Eurotic TV - General Discussion

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08.04.2012, 17:53

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

Chris26 wrote:
uk334 wrote:I thought I saw credit cards now being taken, maaybe I was wrong

No, you are right. Credit cards are now accepted.

Thanks Chris, so credit cards to me means not the wealthy !

08.04.2012, 17:15

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

uk334 wrote:I thought I saw credit cards now being taken, maaybe I was wrong

No, you are right. Credit cards are now accepted.

08.04.2012, 17:12

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

Joker1305 wrote:
uk334 wrote:Now it seems all attention will go to the new website. And I see credit cards and bank transfers can be done, says it all really.

Guys and girls a warning do not get yourselves into debt on the premise you are in love or models are in love with you.
It's a business, and like any sales team will say anything you want to hear if it means parting with your money.
I hope some of you that fall in love easy do not end up being hurt financially as well.
There are plenty of places on the internet that are free, including webcam sites.
Maybe I'd even buy some stuff (high quality photos and videos or calendars...) but I find it too strange first have to pay money (buy credits) to enter to be able to see what is being offered and for which price (hopefully Big Grin, actually I don't know what I will really see).
To make a business with me I need to see the offer first, and if I like it and it's worth the price I buy.
But not the other way round Confused


This would be the logical thing, but: is there anything logical in ETV?
They prefer that you buy blindly, and without right to refund if you do not like what you have bought.

08.04.2012, 17:11

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

I thought I saw credit cards now being taken, maaybe I was wrong

08.04.2012, 17:02

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

uk334 wrote:Now it seems all attention will go to the new website. And I see credit cards and bank transfers can be done, says it all really.

Guys and girls a warning do not get yourselves into debt on the premise you are in love or models are in love with you.
It's a business, and like any sales team will say anything you want to hear if it means parting with your money.
I hope some of you that fall in love easy do not end up being hurt financially as well.
There are plenty of places on the internet that are free, including webcam sites.
Maybe I'd even buy some stuff (high quality photos and videos or calendars...) but I find it too strange first have to pay money (buy credits) to enter to be able to see what is being offered and for which price (hopefully Big Grin, actually I don't know what I will really see).
To make a business with me I need to see the offer first, and if I like it and it's worth the price I buy.
But not the other way round Confused


08.04.2012, 16:47

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

uk334 wrote:I agree Chris but a credit card is stooping really low, The very reason someone has a credit card says they are not wealthy to me.

I guess you could be right, but maybe they're that kind of person who is neither wealthy nor poor, someone that can afford to spend something for ETV once in a while.
Granted, if you're talking about people who call every day and who use credit cards, yeah, probably they're going to be in some deep financial trouble very soon, but as I like to say in these cases: "It's none of my business."

I think that, unless it's some 15-year-old kid stealing his dad's credit card, all those people are adult and can think for themselves.

Actually, judging by some SMS, that doesn't always seem to be the case, but I'm a hopeful person. Smile

08.04.2012, 16:44

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

Chris26 wrote:
uk334 wrote:Now it seems all attention will go to the new website. And I see credit cards and bank transfers can be done, says it all really.

Guys and girls a warning do not get yourselves into debt on the premise you are in love or models are in love with you.
It's a business, and like any sales team will say anything you want to hear if it means parting with your money.
I hope some of you that fall in love easy do not end up being hurt financially as well.
There are plenty of places on the internet that are free, including webcam sites.

I agree with you, but I think that (un?)luckily, those people who fall in love with models have no financial issues, that can be seen very easily also by doing some quick calculations.

Never forget, the "50-year old single-and-wealthy businessman" rule applies here as well. And as long as they have money, (un?)luckily they can spend it however they prefer.

Edit: that's why I always say that the best (for me, of course) approach is that of knowing that this is a business.

I agree Chris but a credit card is stooping really low, The very reason someone has a credit card says they are not wealthy to me.

08.04.2012, 16:40

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

uk334 wrote:Now it seems all attention will go to the new website. And I see credit cards and bank transfers can be done, says it all really.

Guys and girls a warning do not get yourselves into debt on the premise you are in love or models are in love with you.
It's a business, and like any sales team will say anything you want to hear if it means parting with your money.
I hope some of you that fall in love easy do not end up being hurt financially as well.
There are plenty of places on the internet that are free, including webcam sites.

I agree with you, but I think that (un?)luckily, those people who fall in love with models have no financial issues, that can be seen very easily also by doing some quick calculations.

Never forget, the "50-year old single-and-wealthy businessman" rule applies here as well. And as long as they have money, (un?)luckily they can spend it however they prefer.

Edit: that's why I always say that the best (for me, of course) approach is that of knowing that this is a business.

08.04.2012, 16:34

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

Now it seems all attention will go to the new website. And I see credit cards and bank transfers can be done, says it all really.

Guys and girls a warning do not get yourselves into debt on the premise you are in love or models are in love with you.
It's a business, and like any sales team will say anything you want to hear if it means parting with your money.
I hope some of you that fall in love easy do not end up being hurt financially as well.
There are plenty of places on the internet that are free, including webcam sites.

07.04.2012, 11:02

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

I have been away for a week and taped etv, normaly I would ff the channel and see what I missed.
This time I saw the first 5 mins saw who was on and just deleted the prog, thats says a lot about etv nowdays.
When was the last time Evah in fact most models wore a skirt, where is the erotic atmosphere in nightshows.
Someone at etv is failling badly in my eyes with a lack of vision. And I think it is the Directors and the wardrobe staff.

03.04.2012, 19:05

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

Tarl_Cabot wrote:
lucifer70 wrote:.... What a great experiment!

and what a fun with all these people who don't know what to complain about. Smile

Μany people dont want to speak anymore about this pathetic chanell.

03.04.2012, 18:30

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

lucifer70 wrote:.... What a great experiment!

and what a fun with all these people who don't know what to complain about. Smile

03.04.2012, 18:28

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

Dafr911, You're absolutely right. But this is the only reason that ETV has not yet failed (and it does not fail).
If customers (all customers) understood that the fate of ETV is in their hands, the situation would improve somewhat.
It would be enough not to call or send sms for a week ....... What a great experiment!

PS. ZXCV, you are right too, but ETV doesn't want to go that way.

03.04.2012, 16:49

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

lucifer70 wrote:Until they are committed to run the show on the web, the night shows'll be getting poorer.(this has happened in previous years, they can not understand that if the night shows, which are their only real asset and the only reason why many still speak of them, become boring ETV dies)
ETV has not yet realized that rather than losing many of their customers with these experiments that have already failed, they'd understand that they are and will remain basically a TV show.They don't understand that customers are their real strength, many of us follow more or less, this show for many years, ETV can count on a solid base, but they continue to kick in without hearing. The models are their heritage, but they continue to squander it (now I'm shy .. tomorrow you can buy me on the webConfused)..
The web can be only an aid, it's not the solution to their problems, and the proof are the failures of past years (and I think that things are not going so well even now).
If they want to exploit the SKY platform then it would be better to begin to provide an encrypted show. With limited prices, a good menchandising and good shows ETV could still maintain many of their customers and improve the quality of the show, but this is a road far too hard for them, ETV have not the functional structure, the management and human resources necessary for this step.
With all my due respect to the models, many of those that are now included in the show are not really suitable to attract clients and for various reasons. The directors and technical staff don't seem to be able to handle up to a so radical transformation. I believe that ETV is closing it in a corner from which it can not escape. I could be wrong, but so far the facts I was right.

You had me not only because you be realistic and lucid.
glassy, made ​​a very good analise in the section (Last night's show)
Etv is responsible course! but some forum members too! imagined a member of the management of etv read some messages written by fans irresponsible
applauding, thanking the poor performance of models or bad nights? endorse the inactivity of maudéles!, the "handbra" who return year is back, or not show, and to question is who made the success of ETV.
A client party and very difficult to return.

02.04.2012, 21:57

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

Actually there is no doubt ....that both Scarlet and Mashiara has succeeded in reviving again the concept of the thematic shows in ETV world . whether through the very successful show in Sunday afternoon ..." the photo session show " ..or the other one in the Wednesday night show .

On the other hand , I think the continuous huge success for the thematic show specially " photo session show " in Sunday afternoon has reflected and affirmed one important fact which is :

The thematic shows could be financially stable and much more successful than any other normal shows ....but only if they are Being well prepared and being presented in such appropriate and acceptable way .

The great outcome of the thematic shows in ...Sunday afternoon and Wednesday night ...let's to say that ....The return of the thematic shows is inevitable .
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