Eurotic TV - General Discussion

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01.11.2011, 16:18

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

voncall wrote:Good evening Vappiano68
Regarding the part of Your post for the strange mssg regarding Anna, pls be guided that I already
discussed and translate that msg on Anna blog on Oct 20th another same mssg was sent for Michelle later

Hi Voncall!
Thank you, I didn't noticed it before.

01.11.2011, 16:10

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

Good evening Vappiano68
Regarding the part of Your post for the strange mssg regarding Anna, pls be guided that I already
discussed and translate that msg on Anna blog on Oct 20th another same mssg was sent for Michelle later

01.11.2011, 15:55

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

Highlights...or better...Lowlights of last night:

[hidden link - please register] [hidden link - please register] [hidden link - please register]
[hidden link - please register] [hidden link - please register] [hidden link - please register]
[hidden link - please register] [hidden link - please register] [hidden link - please register]

Just to save: lovely Kate and Michelle and Ju's pretty face.

And now a little thought.
But first of all a brief introduction:

did you ever wonder why this forum was forced to set this rule:

<<< eUrotic TV conspiracy theories:
Anybody who claims to know "the truth" about their conspiracy theories must provide evidence or proof of the theory or it will be deleted. Saying "Others agree with me" or "I know but I cannot reveal my sources" does NOT count as evidence or proof.>>> ?

I mean: why only for ETV we have strange theories?
Are we a lot of crazy people who find "strange facts" only in this channel?
Or probably is ETV, with a strange behaviour, who instills suspicions in ourselves?

Now I want you to have a reflection about this fact:

Did anybody notice this italian vipsms?

[hidden link - please register]

In English:

"I hope not to be too much exigent but, dear Anna, could you give an encore?
But watch your back, there are the sly foxes of the screen. Andy"

Now I just want to make a question:

What's the meaning of
"watch your back, there are the sly foxes of the screen." ?

My interpretation is:
Be careful, there's a group of old models who are not so happy to leave space to new models in the nightshows and to be replaced.
Is there another interpretation?

One thing is sure:
Anna has been no more present in a nightshow since then...

Do you believe that that vipsms came from out of the studio?
I make this question because during Michelle's first nightshow the same message appeared, this time in English and without signature :

[hidden link - please register]

My questions:
Are we sure that the new girls don't want to do nightshows?
Or is the old "Golden Dozen" who has priority of choice and absolutely no will to leave the nightshifts ?
And probably for a strong woman like Michelle is easier than for some new young girls to win this fact?

31.10.2011, 12:43

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

klemi wrote:One of the biggest mistakes is when they gave microphone to models hands. Now they interrupt any possible hot show developing into commenting every damn sms, even when appearing for 20th time on screen. My god they really are in a deep hole now. And for me the most ridiculous thing is when they start laughing foe any kind of smallest possible thing. Probably enough when a fly on a wall moves for one cm, they all burst in laughter. The most sad thing is how they became insulting for viewers and actually models too. Like switching cameras from Kates breasts to Marayas and similar. Unbelievable and intolerable. And I guess really no one in charge is reading our forum.

For example, yesterday night, Marayah feigned that she was scandalized because they asked him to show the naked feet.
It was pathetic and ridiculous.

31.10.2011, 12:36

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

One of the biggest mistakes is when they gave microphone to models hands. Now they interrupt any possible hot show developing into commenting every damn sms, even when appearing for 20th time on screen. My god they really are in a deep hole now. And for me the most ridiculous thing is when they start laughing foe any kind of smallest possible thing. Probably enough when a fly on a wall moves for one cm, they all burst in laughter. The most sad thing is how they became insulting for viewers and actually models too. Like switching cameras from Kates breasts to Marayas and similar. Unbelievable and intolerable. And I guess really no one in charge is reading our forum.

31.10.2011, 12:09

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

glassy wrote:If they were to do the balloon riding naked - facing foward and both model and balloon drowned in oil- then these shows may be more sexy. Oh! And get a model to burst the balloons while they are being tightly squeezed between the top of the models thighs. Let us see the shockwaves ripple over their skin splashing oil in every direction. Or get the model to place the balloon in a basin of water before riding then bursting. Hey guys- this balloon lark is not so bad after all ha ha. Fill the balloon with confetti for a big spectacular burst ha ha. Oh yes- I feel phone call coming on. Better get back ti bed in a dark room I think.

Hi Glassy
Thumb up for your ideas to improve the "riding"!

Some "live-audio" (not of the balloon Angry, but of the girl who moans Tongue Big Grin ) would be not so bad.

31.10.2011, 12:03

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

If they were to do the balloon riding naked - facing foward and both model and balloon drowned in oil- then these shows may be more sexy. Oh! And get a model to burst the balloons while they are being tightly squeezed between the top of the models thighs. Let us see the shockwaves ripple over their skin splashing oil in every direction. Or get the model to place the balloon in a basin of water before riding then bursting. Hey guys- this balloon lark is not so bad after all ha ha. Fill the balloon with confetti for a big spectacular burst ha ha. Oh yes- I feel phone call coming on. Better get back ti bed in a dark room I think.

31.10.2011, 11:08

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

Hilbert wrote:... €450 ... Marcel, ... Alexis Texas' videos, ...

just some short adds and no discussion. Smile

- for some live shows from Alexis is/was only a short sat change needed to [hidden link - please register] and sadly can e.g. foot shows be found also in the UK babeshows Sad
- as long as Scarlet and other models motivates him with Marcelino he won't stop anyway
- let's hope that he'll need some time to collect the next 456 euro but we must confess that these euros are (only a small) part of the money that keeps etv alive and with 456 euros he's far away from the Top of the financial etv supporters

31.10.2011, 10:58

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

Hilbert wrote:Excuse me, is there room for a different view?
The unbridled enthusiasm for Michelle's nipples fleeting exhibition, etc. etc

very witty, spare a thought for the penniless over 40 s with bulging waistlines.

A much better post than the one below, Alexis Texas was never at ETV, or did I miss that show too ??

30.10.2011, 19:43

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

Tarl_Cabot wrote:for the next week she's only for night shows on the schedule.
so was that stupid announcement just the typical etv bullshit to rip some viewers off.
either the info etv gave to their mods was false or the mods didn't say the truth.
anyway, they made money with lies and everyone who sent goodbye wishes should ask for the money back.
the same for the never ending Spirit story.

I sniff a great chance for ETV to make a lot of money.Cool Could be a profitable business model announcing the supposable leaving of.....Aria, Lillian, Sabrina........or Kate, Mashiara, Scarlet, Gia.Tongue
P.S. after about 200 sms`, 500 calls and maybe 2000 posts here in the forum ETV`s mod tells us that it was only a misunderstanding.Blush

30.10.2011, 11:33

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

Will it be another afternoon of ridiculously dressed ' eurotic models' dressed in shorts and wooly tights etc.
Come on ETV you need to get a grip and take a business approach to the channel.
It's turning into a shopping channel, adverts are more teasing.

27.10.2011, 20:35

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

it is not the models because they trying very hard but their efforts are wasted by the either the camera, switch board, and the director.

Thursday night could have been fantastic and may other night shows too, but how with such people directing these shows.

27.10.2011, 17:33

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

vappiano68 wrote:
Chris26 wrote:2) I want to underline again (I know many of you did that already) the perfect and spectacular debut of Michelle yesterday.
Many words of praise not only to her (who deserves them all), but also to the regie (and I'll say it - congratulations, Hans. Ok, now you can lynch me... Big Grin) who were able to show long, uninterrupted, erotic showershows.

Thumb upThumb upThumb up
Michelle showed perfectly what a soft model should beIn love.

Anyway I think she can do even more Thumb up

I agree at 100%.
Michelle: ETV and all of us found last night a new star. I think she is the perfect example for the rest of soft models, and a incredible model ETV they can´t waste. It was a very nice surprise!!!Thumb upThumb upThumb up

I think division in soft and hot models it is not a matter of beauty, and it is not a question of nudity, it should be an attitude issue. I think an ETV model should work at day or night giving erotic performances, giving sexy moments (it not means nudity, its clear these are different things), i think they should be able to act as its appropriate in each moment. I think soft models in hot show should be able to do something more than decorative furniture in the studio.It's not about naked, it is a hot attitude, it´s only a attitude issue, the can move, dance, they can use the shadows, the water, the milk, the honey... nudity is not necessary to do a hot show. Eva, Simona, Karry.. could be hot shows witl a little effort. One night Karry defended this argument: nudity is not necessary, i can make it hot. She didn´t. But Karry, the rest of the models that infamous night, and the staff behind them, all failed. But they only failed because of total lack of imagination, total lack of predisposition to something hot, a complete wrong attitude. Karry was the head and the voice for that proposal, and it seems she was relegated after that only at daytime, as if it is the most she could offer. Sometimes, many times, soft models are too much lazy, and they are allowed to be so. It´s a big mistake.

I think ETV should have polyvalent models, and they should request these soft lazy models a hot attitude. It´s easy to be a soft model, but not so much being a hot model, and a hot model is not just a naked model, is just a model ready to do hot performances.I think it is not natural, not fair, and not good for anybody except that soft models, that there is a lazy model doing nothing while the other try to keep it the hot level alone all the show. ETV measure has been keep them apart of hot show. Perhaps it´s not the best measure seeing what Michelle did last night. Perhaps they must try to integrate models like her in hot show. Michelle can do it, why not?

27.10.2011, 10:33

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

Chris26 wrote:2) I want to underline again (I know many of you did that already) the perfect and spectacular debut of Michelle yesterday.
Many words of praise not only to her (who deserves them all), but also to the regie (and I'll say it - congratulations, Hans. Ok, now you can lynch me... Big Grin) who were able to show long, uninterrupted, erotic showershows.

Thumb upThumb upThumb up
Michelle showed perfectly what a soft model should beIn love.
Anyway I think she can do even more Thumb up

27.10.2011, 10:19

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

2 things:

1) I completely agree with Vappiano when he says that neither nakedness nor beauty alone are sufficient for a nightshow.
And I'll also mention again the examples he made, with Lilian and Brona.
Although, Lilian gets points for being much more active (careful, not naked, active) during her shows.

And I also agree completely with his reasoning of soft models. When I said "soft" models such as Brona should not have a place in a nightshow, I was really talking about that particular kind of soft models.
The two examples you posted, Evah and Carrie (again, two beautiful models for me, but that I don't like as "performers" overall for different reasons), would be perfect for a nightshow.
Actually I still remember Evah's scene as one of her best. Personally I prefer the second example (Tongue), but the first one is really ok, and really better than just staying perfectly clothed for hour, smiling and wiggling your hips.
Take Jessica's, Naomi's, Simona's and Brianna's performances during the birthday show. Those were also very good and I would be ok with those in a nightshow.

2) I want to underline again (I know many of you did that already) the perfect and spectacular debut of Michelle yesterday.
Many words of praise not only to her (who deserves them all), but also to the regie (and I'll say it - congratulations, Hans. Ok, now you can lynch me... Big Grin) who were able to show long, uninterrupted, erotic showershows.
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