Eurotic TV - General Discussion

3.98 (143 rating(s))

(3.98 / 5, 143 ratings)

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04.01.2012, 09:29

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

Is it really reliable figures about the ratings?

03.01.2012, 19:28

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

logic wrote:If a new model, which is willing to be hot, is ordered by ETV to act in a slow development, I would have no problem with it because I still don't know it.

But not too slow Big Grin...

logic wrote:But simply to switch away the cam is the wrong way I think.
And to the already hot models like Scarlet, Mashiara, Randa, etc. I think the problem are not the models and that they're already naked, but this mass of rules and restrictions in the last time.
They are not allowed to be hot and sexy and to show something interesting, always the camera switch away. I hate it! Angry

I really miss some hot shows, some oopses, some uninterrupted performances, sexy interaction. I'm so bored of this switch-away-censorship ( and this repeating music). It makes no fun anymore... Cry
And I can't believe that it's Elly's fault what happen in the last shows, because she was one the best directors in the past.

Thumb upThumb upThumb up

With all these "strategic self made rules" they've reached the aim to make money with few chickens to be plucked. At the same time they've annoyed every other viewer Thumb down

03.01.2012, 18:48

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

logic wrote:I also prefer to see that a new model need her time to become hotter and has a slow development. But this should made by the model itself and not by the director/mixer by switching away the camera. This is only frustrating for the viewers and I personally loose my pleasure to spend some money. Angry If a new model, which is willing to be hot, is ordered by ETV to act in a slow development, I would have no problem with it because I still don't know it. But simply to switch away the cam is the wrong way I think.

This. I agree with every single word, punctuation included. Big Grin

03.01.2012, 18:44

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

Tarl_Cabot wrote:
njutare wrote:
Michael_N wrote:Only one example. Roshana took off her bra and the director showed everything - asses, legs, shoes but not Roshana. It's such an ordinary style of ETV staff. They get money but don't love the viewers.

Easy to understand :
this is the typical behaviour of 'super-director' Elly.

isn't Hans successful since years with this style and he earns even a lot of money with VIPs expressing the anger of the viewers.
and who would send a VIP for a handbra of Roshana or Naomi if both were topless after their first five mins in the night show.
compare Roshana and Naomi with e.g. Isabella (who got most of her VIPs in her first night show but much less in all following night shows) and you'll have to confess that the teasing style is more successful. maybe not for the viewers with the tissue in a hand but for etv and the teasing models who earn more money with it.
everyone who owns such a channel would do it the same way.

btw: I prefer the way of Naomi and Roshana chose and both are two of the best looking and sexiest new models in the last years although their answers to VIPs are often too professional and conscience-proof. after the nearly boring because often immediately naked 2010 it'll be fine for me if we see something similar as in 2009 when the models were teasing with handbra and oopses in their first night shows and we were able to enjoy some developement and raising of the tension. if at the place where Randa found Naomi & Roshana are more models available it will be great for etv to engage all of these.

I also prefer to see that a new model need her time to become hotter and has a slow development. But this should made by the model itself and not by the director/mixer by switching away the camera. This is only frustrating for the viewers and I personally loose my pleasure to spend some money. Angry If a new model, which is willing to be hot, is ordered by ETV to act in a slow development, I would have no problem with it because I still don't know it. But simply to switch away the cam is the wrong way I think.
And to the already hot models like Scarlet, Mashiara, Randa, etc. I think the problem are not the models and that they're already naked, but this mass of rules and restrictions in the last time. They are not allowed to be hot and sexy and to show something interesting, always the camera switch away. I hate it! Angry
I agree that the Monday nightshow(s) with this newbies are a pleasure to watch, but I really miss some hot shows, some oopses, some uninterrupted performances, sexy interaction. I'm so bored of this switch-away-censorship ( and this repeating music). It makes no fun anymore... Cry
And I can't believe that it's Elly's fault what happen in the last shows, because she was one the best directors in the past.

03.01.2012, 14:38

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

njutare wrote:
Michael_N wrote:Only one example. Roshana took off her bra and the director showed everything - asses, legs, shoes but not Roshana. It's such an ordinary style of ETV staff. They get money but don't love the viewers.

Easy to understand :
this is the typical behaviour of 'super-director' Elly.

isn't Hans successful since years with this style and he earns even a lot of money with VIPs expressing the anger of the viewers.
and who would send a VIP for a handbra of Roshana or Naomi if both were topless after their first five mins in the night show.
compare Roshana and Naomi with e.g. Isabella (who got most of her VIPs in her first night show but much less in all following night shows) and you'll have to confess that the teasing style is more successful. maybe not for the viewers with the tissue in a hand but for etv and the teasing models who earn more money with it.
everyone who owns such a channel would do it the same way.

btw: I prefer the way of Naomi and Roshana chose and both are two of the best looking and sexiest new models in the last years although their answers to VIPs are often too professional and conscience-proof. after the nearly boring because often immediately naked 2010 it'll be fine for me if we see something similar as in 2009 when the models were teasing with handbra and oopses in their first night shows and we were able to enjoy some developement and raising of the tension. if at the place where Randa found Naomi & Roshana are more models available it will be great for etv to engage all of these.

03.01.2012, 14:11

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

The last discussions seems to be about:

1) Censorship and new rules.

You can find my point of view here:
[hidden link - please register]

In few words: probably other self-rules made in ETVland.

2) Direction/camera.

According to me: it's not a problem of being able to learn from mistakes. It's a precise will.
The shows of Ely (as director) were 100x better at her beginnings.


Self-made rules + direction/camera rules produce the current ETV.

Do you think that Naomi and Roshana are shy Big Grin ?
I don't think...

03.01.2012, 13:48

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

uk334 wrote:I have said it before. a man would not gaze his eyes on some one talking while a model does a sexy dance etc.

Hans is a man and his shows are the worst, most of the times soporific and unfair with the models job. It's not a sex issue, it's an ability issue. And these directors, men and women, are useless unable to get the best of great models job and offer it to the viewers. It is unfortunately so simple.

Anyway i understand your point of view and i agree with you at least theorically.

03.01.2012, 13:32

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

Chris26 wrote:"Thanks" to this censorship, and also to this lack of possibilities for the models (not only have they removed all the accessories, now they are also starting to ban balloons, cream, ect.), for me, Monday is becoming (or, has already become) the best day for shows.

Because with this censorship, the only interesting models for me, unfortunately, are those who still have to show something and are demonstrating to be active and willing to do so (Naomi, Roshana, Anna, Carla, ...), as well as those who have just started to show more and I'm curious to see their "development" (Michelle, Kate, Isabella, ...), you can see that, minus one, it's basically yesterday's cast! Big Grin
Of course, there is also that slight bit of curiosity for those models from whom you never know what to expect (and who are hardly scheduled in nightshows, let alone show more: Connie, or Kony as they like to call her nowadays, Simona, Karry, Jessica, ...) and for the new ones who still have not been in a nightshow (Cinderella and Suzy come to mind).

Models who have already reached a well-established fullstrip level, can do nothing more than fullstrips of one kind or another, perhaps some oil show if they're in the mood and it is requested, but that's it. As an example, I'd like to mention Scarlet: she's beautiful, her strips are undoubtedly among the best, she always smiles and looks like she enjoys what she does, but despite all that, tonight I won't watch, again, because I know that nothing out of the ordinary and nothing "never before seen" will happen.

I agree. clothes off at 22.05 and nothing for the rest of the show. Hoe come the other channel (SS) can show a gaping hole close up and etv cannot show a pair of panties close up.
Who is making the rules there ?
Would be interesting to find out the pecking order at etv

03.01.2012, 13:29

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

I have said it before. a man would not gaze his eyes on some one talking while a model does a sexy dance etc.

03.01.2012, 13:13

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

Michael_N wrote:Only one example. Roshana took off her bra and the director showed everything - asses, legs, shoes but not Roshana. It's such an ordinary style of ETV staff. They get money but don't love the viewers.

Easy to understand :
this is the typical behaviour of 'super-director' Elly.
Elly is digging her own grave.
Deeper and deeper.
Show after show.
Because she is unable to learn out of mistakes.

03.01.2012, 13:05

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

Only one example. Roshana took off her bra and the director showed everything - asses, legs, shoes but not Roshana. It's such an ordinary style of ETV staff. They get money but don't love the viewers.

03.01.2012, 11:54

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

"Thanks" to this censorship, and also to this lack of possibilities for the models (not only have they removed all the accessories, now they are also starting to ban balloons, cream, ect.), for me, Monday is becoming (or, has already become) the best day for shows.

Because with this censorship, the only interesting models for me, unfortunately, are those who still have to show something and are demonstrating to be active and willing to do so (Naomi, Roshana, Anna, Carla, ...), as well as those who have just started to show more and I'm curious to see their "development" (Michelle, Kate, Isabella, ...), you can see that, minus one, it's basically yesterday's cast! Big Grin
Of course, there is also that slight bit of curiosity for those models from whom you never know what to expect (and who are hardly scheduled in nightshows, let alone show more: Connie, or Kony as they like to call her nowadays, Simona, Karry, Jessica, ...) and for the new ones who still have not been in a nightshow (Cinderella and Suzy come to mind).

Models who have already reached a well-established fullstrip level, can do nothing more than fullstrips of one kind or another, perhaps some oil show if they're in the mood and it is requested, but that's it. As an example, I'd like to mention Scarlet: she's beautiful, her strips are undoubtedly among the best, she always smiles and looks like she enjoys what she does, but despite all that, tonight I won't watch, again, because I know that nothing out of the ordinary and nothing "never before seen" will happen.

02.01.2012, 17:53

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

The new rules of continuous ETV, rub, or rather already come in full, on the ridiculous.
What is supposed to be a channel erotic?
It is true that we must protect children,
but that is not the duty of the parents?
Do not exist in TV sets, parental control devices?
Is there minors awake after 23 h?
Apart from this, is the null professionalism demonstrated by high charges for ETV, but this is another story.

02.01.2012, 17:06

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

Censorship or money saving? Years ago we spoke about it. For example candles. They always use those silly looking grey candles you get for few cents. Maybe with ridiculous wishes being enough for them they will soon just stand there doing nothing. With a single bed there not usually covered with camera it really gets ridiculous. And of course when plasma screens are more important then models. I dont agree with those who say censorship is ruining everything. Stupid people doing Nancy and Kia in after show yesterday are 100% proof for it. There camera simply couldnt go anywhere. And we had ourselves a hot show. But why wait until afterhours???Thumb downAngryConfusedSad

02.01.2012, 16:50

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

logic wrote:
zorgaux wrote:
HvB wrote:
HvB wrote:at least it will be a different show from her tonight: creme isn't allowed anymore ...

Creme isn´t allowed anymore? is it true? is it a fake? how do you know?

greetings, and a happy new year.

Because they said it several times on the microphone ...

Thanks for the information!! ETV is dying slowly, a pity...

They have already removed all the accessories of the studio, they have banned balloons and now the cream Sad. What else is there to see during the shows, anything Cry. It becomes more and more annoying to see the same thing, girls working in the factory and repeats the same actions every day. Who will pay to see the same show every night. Cool

Oil or cream, where is the difference? If someone want to see a cream show, now he will see an oil show, what's the problem? For the show it doesn't matter imho.
The only difference is, that cream looks white like ... and is forbidden therefore. Cool

I'm not really interested in this cream/oil shows, but when I saw "Randa in oil" on Christmas, I got really appetizing. (of course for Randa, not for the oil) Tongue

You are right, but i think it would be ok if they don't allow cream show while provided they save oil shows. The problem is that as soon as oil show become so frequent as the cream show was, it will be forbidden too. This is the vicious circle i talked about in the endless post i wrote recently. The censorship leaves resources that will be soon burned and forbidden.

In my opinion, although there are shows i don't like i prefer they keep allowed. It means freedom and options. I think prohibitions are bad news, a step back, especially when there are no alternative proposals.