trying to lure money. I do not want to let money. Let someone else pay. And I'll watch for free. These causes must be eliminated to make this very difficult, but you can first bit of arithmetic. If all subscribers will be GOLD, the income ETV will be 2000 Euros per night show It's easy to calculate the 1 euro to multiply 300 minutes multiplied by six models of +50 SMS multiply 4 euros = 2000 euros on Friday and Saturday, though the amount of euro 3000, 70 000 euros per month. Even at 3 euros per minute, 200 000 euros per month. This is the maximum. But the channel comes with two main satellites. It can be look in Europe, North Africa, West Azii.potential tens of millions of viewers. Competitors in the genre of erotic show no FTA. Now watch the channel a little. It's too boring. But with the improvement of the channel number of visitors will increase rapidly. If you convince at least some viewers, the channel will start to grow revenues. But how to do it. We must convince the audience that received the benefits many times exceed the costs. I'll start with costs. A. the amount of monthly payment. One member of the forum, said: If every viewer will pay 10 euros. If the viewer makes the euro 2000-3000, this amount is small. But the main channel viewers are young people. Their income is not so great for them to .10 euro amount by which you can live a day. It is true only in some countries. Therefore, the sum should be such a pity that did not leave. I propose a evro.Eto less than the cost of tram ticket.Ee can afford to spend any audience. Even the throw to the wind. Do not feel sorry. Especially good show last month. Two. method of payment. Payment does not take more dolhna a few seconds. It should be as simple as possible. Propose to use the number of SMS on the screen. If the message field is empty or only the name of the model, the cost of 1 euro. Why the name, I will write later. Not all of the countries can send SMS. So there you can pay with electronic money .3. How to convince the viewer. What the audience thinks now that I've written. It is necessary that he thought so. If the show improve, we may risk a euro. I understand that in 2000 the euro did not make a good show. If I pay, will pay the second, third, we have the money to good music, costumes, scenery, a new studio. Actresses earn more money and will do a better show. If I do not cry, do not pay the second, third, then nothing will change. We must take the risk. If the show does not improve, then the second time I will not pay. I think the moderators need to make an announcement. If you liked our show, then vote.The number on the screen. Cost 1 euro. We will try next time to make the show even better. Your money will be spent on staging the show. But it does make a good show, and the next is even better. For example in one week. Not cheat viewer. If the viewer will see an improvement, we think. Money not spent in vain. You can organize the tournament directors. Who makes a better show. Appreciation will be a spectator. Management sees the ETV. Good show brings more money. The audience to vote for the bad will not happen. My proposal can not reduce income. Only increase. .Calls and SMS will remain. First, revenues will increase slightly. But the number of visitors will grow, and grow revenue. Now turn to the principal. Almost every viewer has a favorite model. One or more. I propose a competition for the best model. The name does not matter. Queen of the night, the girl of the month, the girl of the year. The winner receives a prize and his own show. For example at the beginning of the next month or year. Most importantly, the model gets half the money from the cast for her vote.Than better it will make the show, the more votes will receive. Indifferent spectator revenues ETV, but do not care about income favorite model. Especially if there is a chance to become a winner. In the audience should be excited. My favorite model falls short by only 50 votes. She can win. This viewer can give and more than 1 euro and vote several times an SMS with the name of the model. But probably this is all nonsense and fantasy. No one will not pay. I ask the members of the forum to answer. Do they agree to pay for such conditions. If not, why not. If so, how much. What else would offer. In the end I say. Yes it is very unusual. This has never happened. However, such a channel ETV as never was.

08.04.2012, 19:30

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

Dreamlander wrote:I joined the 'Gold' club today specifically for access to the 'Exclusive Live Show'.I'm not wealthy but do have a good amount of disposable income.My issue with pay sites like this has always been the method of payment not the price.Passing banking information or personal details to unknown companies has always scared the hell out of me.Now they have introduced the Credit Card option and are using Epoch,a very trustworthy payment company,I'm safe in the knowledge I can enjoy what I paid for.I only use Credit Cards for things like this and pay them off straight away.If they accepted Debit Cards I would use that option instead but at least with Credit Cards there are various methods of protection built in.
I've often wondered why sites like this don't use Paypal,the most trusted payment company on the planet.I'm sure there are plenty of guys like me who's only obstacle is one of trust,not money but there must be a reason,maybe Paypal don't deal with adult sites or take too high a percentage of the charge.
Anyway,for 25 credits I now have unlimited access to the Exclusive Live Shows and cheaper calls,SMS's,VIP SMS's and a clear pricing structure and preview for pictures and videos to purchase.It may be in the early stages but it looks like a very well thought out and helpful site without the usual 'sleazy' stigma attached to sites of this nature.


Because of PayPals Terms of Service: They don't provide payment services for any adult service.

08.04.2012, 19:25

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

I joined the 'Gold' club today specifically for access to the 'Exclusive Live Show'.I'm not wealthy but do have a good amount of disposable income.My issue with pay sites like this has always been the method of payment not the price.Passing banking information or personal details to unknown companies has always scared the hell out of me.Now they have introduced the Credit Card option and are using Epoch,a very trustworthy payment company,I'm safe in the knowledge I can enjoy what I paid for.I only use Credit Cards for things like this and pay them off straight away.If they accepted Debit Cards I would use that option instead but at least with Credit Cards there are various methods of protection built in.
I've often wondered why sites like this don't use Paypal,the most trusted payment company on the planet.I'm sure there are plenty of guys like me who's only obstacle is one of trust,not money but there must be a reason,maybe Paypal don't deal with adult sites or take too high a percentage of the charge.
Anyway,for 25 credits I now have unlimited access to the Exclusive Live Shows and cheaper calls,SMS's,VIP SMS's and a clear pricing structure and preview for pictures and videos to purchase.It may be in the early stages but it looks like a very well thought out and helpful site without the usual 'sleazy' stigma attached to sites of this nature.

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