[D]ead but not yet [B]uried

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23.09.2009, 21:13

[D]ead but not yet [B]uried

Confession time. Anyone who has been unfortunate enough to see a photograph of The Teacher will have realised today that everyone has a Doppelgänger. But some may also have thought 'Hang on a mo. Maybe it really was'. And this I will confess. Yes it really was.

People are always seeking explanations of how this tv works. Those little bits of subtly that are so easiliy overlooked. The technical marvels that are taken for granted without asking the obvious question ' How the feck did they do that ?'

But now another question is ready to be asked. Is what you see really live or actually pre-recorded ?. Could explain a whole lot of things for the inconsistent behavour. And it's so easy with the green room. Just record every model against the backdrop and record different messages 'Thank you for the request. Unfortunately, today, I cannot do this but......"

And if they can perform such trickery, how about overlaying some old guy on a couch in an apparent 'live' set when in truth that had also been filmed on a green backdrop. "Try this out for comfort, Sir. Do not worry about the camera. It is just for an in-store promotion" "And would you mind turning it around as the film needs to show such fine workmanship"

But I am still there so it could not have been me now could it ?

Of course, if you believe this load of twaddle you could also believe that The Teacher really was in the studio someday.

Any dream will do.

23.09.2009, 21:56

Re: [D]ead but not yet [B]uried

ghost you.are right with this "waste" !!

23.09.2009, 21:34

Re: [D]ead but not yet [B]uried

@ DB ,

For this sort of "stories ", I was waiting for .!! If you only can get the half of it , you're on the right way !!

You said "overlay and green" , I ask you : and mirroring ???. Tell such stories and no one believes you . Or.....?? ? Thanks for telling this . Last year , I was "talking about this ......." Greetings

23.09.2009, 21:19

Re: [D]ead but not yet [B]uried

I'm a believer. I believe every post written in here, even if they are contradictory.
Hope you had as much fun with Mr. X and Miss R. as I had.
And yes, I needed a second look to be sure it wasn't you ...

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