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14.12.2008, 11:41


Whatever the reason, I am sure it was not meant to happen in this way. The evidence for that can be seen in the vid - elmovision always seems to be in the right place at the right time - and the somewhat overcrowded studios certainly of friday night.

So I certainly doubt that the channel pulled the plug. And with other channels vanishing from Hotbird quicker than you can shake a stick, something much more fundamental seems to be taking place.

But this post is not to speculate. For once, I will try to be totally serious and present a short resume on the brief life of the channel.

While E1 sought to be different, E2 was always, in my mind, more closer to the typical live-show. Fairly static cameras etc. The typical non-caller who had seen the difference on E1 could not accept E2. They expected the movement of it's big brother.

The caller saw it different. It was a means to get much more up close (not in the photographic sense) and personal with the model. There was more opportunity to see who you were speaking to without the camera moving away or the other silly distractions on E1. So you got to know the model better. And you had a better chance to get through direct to your choice without wasting time, and money, talking to someone you really did not want to will waiting for the line to clear.

As with any channel, once your favourite girls leave, there is less reason to watch as the caller becomes the viewer.

Some models you very rarely saw there such as Jaya and Kaleya. Others such as Malena, Adora and Alexa were perfectly at home there and thrived on it.

In it's later days, I refered to the studio as a 'stalag' and there is very good reason for that. A reason which also had a profound effect on E1 and the ability to keep some models motivated which would eventually lead to their departure.

It's demise could well cause problems for it's big brother. But for that we can only wait and see.

14.12.2008, 14:30

Re: ETV2 - RIP

mmh reminds me of a song from Keane

Oh, crystal ball, crystal ball
Save us all, tell me life is beautiful
Mirror, mirror on the wall
Oh, crystal ball, hear my song
I'm fading out, everything I know is wrong
So put me where I belong

14.12.2008, 14:25

Re: ETV2 - RIP

But that was no prediction.

That was a crystalised 'balls up'

14.12.2008, 12:42

Re: ETV2 - RIP

hey DB look it this way, with your pediction of etv's end in october you are now at least half-correct.

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