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Post: #8
Last edited: 23.12.2015, 12:38
23.12.2015, 12:32
Re: Boycott etv
Slowfox wrote:GeorgeSK wrote:Slowfox wrote:Impossible, yes.
I personally believe that all the recent outcry is based on the fact that people are being asked to contribute to shows that were until now for 'free'. Free for those who did not send any messages, but took advantage of requests being sent others paid for. Those freeriders just want to maintain their none paying position, lean back and enjoy a show others paid for. Basically that is what you want and that is the root of all the crying and the frustration. Being asked to give a few precious bucks.
The fusion show, as much as it may be bullshit, was 3 credits (3 Euro) for a 4 hour show. And I see people complaining about 3 credits for something that was for free in the past, but are generous enough to pay up to 5 credits (5 Euro) per private minute for their personal bombshell at other places.
I do not agree with everything ETV does, and the present situation is more then confusing for people just watching and also paying customers.
However, asking none paying viewers for a boycott is pointless.
It seems like you want to advocate ETV at every opportunity. Yesterday's show was a flop at every level, you can't deny it.
And I am not a free rider, but I stopped watching even the free night shows because ETV took great liberty at interpreting my messages/wishes on those "free" night shows when I sent requests and I felt I spent 4 credits in vain because ETV changed their mind.
Example? Roshana already had two shower request at the end of the night show, I thought we should have more showers and asked Kia and Lauren to do a shower show. They just said bluntly that Lauren won't do it and instead of two shower shows of Roshana and Lauren/Kia there was just one - Roshana and Kia.So basically, they earned 12 credits for one fulfilled request. Not nice.
and of course you only read again what you want to read.
read to the end is my recommendation rather then always pulling back to some personal animosities.
this is a discussion and not a fight
I read it, I man up and admit mistakes, and say I am sorry, you have some valid points there, especially about the confusion. May be that should have been the title of the show because they conned people to see the exclusive fusion.
Free, alive and happy .... :)

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Post: #7
Last edited: 23.12.2015, 12:34
23.12.2015, 12:27
Re: Boycott etv
GeorgeSK wrote:Slowfox wrote:Impossible, yes.
I personally believe that all the recent outcry is based on the fact that people are being asked to contribute to shows that were until now for 'free'. Free for those who did not send any messages, but took advantage of requests being sent others paid for. Those freeriders just want to maintain their none paying position, lean back and enjoy a show others paid for. Basically that is what you want and that is the root of all the crying and the frustration. Being asked to give a few precious bucks.
The fusion show, as much as it may be bullshit, was 3 credits (3 Euro) for a 4 hour show. And I see people complaining about 3 credits for something that was for free in the past, but are generous enough to pay up to 5 credits (5 Euro) per private minute for their personal bombshell at other places.
I do not agree with everything ETV does, and the present situation is more then confusing for people just watching and also paying customers.
However, asking none paying viewers for a boycott is pointless.
It seems like you want to advocate ETV at every opportunity. Yesterday's show was a flop at every level, you can't deny it.
And I am not a free rider, but I stopped watching even the free night shows because ETV took great liberty at interpreting my messages/wishes on those "free" night shows when I sent requests and I felt I spent 4 credits in vain because ETV changed their mind.
Example? Roshana already had two shower request at the end of the night show, I thought we should have more showers and asked Kia and Lauren to do a shower show. They just said bluntly that Lauren won't do it and instead of two shower shows of Roshana and Lauren/Kia there was just one - Roshana and Kia.So basically, they earned 12 credits for one fulfilled request. Not nice.
and of course you only read again what you want to read.
read to the end is my recommendation rather then always pulling back to some personal animosities.
this is a discussion and not a fight

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Post: #6
Last edited: 23.12.2015, 12:42
23.12.2015, 12:22
Re: Boycott etv
Slowfox wrote:Impossible, yes.
I personally believe that all the recent outcry is based on the fact that people are being asked to contribute to shows that were until now for 'free'. Free for those who did not send any messages, but took advantage of requests being sent others paid for. Those freeriders just want to maintain their none paying position, lean back and enjoy a show others paid for. Basically that is what you want and that is the root of all the crying and the frustration. Being asked to give a few precious bucks.
The fusion show, as much as it may be bullshit, was 3 credits (3 Euro) for a 4 hour show. And I see people complaining about 3 credits for something that was for free in the past, but are generous enough to pay up to 5 credits (5 Euro) per private minute for their personal bombshell at other places.
I do not agree with everything ETV does, and the present situation is more then confusing for people just watching and also paying customers.
However, asking none paying viewers for a boycott is pointless.
It seems like you want to advocate ETV at every opportunity. Yesterday's show was a flop at every level, you can't deny it.
And I am not a free rider, but I stopped watching even the free night shows because ETV took great liberty at interpreting my messages/wishes on those "free" night shows when I sent requests and I felt I spent 4 credits in vain and was cheated by ETV because they changed their mind.
Edit: Example? Roshana already had two shower request at the end of the night show, I thought we should have more showers and asked Kia and Lauren to do a shower show. They just said bluntly that Lauren won't do it and instead of two shower shows of Roshana and Lauren/Kia there was just one - Roshana and Kia was there just for a minute or two then left so they could say the wish was fulfilled. So basically, they earned 12 credits for one fulfilled request. Not nice.
Free, alive and happy .... :)

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Post: #5
Last edited: 23.12.2015, 10:45
23.12.2015, 10:41
Re: Boycott etv
Impossible, yes.
You will say it is typical again, but please consider the following.
You cry for a boycott, but that would mean holding back money you are currently, at this very moment are still giving. Is that the case ?
If all those who do not pay anyway, are boycotting ETV, what do you think is their loss ? Will it hurt them somebody threatening not paying, who does not pay anyway ? No.
I know there are people writing here below who have given money, but those also claim they have stopped a while ago, so they are already pursuing their private boycott.
I personally believe that all the recent outcry is based on the fact that people are being asked to contribute to shows that were until now for 'free'. Free for those who did not send any messages, but took advantage of requests being sent others paid for. Those freeriders just want to maintain their none paying position, lean back and enjoy a show others paid for. Basically that is what you want and that is the root of all the crying and the frustration. Being asked to give a few precious bucks.
The fusion show, as much as it may be bullshit, was 3 credits (3 Euro) for a 4 hour show. And I see people complaining about 3 credits for something that was for free in the past, but are generous enough to pay up to 5 credits (5 Euro) per private minute for their personal bombshell at other places.
I do not agree with everything ETV does, and the present situation is more then confusing for people just watching and also paying customers.
However, asking none paying viewers for a boycott is pointless.
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23.12.2015, 09:51
Re: Boycott etv
BornExtreme wrote:Impossible.
There are always people here that like to pay and come to the forum and complain, complain and...complain.
They speak badly of Etv but then they buy everything.
In my opinion, this thread is a waste of time. 
Good idea, but yes impossible
There are enough, call it people, they buy every crap from etv. They say about us 'dont dream about the good old days, etv had changed', but it was not a natural law or other law that the evolution of etv and especially the night show goes a whack way. After the show they complain about it, but next time they buy the crap once more and they find weasel words why it would be better next time. Some members will not realise that etv goes its own way, with no respect to the viewers/members. They think that ex viewers are better customer, but this is not in the eyes of etv. For etv all viewers/members/customer had only one function, to spend money to fill the pocket of the bosses. Someone learned this, someone not.
Until a lot of things changes in and at etv and etv hear what the viewers would like, everything we do is a waste of time.

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23.12.2015, 06:45
Re: Boycott etv
I think it needs no boycott of ETV.
ETV digs its own grave with such shows as the last show of the night.
The girls have announced but already inside.

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Post: #2
Last edited: 23.12.2015, 07:47
23.12.2015, 01:02
Re: Boycott etv
There are always people here that like to pay and come to the forum and complain, complain and...complain.
They speak badly of Etv but then they buy everything.
In my opinion, this thread is a waste of time.