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Post: #1351
Last edited: 30.09.2017, 00:31
30.09.2017, 00:30
Re: Studio 66 - General Discussion
They have the opportunity to mix things a little, the stream of the website could be different from the Tv at least 15 minutes every 2 hours and so the girls would have a bit of fun and
they wouldn't be a piece of furniture more in the studio. I am sure that they would have more people visiting website with the likelihood of more people in the peve cams. Now why go to the website if you are going to see these f****g logos.
But hey, they are so lazy that they self-censor even on the website and they have killed the excitement of the shows.
Well, maybe they should first hire a cameraman, It seems that today only was working the f*****g self-censor

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29.09.2017, 22:38
Re: Studio 66 - General Discussion
You make some very good points there dirk362, the inconsistency in this channel is alarming. For example, in one show Lola Night is sublimely brilliant, on other nights she is absolutely dreadful. I think a lot of this depends of the interpretation of the producers which seems to vary each night. I make no secret of my disdain for the current shows and channels, however every now and again a good show comes along. I am very particular about what I will choose to upload to this forum and I will leave it at that.

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28.09.2017, 11:54
Re: Studio 66 - General Discussion
Incredulous double standards still abound on this channel.
For example, Fernanda in the afternoon. Her show was butchered with fade to logo, when heaven forbid you might see any of the following:-
1. bum cheek, when she's leaning on her front
2. running her fingers around her mouth
3. leaning forward suggestively with her ample boobs, but not showing anything
4. squeezing her thigh
And yet, they'll quite happily show an advert for their magazine in the afternoon which has side boob shots, crop top with lower boob on display, babes walking around in their undies, etc.
This is the magazine that now seems to cost over 4 times what issue 1 did. £20 is far too much money, which I guess relates to the sheer expense they must incur going to places like Las Vegas and sending most of the models and the crew there.
I've supported the magazine for these first 4 issues, but issue 4 will be my last. Enough is enough.
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24.09.2017, 20:36
Re: Studio 66 - General Discussion
Sunday night and Lucy-Anne not exactly pushing the boat out!
She must have a very small locker for her outfits, same as the other day show babes.
Seeing that she's on less nowadays, proves she must be earning a fair bit to be doing the not-so-popular slots
Crap as always S66
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23.09.2017, 12:47
Re: Studio 66 - General Discussion
There is some other site outside the T-51 where girls from the back webcam would be seen at the night show.

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17.09.2017, 18:26
Re: Studio 66 - General Discussion
Perhaps the solution to this is not to recruit models but to advertise for any would be sluts, you know that type, will do anything if the price is right  They don't need to be perfect but attractive enough to get by, the UK is full of exhibitionists, you only need to look at those who appeared on Channel 4's Naked Attraction show to tell you this. BTW - Some of them were pretty tidy
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Post: #1345
Last edited: 17.09.2017, 18:09
17.09.2017, 17:43
Re: Studio 66 - General Discussion

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17.09.2017, 17:22
Re: Studio 66 - General Discussion
I will agree with you icy12 that on the whole Babestation does have better looking night models than Studio66 does but I still stand by my previous post as I most certainly have not lost the point. I want to be entertained, I don't want to see living statues. If I did then I'd visit an Art Gallery. Sure a more attractive model is obviously more pleasing on the eye but it still does not detract from the cold fact that irrelevant of their presence or not it still makes for a poor spectacle. Take Cara Brett as a perfect example of this. She has a cracking body and isn't shy in showing it off whenever called upon for her to do a few hours of the nightshow but apart from that, that's it. She is like watching a life model with a repertoire of 2 positions and some people think that this is somehow good
With regards to last nights show, all I will say is abysmal and leave it at that
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Post: #1343
Last edited: 17.09.2017, 17:17
17.09.2017, 17:13
Re: Studio 66 - General Discussion
icy12 wrote:I think you're missing the point....
It's the standard and quality of the babes on the nightshows on S66. They're average looking at best and the point I'm making is that if you have the said babes on the nightshows, that'll be instant competition to Babestation that have a fantastic night line up. They all dress to impress, change outfits and also most of them are ex- S66 anyway
The likes of Lola and Lucy Z last night again showed that an urgent improvemnt is needed and the so-predictable weekend roster is boring
This channel is in slow decline and not quite sure why people would call in to these 'babes' on the nightshows and waste their money. Go on chaturbate and at least you get to see better-looking babes than these on S66 nightshows!
I agree im not a fan of most of the roster apart from Tori Lee, but some of the other younger natural girls like Clare, Hannah, Stella and Lola are very popular they just aren't my type
As for the over the 35s like LDM, Sophia, Lucy Zara and Jennifer Jade i think they are awful, but i guess lots of sad old blokes call them up so new girls can't get past them and we are stuck with the status quo sadly
There's no point calling for daygirls to do nightshows because they would have done them by now if they wanted too
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17.09.2017, 10:13
Re: Studio 66 - General Discussion
I think you're missing the point....
It's the standard and quality of the babes on the nightshows on S66. They're average looking at best and the point I'm making is that if you have the said babes on the nightshows, that'll be instant competition to Babestation that have a fantastic night line up. They all dress to impress, change outfits and also most of them are ex- S66 anyway
The likes of Lola and Lucy Z last night again showed that an urgent improvemnt is needed and the so-predictable weekend roster is boring
This channel is in slow decline and not quite sure why people would call in to these 'babes' on the nightshows and waste their money. Go on chaturbate and at least you get to see better-looking babes than these on S66 nightshows!

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16.09.2017, 00:04
Re: Studio 66 - General Discussion
I see Caty Cole is back on our screen tonight as we speak, what's the bet's that she does do a naked set covered in oil on the desk (we wish) I think what we are seeing now is it for the night, the upcoming screencaps and video uploads should probably prove me correct although on this occasion I sincerely hope I am wrong and that she defies all the odds and not only does she do this but she also involves Jennifer Jade too with some whipped cream on the lady bits licking involved
I will give you odds on 5000/1 right now on this happening, any takers
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Post: #1340
Last edited: 15.09.2017, 18:19
15.09.2017, 18:19
Re: Studio 66 - General Discussion
That's a video of Macy Leigh mate, there 0% chance she will ever do nightshows and that goes for the majority of the other daygirls, most of them are egotistical and overrated anyway, all the hype and praise Fernanda gets on that other forum is cringeworthy to the extreme

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15.09.2017, 17:50
Re: Studio 66 - General Discussion
To be honest icy12 you could have the finest rota of porn stars on Studio66 and it would make absolutely zero difference.
icy12 wrote:Don't stick to the stale old tripe of Rebecca More, Lindsay Dawn McKenzie and Ella Jolie. Boycott this dire channel and hopefully one day, we'll see the likes of Becky Roberts, Lucy-Anne, Mikki B, Abbey B, Lara Rose and Tiffany Rose doing nightshows, but it seems that S66 wants to stick to old-and-past-it porn stars who belong on the Golden Girls channel
Becky Roberts used to be a regular on the nightshows and put on some very memorable performances, not that long ago she did do another night show and was absolutely fucking rotten, Lucy Anne has also done a few night shows and also put on a stinking performance. As for the other babes you mention, what makes you think they would somehow be any better.
A while back just to prove a point when I was reliably informed according to another member when he posted that the dayshows were the real deal so I recorded one of the S66 shows and I believe it was Tiffany Rose who you have mentioned. Doesn't look too promising does it. A lazy model who will always remain lazy unless told otherwise by the producers. This channel needs change at the top and a mass cull.
PS - Please don't ask me for the video link, as soon as I had produced my thumbnail image I then deleted the video.
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13.09.2017, 19:06
Re: Studio 66 - General Discussion
When are we actually going to see some quality babes on the nightshows?
All the top 'babes' vying for the day slots and they don't seem to want to do late nights anymore. So we have to watch the likes of Rebecca Moore, who is a battleaxe and the boring Ella Jolie
Babestation have an excellent nightshow lineup every night and also the daytime babes are always off-screen doing naughty shows, more of a mix of outfits and sets,
Don't stick to the stale old tripe of Rebecca More, Lindsay Dawn McKenzie and Ella Jolie. Boycott this dire channel and hopefully one day, we'll see the likes of Becky Roberts, Lucy-Anne, Mikki B, Abbey B, Lara Rose and Tiffany Rose doing nightshows, but it seems that S66 wants to stick to old-and-past-it porn stars who belong on the Golden Girls channel

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12.09.2017, 03:07
Re: Studio 66 - General Discussion
Actually, she is a lovely girl to talk to; always gives you her time as I can attest having phoned her a few times in the distant past when she was a regular on Babestation. As I'm not into all this Dominatrix crap and Fetish sex role play crap I find the whole thing boring, but I agree with you, I don't like to see all this hatred of her because of her role play. It's uncalled for.