Boycott etv

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23.12.2015, 00:27

Boycott etv

The night show is day by day more dull and poor in performance, direction, modeling. They want you to pay for nothing as nothing is what they are offering now. BOYCOTT ETV: all together we fix a week where nobody call, nobody send messages, nobody buy any premium. And we go on until the wind of change drive them back to the golden age standard. Union is our strength. Pass this idea through all your friends that are etv viewers, pass this idea through any forum concerning etv. They need your money only without any respect of what you desire. Stop sending money if you want a change. THIS IS THE ONLY WAY: BOYCOTT ETV if you love etv and you want to save this channel

30.07.2016, 10:14

Re: Boycott etv

Hello everyone!
I think CEH now ETV on TV is definitely dead, but the disgusting thing is that they have anticipated the closure, since now have three days you can not see anything. It 'a crap because they had promised to do so by August 1 instead all gone already for three days.
I'm really sorry but dies the history of a particular TV with many beautiful girls who are seen, simple and also very hot. The classic girl from next door that does a little bit excited and showed his nakedness. Certainly in recent years much has changed towards the start and did a little lost, but at least you could see something beautiful.
Now definitely dead all!
I'm sorry, and I also say that I do not intereserà see these shows on the internet, because at this point I prefer to see more.
Hello everyone and remember ETV with videos that we conserato carefully

Cry Cry Cry Thumb down Thumb down Thumb down Angry Angry Angry

29.07.2016, 23:28

Re: Boycott etv

Where ETV? What happen?

28.07.2016, 03:00

Re: Boycott etv

i dont know for you but i watch eurotic tv when the channel start and i know the big part of model ( specific french language and arabic moderator ) but im surprised to bad news stop broadcasting in tv . I know in europe have many fans but arround the world is many toooooo and in world no have acces esay net and easy acces pay service .
is a big experience with eurotic but now i will search other . if pay to give pleasure i will try other website other model and other hot show .
Eurotic is end maybe but hope no

26.07.2016, 03:59

Re: Boycott etv

andreaparma wrote:Slowfox,
you are not that kind of people I like to talk with and this is a common feeling of the majority of this forum (and other forum) members. Anyway just to fix some points:
- ETV boycotted itself and the full responsability is of ETV
- many members loving this channel tried to advise ETV about the changes affecting the future of the channel without any result as ETV does not take care of requirements and suggestions from the viewers
- ETV was in good financial conditions when it was something unique, a FTA erotic channel with next door girls acting erotic shows. Income coming from calls, messages and premium of the favourites models
- ETV moved to website where it can offer nothing better compared with tons of free porn and erotic videos, chats etc...
- ETV reduced the numbers of models, the level of the show, dropping down in quality in any term (direction, lighting, script, studio, cameras and cameraman, models etc...). The result of it is a boring show without no interest for most of the viewers.
- bad shows means no viewers, no messages, no calls. Leaving apart a few people like you, Kenny and so on nobody will follow the adventures of ETV in the web as they could expect and the failure is round the corner.

I fully agree with you.

26.07.2016, 03:49

Re: Boycott etv

pepe84 wrote:Let ETV die, they deserve it well. Without TV they wont last long anymore anyway, i guess within a few months they are gone for good also in the web.

I really hope so!!!

26.07.2016, 03:46

Re: Boycott etv

tux.friend wrote:For etv we are all only paying dumb viewers of tits and pussy and what does a dumb viewer do if he see no tits and pussy, he pays and hopes that the next time he could see more tits and pussy. But I think the calculation with the dumb viewers would not be true for etv.

In the past years they try to push the tv viewers to the internet or other paid channels, but I think that was not a success. Now they force all viewers to go this way and I dont now if a lot of viewers will go this way, so I think it would also no success for etv.

Over the years etv only listen to what some fans tell them and what they want to hear, they ignore the majority and why should this majority no follow etv on the way into the internet?

Drink tea with us and wait what really happend at 1. of august. We could nothing do more, because etv will not tell us anything and not a bit discuss what is the way of etv, because we are all dump viewers and they are the only people who knows what is good for etv. That they had wrote in a very arrogant way.

etv wants to buy a pig in a poke, but thats not my way and there are a lot of offers in the internet, where I could spend money if I like what I see and there are more and more offers this way: See it, like it, buy it. Thats one of the futures in internet and not this closed event what etv want to do.

You're right! For sure I will not give them my money after they close the tv channel!!!Angry

26.07.2016, 03:38

Re: Boycott etv

andreaparma wrote:be sure also web site will come to an end in a short term

I really hope that you will be right with your prophecy.

19.07.2016, 20:50

Re: Boycott etv

the boycott did no harm at all, if ETV still would have a good product, surely enough people would pay the price for it . . . that is how a every business works, make your product good enough to be successfull, dont try to sell crap.

If you dont get the price you want or need for your product, you cant blame your costumers . . your product is simply not good enough, or like in this case: not good enough anymore.

Let ETV die, they deserve it well. Without TV they wont last long anymore anyway, i guess within a few months they are gone for good also in the web.

19.07.2016, 19:23

Re: Boycott etv

meeresbucht wrote:
Slowfox wrote:
andreaparma wrote:Slowfox,
you are not that kind of people I like to talk with and this is a common feeling of the majority of this forum (and other forum) members. Anyway just to fix some points:
- ETV boycotted itself and the full responsability is of ETV
- many members loving this channel tried to advise ETV about the changes affecting the future of the channel without any result as ETV does not take care of requirements and suggestions from the viewers
- ETV was in good financial conditions when it was something unique, a FTA erotic channel with next door girls acting erotic shows. Income coming from calls, messages and premium of the favourites models
- ETV moved to website where it can offer nothing better compared with tons of free porn and erotic videos, chats etc...
- ETV reduced the numbers of models, the level of the show, dropping down in quality in any term (direction, lighting, script, studio, cameras and cameraman, models etc...). The result of it is a boring show without no interest for most of the viewers.
- bad shows means no viewers, no messages, no calls. Leaving apart a few people like you, Kenny and so on nobody will follow the adventures of ETV in the web as they could expect and the failure is round the corner.

Yes, senselss to discuss with people like you, who now try to hide cowardly behind other forum members. Again above is only about the quality of the show and the attitrude of ETV and nothing about your boycott. YOU called for it as loud as ever possible. Now stand to it and don't duck away. And admit it was a failure and just some senseless noise making.

And who told you what I actually do, or is this just speculative and a try of a personal offense ? Better try next time.

None of your business though, but the last credit I bought was in December 2015. When was your last purchase ?


You sound like TGE Services themselves but not like a 10 year long viewer who loved E-TV-shows in Jaya- or Randa-times and payed for them.


Never argue with stupid people, they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience.

19.07.2016, 18:11

Re: Boycott etv

Slowfox wrote:
andreaparma wrote:Slowfox,
you are not that kind of people I like to talk with and this is a common feeling of the majority of this forum (and other forum) members. Anyway just to fix some points:
- ETV boycotted itself and the full responsability is of ETV
- many members loving this channel tried to advise ETV about the changes affecting the future of the channel without any result as ETV does not take care of requirements and suggestions from the viewers
- ETV was in good financial conditions when it was something unique, a FTA erotic channel with next door girls acting erotic shows. Income coming from calls, messages and premium of the favourites models
- ETV moved to website where it can offer nothing better compared with tons of free porn and erotic videos, chats etc...
- ETV reduced the numbers of models, the level of the show, dropping down in quality in any term (direction, lighting, script, studio, cameras and cameraman, models etc...). The result of it is a boring show without no interest for most of the viewers.
- bad shows means no viewers, no messages, no calls. Leaving apart a few people like you, Kenny and so on nobody will follow the adventures of ETV in the web as they could expect and the failure is round the corner.

Yes, senselss to discuss with people like you, who now try to hide cowardly behind other forum members. Again above is only about the quality of the show and the attitrude of ETV and nothing about your boycott. YOU called for it as loud as ever possible. Now stand to it and don't duck away. And admit it was a failure and just some senseless noise making.

And who told you what I actually do, or is this just speculative and a try of a personal offense ? Better try next time.

None of your business though, but the last credit I bought was in December 2015. When was your last purchase ?


You sound like TGE Services themselves but not like a 10 year long viewer who loved E-TV-shows in Jaya- or Randa-times and payed for them.


19.07.2016, 13:20

Re: Boycott etv

andreaparma wrote:Slowfox,
you are not that kind of people I like to talk with and this is a common feeling of the majority of this forum (and other forum) members. Anyway just to fix some points:
- ETV boycotted itself and the full responsability is of ETV
- many members loving this channel tried to advise ETV about the changes affecting the future of the channel without any result as ETV does not take care of requirements and suggestions from the viewers
- ETV was in good financial conditions when it was something unique, a FTA erotic channel with next door girls acting erotic shows. Income coming from calls, messages and premium of the favourites models
- ETV moved to website where it can offer nothing better compared with tons of free porn and erotic videos, chats etc...
- ETV reduced the numbers of models, the level of the show, dropping down in quality in any term (direction, lighting, script, studio, cameras and cameraman, models etc...). The result of it is a boring show without no interest for most of the viewers.
- bad shows means no viewers, no messages, no calls. Leaving apart a few people like you, Kenny and so on nobody will follow the adventures of ETV in the web as they could expect and the failure is round the corner.

Yes, senselss to discuss with people like you, who now try to hide cowardly behind other forum members. Again above is only about the quality of the show and the attitrude of ETV and nothing about your boycott. YOU called for it as loud as ever possible. Now stand to it and don't duck away. And admit it was a failure and just some senseless noise making.

And who told you what I actually do, or is this just speculative and a try of a personal offense ? Better try next time.

None of your business though, but the last credit I bought was in December 2015. When was your last purchase ?

19.07.2016, 13:15

Re: Boycott etv

TOPCATZ I do not know which kind of drug you take but your post have nothing to do with our topic

19.07.2016, 13:11

Re: Boycott etv

Shoes, Shoe ETV Shoe, Khabeca (she will know who she is when she reads this), everyone else:

Three things. Everyone watching these shoes (sho ..... ws) will notice the follows. The 'models' you are watching after a while start looking like people you already know. People you are not suppose to see like this or in this condition. You think it is just your imagination. It is not. The other thing is when this starts happening, look in the eyes. They look back giving you a confirmation. This is the bad news and I hate for anyone to go this far. In fact I wouldn't want anyone to go anywhere near. It means a deal is done. It is in the realm of spirits. Whether or not you believe in God, any religion or anything at all. When this first started happening with me I thought I will concentrate to see that they are not anywhere near anyone I know. This is even worse. It is almost agreeing to a deal from the start. Their opening line to you (in your mind) is 'we are not anyone you know'. You think 'ofcourse not'. By the time you realise, something happened. It is like a flash. A blank. Beware. You've heard the phrase 'selling your soul to the devil' and thought nonsense, it is not. Or maybe you thought not this stuff, this stuff included. It is impurity. The darker you become the less you will care. The second thing is the names. It is all ritualistic. Maybe even people working on the shows think its just a performance. They are ignorant of the spirits they are attracting and the dark realms they have entered or entering.Third thing is the symbols. With prostitutes I didn't care what symbols they wore. My advice, run. If you are completely ignorant, in denial and willing to risk everything and happen to be with a prostitute wearing a symbol or symbol placed in the room (they will show it to you (you will notice it) as an agreement that you forsake your soul for them) refuse to do any touching whatsoever. Not even a finger. Then you will see who you are really with. Not all prostitutes take money (they want something else and it is definitely not sex. Sex is the channel) and not all prostitutes stand in brothels, streets etc. It is all real. Channel is channelling. The devil is real and it is not a laughing or enjoyable matter. It is dire circumstances. I even know some prostitutes who where ignorant of all this and started freaking out. They began seeing their limps and colleagues in different forms. Stay clean, stay safe.

19.07.2016, 13:06

Re: Boycott etv

you are not that kind of people I like to talk with and this is a common feeling of the majority of this forum (and other forum) members. Anyway just to fix some points:
- ETV boycotted itself and the full responsability is of ETV
- many members loving this channel tried to advise ETV about the changes affecting the future of the channel without any result as ETV does not take care of requirements and suggestions from the viewers
- ETV was in good financial conditions when it was something unique, a FTA erotic channel with next door girls acting erotic shows. Income coming from calls, messages and premium of the favourites models
- ETV moved to website where it can offer nothing better compared with tons of free porn and erotic videos, chats etc...
- ETV reduced the numbers of models, the level of the show, dropping down in quality in any term (direction, lighting, script, studio, cameras and cameraman, models etc...). The result of it is a boring show without no interest for most of the viewers.
- bad shows means no viewers, no messages, no calls. Leaving apart a few people like you, Kenny and so on nobody will follow the adventures of ETV in the web as they could expect and the failure is round the corner.