Eurotic TV - General Discussion

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18.11.2011, 23:33

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

glassy wrote:Hi tarl_cabot. No I am not wrong. That is what is printed on their screen when I looked earlier this afternoon along with what you say about the shows. Its bad enough watching the same faces at night. Now they will be there all dat as well ha ha. It may not last too long once people see what they get for their money. I wish them well in their quest to empty pockets .

It seems you are right, it is the text:

"For the very first time, this Sunday, eleven hours of pure hotness! Starring Mashiara, Scarlet, Kristina, Claudia and Angelina. The shows start at 11:00 CET! No clothes, no holding back, all of it happening during the day. Scarlet, Mashiara, Kristina, Angelina and Claudia. Sunday, from 11:00 all the way until 22:00 CET!"

18.11.2011, 21:03

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

Hi tarl_cabot. No I am not wrong. That is what is printed on their screen when I looked earlier this afternoon along with what you say about the shows. Its bad enough watching the same faces at night. Now they will be there all dat as well ha ha. It may not last too long once people see what they get for their money. I wish them well in their quest to empty pockets .

18.11.2011, 18:16

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

glassy wrote:So were promised 11hrs of pure hotness - ...

sorry but you're wrong.
this is the announcement:

We will have many 1 hour shows throughout Sunday starring Claudia, Kristina, Scarlet, Mashiara and Angelina

with only 5 models you'll be easily able to assume how many an etv many is. and as it was in the last days said / writen that Scarlet is the only model who is able to make a solo show for 2 hours I would think that most shows aren't solo shows and also I doubt that every show will last one hour.

18.11.2011, 17:54

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

So were promised 11hrs of pure hotness - no clothes and no holding back on Sunday. As the gap between what Eurotic considers hot and the paying publics perception of hot grows bigger and bigger in recent months. Eurotics new money making scheme has a lot of unanswered questions. Too few "hot" models for a start at the channel raises doubts about how much " hotness " there will be on show. A lot of rolling around- posing and cream shows will no doubt take place. How long can so few models provide a reason to join up and spend money. Why no free viewing for a couple of hours to tempt customers.

18.11.2011, 15:51

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

Karol88 wrote:First thing i noticed about new service on line ([hidden link - please register]) is that: lack on clarity about costs.
Second, very personal, view: it will be a round of backbreaking work for a few models, also if we're speaking about most energetic models of the channel.
In summary, it seems to me (but maybe i'm wrong) a leap of faith, for paying viewer and for models also.

You forgot to say that they will sprinkle every ounce of energy from those models so that they will perform less and less in normal nightshows, or perform in a worse way.
Remember Amy.

18.11.2011, 12:39

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

First thing i noticed about new service on line ([hidden link - please register]) is that: lack on clarity about costs.
Second, very personal, view: it will be a round of backbreaking work for a few models, also if we're speaking about most energetic models of the channel.
In summary, it seems to me (but maybe i'm wrong) a leap of faith, for paying viewer and for models also.

18.11.2011, 09:45

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

In another thread Tarl_Cabot wrote yesterday:

"I wouldn't use the words uwe & think in one sentence.
as he doesn't send VIPs to Kate only I'm sure that the etv models have ordered 35 dartboards with Uwe's pic on it (Evah & Lace ordered a plato dartboard) for the etv christmas party."

How joyful!

And now with Christmas Eve only 36 days ahead the natural question is: "Uwe´s pic? Can anyone then order pics of him and that other three-letter-word-guy (not meaning HvB, of course!) ?"

17.11.2011, 19:20

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

I hope very much that when it starts on, that will reported here.

Because I'm wondering how all this will work?
In what studio??
What see, the TV viewers?? Completely different models??
I am gold member, and have nothing from this new service??

and many many more questions.....

17.11.2011, 17:52

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

If Eurotic start some kinda ppv web show then don't expect it to be any different from the shows they are producing now. Sure-- there has been more nudity over the last two weeks but the models were wasting their time and might as well kept their pants on. More nudity but more distance between model and camera or turning away at the slightest hint of showing anything hot kills most shows recently. The shows are not hot by any means--sexy maybe-- but not hot. And they better stop taking the viewers on helicopter trips around the studio once the web shows start. Most computer or tablet screens are much smaller than most tv's so the camera work will have to improve. The distsnce they are keeping between models most of the time will look even worse on a small screen. I will be keeping my money well locked away. Same shows--just a different way to raise cash no doubt. Just remember that famous Eurotic saying---just call "we will make all your wishes come true"---not.

17.11.2011, 14:40

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

JBGOOD wrote:have you seen it? just visit german version and you will find

Täglich von 23 - 01 Uhr und von 01 - 03 Uhr kannst du hier die Sexy Eurotic Nacht von EuroticTV sehen. Hier zeigen wir Dir alles, was im TV nicht gezeigt werden darf - für nur 10 Coins erhältst Du Zugriff auf die gesamte laufende Liveshow.

same on french and spanish version!

I've just logged in and there are still 15 coins left of their first experiment long time ago. Smile
It depends on the schedule and the internal chensorship if there is need for it. Confused

16.11.2011, 23:02

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

have you seen it? just visit german version and you will find

Täglich von 23 - 01 Uhr und von 01 - 03 Uhr kannst du hier die Sexy Eurotic Nacht von EuroticTV sehen. Hier zeigen wir Dir alles, was im TV nicht gezeigt werden darf - für nur 10 Coins erhältst Du Zugriff auf die gesamte laufende Liveshow.

same on french and spanish version!

16.11.2011, 21:34

Re: HI

gordonthp wrote:Hi Eurotic TV
Ive been watching this channel for more than 3 years and i really like all the models here. But what i like most is Nicol. I like her body and i'd be pleased if any of her latest topless video is uploaded.
Greetings! <Gordon>
Big Grin

the thanks is for your model taste, sir

for clips of Nicole suggest to check the 'Nicole - Videos & Caps' section of this board, you sure will find something

gx / slow

p.s.: any video requests can be submitted in following thread: '** Attention ** Post your Eurotic Tv video requests here....'

16.11.2011, 20:37


Hi Eurotic TV
Ive been watching this channel for more than 3 years and i really like all the models here. But what i like most is Nicol. I like her body and i'd be pleased if any of her latest topless video is uploaded.
Greetings! <Gordon>
Big Grin

15.11.2011, 20:27

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

Tarl_Cabot wrote:the former model Sandra didn't appear in her last months as a model in night shows, too.
and as we know that she's a mother we can assume the reason.

In fact I didn't know this info before , but when it comes to the personal sides , I can't blame anybody for that …but as matter of fact ETV should by any means benefits from this singular and exceptional talent .

On the other hand , I think it's time to reconsider the whole case with the other new directors who has proved by all standards their inability to manage a job like that .

Tarl_Cabot wrote:a cast with only 5 models must guarantee a certain income by calls & sms and must also guarantee a certain level of show & activity as a team.
taking a look at the models page and searching for a different cast (only night show models) it will be difficult to find a different cast with the same qualities.

and imagine what would happen in this forum if two of the models are Lilian & Marayah. so would have to take the site offline or bin most of the members. Tongue

Totally agreed , It's better to accept what is available ….in another words ...the models who are ready to perform and to be active all the night through which is the only way out to make these new approach to survive .

But as a kind of change, I suppose that a show with a cast like ….. Sabrina , Randa , kate , Gia , Michelle …would never financially fail or even would be such a disappointment for all the viewers ….wouldn't it ?

15.11.2011, 19:30

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

Please more new models in the night shov i vont to see NIcole Naomi Ana ...............
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