[20/04/09] Written In the Style of..............................

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21.04.2009, 13:45

Re: [20/04/09] Written In the Style of..........................

<<<To a land that once ruled for centuries>>>

Maybe Macedonia. :-))))

21.04.2009, 13:38

Re: [20/04/09] Written In the Style of..........................

Italy? I thought he was talking of Greece ...

21.04.2009, 12:31

Re: [20/04/09] Written In the Style of..........................

@ DB :
@ who has time to read :
@ Board Admins: sorry for my long post


< You have to remember that we are no longer that little business that my father ran out of his front parlour. We serve lots of different people now. People that have different tastes. And if we do not adapt to these tastes we will not have a business. >

This was the explanation you gave about "CrapTV" in this thread:
[hidden link - please register]
< What if these models were indeed brought in for a specific market ? And what if that market has different time-frames for different days ? >

This was the explanation you gave in this thread :
[hidden link - please register]

Now you give a new explanation:

<But the reason I suggest Is not to be found In a US motel room We need to look A little closer to home To a land that once ruled for centuries >
Finally another your phrase :

<And,like it or not, I am party to some privileged information.>

taken from this topic ( 02.04.2009, 18:10) :
[hidden link - please register]

Now there are 2 possibilities:
1) These explanations are fruit of your thoughts. In this case all is OK, because the forum is a place to share ideas.
2) These explanations are part of your " privileged information ".
In this second case I think the persons who give you these priviliged informations are mocking you.
It's not possible to see every time a new explanation.

According to me these explanations don't work:
a) The first suggests a world made by 99% of fetichists (feet,nylons,bondage,...) and idiots (baloons,bubbles,...)
and it's not possible.
2) the second suggests a censorhip imposed by US (and it's not possible because it's a pay-TV)
3) The last, if I well understand,assigns the blame to Italy ( or Vaticano ).
But also this fails in explaning actual "CrapTV" for these reasons:
a) Why and how Italy can influence only "CrapTV" and not other channels ?
b) A bith of Math:
Actually there are 44 "models".
I classify them in
I) Old models ( more than 12 months on "CrapTV") : 23
II)New models (less than 12 months) : 21

I don't think that 2 tits can make an Erotic Channel, but these 2 tits can help us to understand a tendency.
If we analyze we can see that:
A) Old models : 19 of 23 show their tits ( 82,61% )
B) New models : 4 of 21 show their tits ( 19.05% )
C) Many beautiful new models who accepted to show their tits left the channel.

I think this tendency can't be explained by Italy influence .....

21.04.2009, 09:38

Re: [20/04/09] Written In the Style of..........................

Ebeneezers nephew Harri and his team X-treme.

Sadly we can't start here a very interesting discussion.

20.04.2009, 23:19

Re: [20/04/09] Written In the Style of..........................

I know what you are alking about.....

Yes, and the whole weekend was hot at this show.....

And, please, tell me what can be dangerous for minors if they have sex in the age of 14 or 15?

Please ETV, what is your reason to censor your models even at night?

20.04.2009, 22:06

Re: [20/04/09] Written In the Style of..........................

Maybe I'm a little bit slow in understanding today, but what channels are you talking about? ]:)