ETV Gold

4.29 (7 rating(s))

(4.29 / 5, 7 ratings)

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21.07.2011, 20:44

ETV Gold


When ETV Gold first arrived it looked like a good idea for regular callers/texters, you could see a definite reduction in your calling costs.
For occasional callers the economics were not so clear. I put myself in this group, so I tried to negotiate myself a special deal.
Whilst the process was fun, Christine does write a good email, the offers came close but the deal never managed to materialise.
Why am I telling you this? ...
Well, we are now seeing developments where ETV Gold members are getting exclusive access to certain material.
To emphasise the point, exclusive access means that non ETV Gold members are excluded ...
All because the economics of our calling habits do not warrant the expenditure on a ETV Gold plan, has anyone negotiated their own deal?

So, are we moving towards a state where the 'good stuff' goes to ETV Gold members? Pay-per-view by stealth?
Has ETV Gold membership take-up been large enough to show them this is the way forward? ... I am starting to feel concerned ...

For anyone interested, my reasons for not liking the 'standard' ETV Gold packages are:-
3 month expiry period - I wanted no limit.
Call minutes / SMS mix - I wanted a 'dynamic transfer' tariff.
I also suggested a 'Website Access only' tariff, for "watchers".
These topics were discussed over a period of time but, as I said, nothing materialised from the discussions.

11.09.2015, 04:55

Re: ETV Gold

thank you

05.08.2014, 14:59

Re: ETV Gold

ıs any fhone number ı cant joın etv credıt

28.01.2013, 16:39

Re: ETV Gold

Slowfox wrote:
Whistler wrote:Hello. I'm interested in becoming a member of ETV.
How does it actually made with a termination? What are the conditions there, if you want to terminate this membership?

To enter you purchase an amount of credits, i.e. making use of any of their offers on [hidden link - please register]

After you entered details for your account (username; password) and your account has been charged in accordance with the package of your choice you are set. A termination is obsolete as you still can access the site, but without credits you can not do anything.

In case of doubt suggest to check via e-mail with for further advice and assistance.


Thank you very much Slow.

28.01.2013, 16:33

Re: ETV Gold

Whistler wrote:Hello. I'm interested in becoming a member of ETV.
How does it actually made with a termination? What are the conditions there, if you want to terminate this membership?

To enter you purchase an amount of credits, i.e. making use of any of their offers on [hidden link - please register]

After you entered details for your account (username; password) and your account has been charged in accordance with the package of your choice you are set. A termination is obsolete as you still can access the site, but without credits you can not do anything.

In case of doubt suggest to check via e-mail with for further advice and assistance.


28.01.2013, 15:59

Re: ETV Gold

Hello. I'm interested in becoming a member of ETV.
How does it actually made with a termination? What are the conditions there, if you want to terminate this membership?

17.05.2012, 15:06

Re: ETV Gold

crazyforgia wrote:
logic wrote:
victor999 wrote:

Ok, thanks for your answers! No expire date right now...
If it stay so, we will see... I thought about it do when it happens Cool

17.05.2012, 14:41

Re: ETV Gold

Logic wrote:
You are right, I also haven't found any informations about this. In the old system you could see the expire date of your account, but now there's nothing. So I assume a expiry period doesn't exist any more. But I expect that this will come again, because too many members will probably pay the lowest package only for once to watch the exclusive shows. And without expiry period they can do this endless time. But we know ETV want to make money and I assume they will then change back to the old system.
I wrote about this yesterday general discussion But I was accused of profiteering.

17.05.2012, 14:08

Re: ETV Gold

crazyforgia wrote:Hi,

need a little help...
can´t find any informations about the duration of the membership at the Terms and Conditions of I know it was three month expiry period at the old website, but now?

Watcher wrote:Well, it seems that with the latest changes: The introduction of the credit system, the low entry level (25 credits), Credit Card payment and the removal of the 3 month expiry period: ETV have accommodated my original requirements ...

Looks like I shall be buying a few credits to play with Smile .

Sounds interesting, but like I write before, can´t find any informations. Confused
(maybe depends only on my bad english)

kind regards

You are right, I also haven't found any informations about this. In the old system you could see the expire date of your account, but now there's nothing. So I assume a expiry period doesn't exist any more. But I expect that this will come again, because too many members will probably pay the lowest package only for once to watch the exclusive shows. And without expiry period they can do this endless time. But we know ETV want to make money and I assume they will then change back to the old system.

17.05.2012, 10:17

Re: ETV Gold


need a little help...
can´t find any informations about the duration of the membership at the Terms and Conditions of I know it was three month expiry period at the old website, but now?

Watcher wrote:Well, it seems that with the latest changes: The introduction of the credit system, the low entry level (25 credits), Credit Card payment and the removal of the 3 month expiry period: ETV have accommodated my original requirements ...

Looks like I shall be buying a few credits to play with Smile .

Sounds interesting, but like I write before, can´t find any informations. Confused
(maybe depends only on my bad english)

kind regards

28.04.2012, 13:39

Re: ETV Gold

Krimi33 wrote:Hey Watcher,

What does the 25 credits get you?

Is it in minutes or so?



They bring you pleasure ... They bring you pain Sad .

My first venture into Gold Membership was satisfying.
I sent a number of VIP messages and they had the desired effect, so I ventured for a second time Smile .
Again, the effect was what I hoped for so I continued to 'play my game' ...
Then disaster.
Whoever was transferring the messages to the plasma cut my signature from the end ... one slightly confused model trying to figure out who sent it.
Later on I send a follow-up explaining what had happened but again the signature is cut ... one slightly more confused model.
Third try. I put my signature at the beginning and say 'that's it if this doesn't work' ... no signature, one slightly upset model thinking it's her fault.
Sorry ETV ... no more messages - no more credits.

09.04.2012, 20:39

Re: ETV Gold

Tarl_Cabot wrote:maybe an ETV Goldie could post a kind of price list

[hidden link - please register]


09.04.2012, 20:04

Re: ETV Gold

Three weeks I solve the problem of how to pay credit to "etvshow" from my country (CZ).Sad
Information about bank account I have.
Can you advise how do I pay it, but my wife did not know it? Confused We have a joint bank account. Thumb down
Please send your suggestions at P.M. Thumb up

This is the last hope.

09.04.2012, 19:29

Re: ETV Gold

Krimi33 wrote:What does the 25 credits get you?

you can use the credits for calling, sending SMS or VIPs or the content or services on their website.
maybe an ETV Goldie could post a kind of price list but some info is already posted in this thread or [hidden link - please register].

09.04.2012, 19:16

Re: ETV Gold

Hi guys,

this is the Headline of the exclusive Goldmembershow.

Kia and Gia. Hot right now. Without clothes, with oil. Join them

Does anyone watch it? Is it real that they both with oil and naked?

I don´t trust them....
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