ETV , please , stop mocking your viewers !

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06.03.2009, 17:13

Re: ETV , please , stop mocking your viewers !

Hi bellerophon--Yes I hear what you are saying and agree with you. A lot of the soft models just seem to see the show as a way of making easy money by standing and swaying their hips from side to side for 5 or 6 hours. Surely they knew what they were getting into when they took the job of a model on tv. Why are these models not told to liven up a little. If they go to a beach with lots of people around do they still keep their clothes on > They could dress a little more sexily at least. But on a positive note it was nice to see recently models like Scarlet and Maschiara getting confident enough to take off their tops and do handbra. If thats how far they want to go then we must respect that. Not every person can take their clothes off in a big studio with production staff just a few metres away. I think the most memorable of "coming out " shows was with carmen. For weeks she dared to take her bra off but had blue sticky tape covering her nipples. She worked for ages like this till she bit the bullit and removed the tape--she turned into one of Eurotics best models. It would seem a loyt of models find showing their tits no problem as long as the nipples are covered--strange indeed. There are nipple clamps like broaches that the burlesque dancers and strippers wear to cover their nipples. Why not use them--I hope Gia reads this bcause she has showed us every part of her tits except the nipples --accidents aside.So how about it Gia ? And as I write this two of the more recent soft models are getting close and Carmen has arrived. Bye bye

06.03.2009, 12:32

Re: ETV , please , stop mocking your viewers !

06 03 2009

12:30 Lunch break

Now I ( and I think most of you,my friends )
have some time to watch ETV
and call the girls .
Oh my God , what a dream team :

4 of the 7 models belong to the first group !!!
My dick fell on hearth !
It's not possible !!!!!

I have decided to create a new thread
in the Liveshows section.of this forum.
In this thread I will explain my " project "
to renew ETV.
Stay tuned , my friends , because
I need your help.
I'm so tired to eat the shit of ETV !!!


06.03.2009, 11:57

Re: ETV , please , stop mocking your viewers !

Hi bellerophon--If the girls were left to do what they wanted then we would have excellent shows every day. It is obvious they want to do more but are being told not to. Take Angelina for example. She loves to pose doggy and legs open for callers and is happy for the camera to go in really close (so am I ha ha ).But recently she has hardly done any of those poses and along with the rest of the models look bored and fed up at not being allowed to perform. Its crazy. She is not going naked but is sexy as hell in these poses. Sugar creaming her pussy on top of her pants in close up the other night also proves the models can be more sexy and erotic even with clothes on. But this format only works if it is shown correctly with close camera work and good interaction between the models with props such as cream,ice cubes or water etc. When was the last time any model used ice on their bodies ? Simple props that turn a boring show into an interesting show that encouragrs callers to call the showBy all means let the models keep covered but it can be done sexily with small g-strings and bras or bathing costumes. Explore different outfits such as latex-rubber-schoolgirl-burlesque (my fav ) .The models dont have to just sit there. They are being told to do so and no blame is with the models for the recent poor shows with no imagination--that lys fair and square at the feet of the production crew who either cant be bothered working or are getting wages too easy. other channels are showing much more effort. Even free to air phone in channels on u/k astra at night are a whole lot sexier than Eurotic. Maybe the producers would be better looking to see how it could be done and how the models could be dressed. Its all so sad to see how this channel has ended up and could be pulling in cash good style if only they would waken up to what people want. Will they listen ? no And the channel goes further into the gutter.There is no law stopping them from producing better shows if they wanted to. And where did Kaleya go ? We need her back pulling her pants up tight between her legs again--so sexy and with clothes on. If eurotic are going to stick with the clothes on format at least make it sexy guys.

06.03.2009, 09:38

Re: ETV , please , stop mocking your viewers !

Hey, my friends !

The mochery continues !!!
After the catastrophic show of last night,
with 4 of the 7 models of the first group ( see my list ),

now on air :

Clio + Cleopatra + Kiara .

Two very beautiful but shy models with a " Teacher "
in the early morning show ?
Who can call to request a good show
or a special interaction between the girls at this time  ?

Maybe some pensioner !

I don't know if you can, my friends, but
in the early morning I just can find 5 minutes to
write some thoughts in this forum .

Models of my first group would be perfect at this time !

06.03.2009, 00:14

Re: ETV , please , stop mocking your viewers !

For me the last highlight was Scarlet with her hands moving in front of her tits. She Nipples were seen there all so nicely. Otherwise last 48 hours were boredom 100%.

05.03.2009, 23:50

Re: ETV , please , stop mocking your viewers !

Hi vappiano68--you are right--its gonna be a slow-no show show tonight. The models are all so predictable now. Hand-bras and very little interaction between the models. Only highlight from last nights show for me was Sugar rubbing cream into her pants in close up--that was it out of a 6 hour show. Says it all really.

05.03.2009, 23:29

Re: ETV , please , stop mocking your viewers !

05 03 2009 Nightshow.

4 of the 7 models belong to my first list .

Result: a catastrophic show!

i have no words!

05.03.2009, 15:45

Re: ETV , please , stop mocking your viewers !


I'm happy to see Bella supported by Carmen and Angelina.

It's only the always present Lilian that I can't see close to Bella !

05.03.2009, 15:26

Re: ETV , please , stop mocking your viewers !

hey vappiano68

I don't know what you want?????? It's a good sign that bella would supported

05.03.2009, 12:31

Re: ETV , please , stop mocking your viewers !

05 03 2009

12:30 Lunch break

Bella supported by...........Lilian !!!!!!!!

It's a Nightmare !!!!

05.03.2009, 11:08

Re: ETV , please , stop mocking your viewers !

@ simply22 and
@ all my forum friends :

I think simply22 said a right thing.
Who decides if a girl must be Cold ,soft,warm or hot ?
I think ETV staff is not honest saying that
models do what they want.
I make an example to clarify my words:

in the first 2 or 3 shows they appeared, Maria and Michelle
showed a very good chemistry and a good potential to
perform exciting lesbian action.
On the contrary,In the last shows, Maria in a part of the
studio and Michelle on the other part, doing nothing to
tease the viewers.
According to me neither Maria neither Michelle refuse
to satisfy the requests of the callers ,making
sensual lesbian action and I think that
is not their choice to be defined soft and cold.
It seems to me that ETV staff imposes these beautiful girls
to limit themselves.
And if these girls don't respect these limitations,
then the camera punishes them cutting their actions.

This is the top of stupidity and dishonesty !

I never saw Lilian, Lace, Indiana , Mimoza
punished by the camera !

05.03.2009, 10:29

Re: ETV , please , stop mocking your viewers !

Hei vappiano and all friends, i think all you tell is allright!! I dont know what success in ETV. This night I stayed until 2.00 am for watch what was the show and the girl. Monna, Bella, Cleopatra, Athina, only beautiful statuary!!! Without watch a tits or a ass...only clothes and nothing! Only Inez a little show her ass and tits and Sugar, only her nue, but dont show her pussy as in the past. It's this a Eurotic Show???? If there is soft girl and hot girl, I think the soft girl must watch her body with a bikini or a little show of tits, and the hot girl must show her body nue!! She decide who must to be a soft girl and a hot girl. So the people can to call her and tell as they want with more motivations. What do you think of this analyses? Ohhhh as I will want to return in the 2006/2007/2008 when many beautiful and hot girl shows ever nude!! :-)

Hi friend!

05.03.2009, 02:35

Re: ETV , please , stop mocking your viewers !

nobody can say how many call they receive each day because some girls pretend to speak when the camera just for them.
sms are controlled by the regie, they can write their own, they have in the past. ETV is a world of liar and illusion, reality catch up one day and that day will its poorly.

04.03.2009, 23:42

Re: ETV , please , stop mocking your viewers !

I think a lot of it is bad management and directing. The thing is, as other people have said, there isn't really any other free to view erotic channel to give them any competition, well at least not at the moment anyway. As they long as they continue to make money with what they are doing, we will continue to recieve these bullshit shows. It can be very frustrating though, especially when you think of the days of 2006 - 2007 when ETV used to provide great shows!

04.03.2009, 23:06

Re: ETV , please , stop mocking your viewers !

Hi vappiano68--I would agree with your points and comments. It would appear the more times you praise a show --the sooner they stop what you were praising. The most recent example was the nice close up shots we were getting of Angelina. A few days after several people made comments about the good camera work etc they stopped showing her in close up. This has happened a lot in the past. The Eurotic staff seem to enjoy playing games with the callers and viewers instead of producing good sexy shows. Using two static cameras is no help either. My advice is dont call or send sms as long as this shit is broadcast. They could show stronger shows if they wanted and have models who are willing to do so as well. Other channels are doing it and even some channels just advertising mobile phone sex lines show more than Eurotic. They have lost the plot and a new fresh channel to give competition is needed. They would start to change then I bet.Its all become slow and boring and I said in another post that soon models will leave through bordom and not being allowed to perform like they want to. Why phone in when you can look at women in the street wearing clothes annd a lot of times less than you see on eurotic. Goodnight ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ