A Rumble In The Jungle...

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06.07.2009, 11:00

A Rumble In The Jungle...

...... or The Power Of The Shower

Do take time out to check your calendar. Feel relieved that it is monday when this is posted.

A week, and a bit, ago I commented on the new set. That comment was based on the view of the latter shows of the first week as I was at my own oasis during the premiere.

But anyone can change their opinion and now having seen a liitle more of what this set can offer my opinion is slightly changed.

Quite easily the most innovative aspect of the studio of two years ago - jeez doen't time fly - was the shower. And some directors/moderators could not get their girls in there quick or often enough. And here, in a nutshell is the appeal of the new set. For me it is even more appealing as actual daytime nudity is taboo (although some models seem to forget that and hope no one else was watching) and we now have something I championed way back then - wet clothing.

And if the set is used to it's designed potential then it is possible to have some tasteful undressing in much the way the red curtain is used next door.

Of course some directors would have problems with this set. Julia, for example, could not do one of her little plays - you know the ones where she directs whoever may have signed up for that slot to sit enthroned for many an hour. But I am sure there is a story or two that she could adapt if the need arose.

So the potential is there. There just needs that creative spark, and not just the reliance on getting the girls wet, to make it work.But the real problem with the channel these days is that the spark has itself been under that water too long and a damp spark is very difficult to light.

06.07.2009, 11:56

Re: A Rumble In The Jungle...

<<<Maybe we can even introduce a 30 € Super-VIP to let it rain in the whole forest>>>

I would pay the prize for an "Agent Orange" shower. :-)))))

06.07.2009, 11:32

Re: A Rumble In The Jungle...

I agree that this set has some potential if it is used right. Unfortunately we'll not see much of that potential revealed.
I agree that the reason for it is water and time.
I disagree that it is the spark that got wet. In my eyes it is more a case of erosion, erosion of creative talent. Over the last 2 years etv lost so much of it due to pirate attacks (yes, that's not limited to Somalia), population explosion, and so on …
So this set is a sign. Planting some trees to stop erosion is always a good idea. Let's hope that a certain percentage of every VIP will be used to save this patch of rainforest and maybe even to grow it. Maybe we can even introduce a 30 € Super-VIP to let it rain in the whole forest to get the girls moving when the show gets boring …

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