Studio 66 - General Discussion

3.64 (11 rating(s))

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17.07.2018, 02:05

Re: Studio 66 - General Discussion

For fuck's sake, what the fucking hell is Stacey Carla supposed to be doing on Studio 66 tonight!?! She hasn't moved off that couch since she came on our screens. I suppose she is unlikely to, either!!! What a complete waste of space and so fucking boring. Get rid Studio 66, she's a crap performer and she looks so uninterested in talking to any callers. In fact, I haven't seen her chatting to callers all that much, anyway, so how does she earn her money on there, I'm confused?

14.06.2018, 02:19

Re: Studio 66 - General Discussion

rebecca was doing a perfect tease / night show, as usual and in the last part of the show, streaming went all down... really good job studio66... you put girls that shouldn't be in the night-show (like kadey, who doesn't show anything, seems like a daytime show) and then you put rebecca one time a month doing the tease - and this happens... many many compliments really Big Grin

24.05.2018, 05:42

Re: Studio 66 - General Discussion

Totally agree with you, ScottishblokeThumb up Hope you're well and in good health, mateThumb up

24.05.2018, 05:39

Re: Studio 66 - General Discussion

Caty is always good value for money whether dressed or fully in the nude mrmanThumb up She is one fantastic shagworthy babe. She gives me a right boner every time she's onHeartHeartHeartTongueTongueTongue

23.05.2018, 11:54

Re: Studio 66 - General Discussion

Good post mrmann Thumb up I was working the nightshift last night but as per usual I never bothered my arse setting any of the channels to record irrespective of which so called legendary babes were on. From what I've seen lately it's just been one big fucking shitfest from the lot of them. Your comments about Lucy Summers on one of the other Threads was spot on. I would have added to it but I don't like posting opinions on Threads called Chat, Caps and videos as the 2 cannot co exist. Also I don't think it would be fair and proper to single her out as the only guilty culprit as I really think its got more to do with the producers these days and not so much blame on the models although some will always be shit irrespective of the producers such as Ella Jolie, Lucy Zara, Hannah Martin etc who really need to retire and get to fuck with immediate effect.

23.05.2018, 11:19

Re: Studio 66 - General Discussion

This channel is consistently inconsistent. Needs a kick up the ass.

The other night we had Caty in her great mesh outfit which she's been wearing for months, and yet after wearing it for three sessions, a producer tells her to change into something less revealing, even though she wasn't right up close to the camera. WTF

Kady last night seemed very tamed from her first night.

Something needs to change because while I love a tease with little glimpses of the full monty, we're barely even getting that. At least with Babestation we still get the goods at times, though in small doses. If a slip happens, no big deal, but if a slip happens at Studio 66, 90% of the time the producers cut to the logo or freak the fu*k out. So lame. So much laziness as well with most of the women as well, NOT including Caty who at least makes the effort to stand and move around much of the time.

23.04.2018, 08:28

Re: Studio 66 - General Discussion

Mmmm! The ever so gorgeous horny dick hardening, ball emptying cutie beauty Olivia in the nude is a wonderful sight to behold! TongueTongueTongue. Why can't she be given more shifts on the night shows along with the equally sexy babe Georgie DarbyTongueTongueTongue instead of the usual dregs we have to endure night after night?

18.04.2018, 19:27

Re: Studio 66 - General Discussion

Having relations with the women is more important than having a good channel. Perv cam, magazine and sexual contact behind the scenes rules all. In the end, we lose.

Smile Big Grin

The past few nights have been compete shit. More than usual!

16.04.2018, 00:33

Re: Studio 66 - General Discussion

"Great" night at S66, at least they could take advantage of promoting their magazine one more time Cool it seems that is really the only thing important in S66 Thumb down
For example stream 4 has been down all day and they have been unable to solve it. Great professionals Thumb up

Well, at least we dont see gallerys66 trying to promote the crap backstage shows because it seems that he went home Smile

14.04.2018, 16:29

Re: Studio 66 - General Discussion

Well, you can see her at MFC, best show, FREE and you cannot see on TV Cool

Yesterday it happen something curious, Mikayla Bayliss didn't have calls when she was on TV then she was only web(off Tv) and her phone was "on fire".
I guess there are people who call(via web) and they are fed up with calling statues because they need to see some action and dont waste money on those backstage shows where you can not see girl face or hear her

But hey, i suppose they havent learned anything and they still want you to call a logo

30.03.2018, 18:41

Re: Studio 66 - General Discussion

The production of this channel is awfull Thumb up girls more than three hours off Tv, the streams are a disaster, stupid producer Angry Logo man is back WTF Angry
The only thing that matters in S66 are the cam shows, right gallerys66? Why would you call to this channel if the callers only have lack of respect? Thumb down
For example, Evelyn was her break at 17:20, if she comes back before 20:30 then we would be lucky Thumb down

Btw, the set constructor in S66 must be the person with the least work(or laziest) in the universe Smile

Update: 20:00 h and there are no girls on TV

Excellent production Thumb up

20.03.2018, 21:52

Re: Studio 66 - General Discussion

Nobody noticed the difference Big Grin, same movement and the same interest in the shows that the S66 girls Smile

16.03.2018, 18:23

Re: Studio 66 - General Discussion

I wonder why they don't have callers Smile

Well, as Gallery66 said, gives a call and ask her. Lmao Big Grin

20.02.2018, 19:28

Re: Studio 66 - General Discussion

Why they insist in Lucy Anne Tease Hours Confused, the Tease Hours dont help her where you see a totally selfless girl playing with her mobile Sad. They should give the opportunity to other girls that at least showing interest.
I hope that someone "can steal" her phone(at least during her Tease Hour), she is addicted to her mobile Sad

A shame because the Tease Hours were the best of EliteTv

13.02.2018, 09:07

Re: Studio 66 - General Discussion

Rallkin123 wrote:Kandi Kay's performances have been atrocious since she's come back on nights on Studio 66.

Studio66 has pretty much hit the shitters with the majority of there babes being nothing more than a living statue. Is it just me or is Caty Cole the only one left now that still appears to give a fuck. Lola Knight has been atrocious in recent months and Clare Richards last night resembled a fucking slug. As for any of the technical issues with regards to the streams I think we've got more pressing concerns such as the quality of the product on show Thumb down