Studio 66 - General Discussion

3.64 (11 rating(s))

(3.64 / 5, 11 ratings)

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18.04.2013, 01:47

Re: Studio 66 - General Discussion

I see the change of sets tonight, seems like it will keep some people happy for now Smile . Some good shows so far, let it continue tomorrow Smile

16.04.2013, 01:11

Re: Studio 66 - General Discussion

[hidden link - please register]

My answer is NO Angry because I don't live in UK Thumb down
[hidden link - please register]

13.04.2013, 14:49

Re: Studio 66 - General Discussion

Thanks for the info! I for one consider the new onscreen-graphics as a massive improvement and a huge step in making the TV-Version „watchable“ again. It‘s not the best solution, but a more elegant, more professional looking than everything else that we‘ve seen in the last two years from Studio 66 regarding onscreen-graphics.

Here‘s the „new look“:

and here‘s what they‘ve used before and in the last months:

I hope Mauro forgives me for using two of his screenshots to show the difference, but I guess I‘ll have to expect a hefty fine soon... Big Grin

In my humble opinion too much, too big, too intrusive and too annoying! The enormous amount of „screenjunk“ ruined the TV-Version completely and made it unwatchable for me. That was also the reason why I stopped posting Studio 66-videos some time ago, because I always had the intention to create very good quality and „watchable“ videos of my favourite girls. Impossible when the screen is full of very amateurish looking, always changing and therefore even more annoying advertisements. I‘d say Studio 66 went overboard with the onscreen-graphics, but (hopefully) that‘s history now...

For the new onscreen-graphics: Thumb upThumb upThumb up

PS: Now they have to solve the channel-switching and lighting-issues, but that‘s another story... Big Grin

12.04.2013, 23:46

Re: Studio 66 - General Discussion

So what are peoples thoughts about the New OSG i am in two minds about them when they use the smaller box on the right side i think there a big improvement over the old ones but when they expand the box on the right side i dont like them as much just hope they keep it the smaller box for most of the night an only expand it on a few occasions

04.04.2013, 02:36

Re: Studio 66 - General Discussion

Billy wrote:Thanks, quiquems, but that doesn't really answer my question. Okay, so her thread still exits (must have been buried deep as I couldn't find it on the first few pages) but I already knew where the Studio 66 schedules are.

I can't help but think people know something that they're not sure if they should be letting on about it. One of the channels' favourite babes disappears and no one is asking any questions. I just find that a little suspicious personally.

And if, in fact, no one knows where she is, why is my query not getting simple answers like: "No idea." or "Yes, I've been wondering the same thing too."

I'm not suggesting it's my God given right to get answers to my questions, just that the silence surrounding her absence strikes me as very odd.

There was never any secret billy and i think most thought everyone knew as following her twitter gave full accounts of her travels.

If you posted in Hannah's thread not too long ago and can't find through browsing, either use the search function which is quite good or go through your own posts profile [hidden link - please register]

04.04.2013, 00:59

Re: Studio 66 - General Discussion

Ah! Thanks, Oldman.

03.04.2013, 21:35

Re: Studio 66 - General Discussion

hannahs been in australia but should be back on tomorrow

03.04.2013, 19:44

Re: Studio 66 - General Discussion

Thanks, quiquems, but that doesn't really answer my question. Okay, so her thread still exits (must have been buried deep as I couldn't find it on the first few pages) but I already knew where the Studio 66 schedules are.

I can't help but think people know something that they're not sure if they should be letting on about it. One of the channels' favourite babes disappears and no one is asking any questions. I just find that a little suspicious personally.

And if, in fact, no one knows where she is, why is my query not getting simple answers like: "No idea." or "Yes, I've been wondering the same thing too."

I'm not suggesting it's my God given right to get answers to my questions, just that the silence surrounding her absence strikes me as very odd.

02.04.2013, 23:01

Re: Studio 66 - General Discussion

Billy wrote:Have I missed something at Studio 66 ?

About three weeks ago I posted in Hannah Martin's thread asking where she was, as she seemed to have disappeared from the schedules. I never received an answer and now her thread seems to have been removed.

So I'll ask again; anyone any idea what's happened to her?

[hidden link - please register]

and now her thread seems to have been removed.

[hidden link - please register]

02.04.2013, 22:55

Re: Studio 66 - General Discussion

Have I missed something at Studio 66 ?

About three weeks ago I posted in Hannah Martin's thread asking where she was, as she seemed to have disappeared from the schedules. I never received an answer and now her thread seems to have been removed.

So I'll ask again; anyone any idea what's happened to her?

29.03.2013, 14:42

Re: Studio 66 - General Discussion

A bit of strange news. It would seem that Monroe has decided to change her name to Stephanie Richmond. Not quite sure why!!!!

29.03.2013, 07:53

Re: Studio 66 - General Discussion

You gotta love nights when you expect it to be a crap night and u go bed early (from tiredness and work all day) and u end up with some pretty good shows the next morning when you wake up lol. Not only from a Good Show from Clare but across the sets from Adele to Mica,it was just a shame Courtney wasnt utilised as much with any pov or sets last night, as she was had a very subdued show compared to the rest of the girls mentioned above.

13.03.2013, 22:45

Re: Studio 66 - General Discussion

Seems the orca server is down no rlc / playboy online too

13.03.2013, 17:38

Re: Studio 66 - General Discussion

i looked a bit further into atvod and it seems they are deliberately creating hoops for companies to jump though.
they do this because they seem to be able to get away with it without any oversight.
they are increasing the prices of vod services over and above what they normally charge if that companies product is adult in nature.
not because they need to, but purely on the grounds that they can and the regulator ofcom will say nothing.
it seems that a lot of companies are being forced to give up the idea of giving there customers vod because of this atvod oversight.
they like ofcom see these companies as a source of easy revenue and are disproportionately taxing them because of there adult nature...

what i dont get is, why the hell dont they all (adult tv networks) get together and come up with a plan to fight back.
ofcom and advot are both answerable to the government at the end of the day. so start lobbying.
they cant use child protection because the web has been flooded with porn for over 15 years without 1 case or harm to a child who accidentally found it being proven.

ofcoms big defense is to prevent harm to children.
so force them to prove there is actual harm being done...
NEWS FLASH!!!! they cant...

dont get me wrong im all for people protecting there children, but thats just it people should protect there own children not rely on governments and none elected quangos to do it.

what i am against is these quangos censoring the net by the back door.
when people have to specifically identify themselves down to providing photo id just so they can have a bit of adult entertainment. they will be less willing to buy it and instead go elsewhere that doesnt have these checks. end result the the protection measures fail anyway...

seriously jamie, you do have rights as a business man to make a buck without undue restriction. but if you dont fight for freedom to run your business you will end up a slave to bias and personal agendas.

12.03.2013, 19:56

Re: Studio 66 - General Discussion

you certainly dont have to prove any of this crap for many other sites on the web, just sign up with your credit card and thats it. this stinks of data mining and privacy infringement.
there is no reason for any of these details to be given other than data gathering. it has nothing to do with age verification as its not required when you buy any r18 material from a licensed sex shop.
elite/studio 66 should query it because asking for such details is an invasion of privacy on both there part and the company there supposedly answering to. the best thing you all could do is say fuck em.
babestation will sell you r18 photos and video's for zero verification all you need is the adult filter unlocked on your phone which is done by credit card or popping into the phone providers shop. they dont ask what you want it unlocked for, they just ask you prove your 18.
so i would say studio 66 are deliberately trying to either mine your data to then be sold on to 3rd parties or they they deliberately trying to discourage you from signing up by demanding unreasonable checks on your person... elite/studio 66 really need to rethink what they are asking people and being asked to do when other sites aint bound by the same rules. its actualy against the law to make 1 company comply to rules that other companies dont have to...
they are being held to ransom just because they have a tv advert on an adult network. ofcom dont have any powers to regulate the Internet so even if your show is on tv the web based side is completely off limits to ofcom.
by signing up to such things your actually making it legitimate and allowing them to censor your internet without passing actual laws.
you should be saying no to censorship on the web and remind them that adults are free to make up there minds on what they watch or choose not to watch, and parents are responsible for what there children watch.
its not up to corporations or governments because they will undermine your rights quicker than you can protest.

porn has been on the net for over 15 years with no apparent harm proven to any child who accidentally discovered it.
so why are tv companies deciding now is the time to censor the web? because more people are using it for there entertainment and they are loosing money.
so now they want to make money off it and to do this they must be able to control what you see.
like i said its got nothing to do with protecting children and everything to do with your data and censoring the web for there benefit not your protection.

so point blank refuse to buy into it, get your R18 porn for free like every 1 else that doesnt bother watching these channels. if it means these channels go under then so be it. they wont fight for there right to broadcast then why should we.

1 other thing atvod are a video on demand service for sky tv not the internet.

ATVOD is the independent co-regulator for the editorial content of UK video on demand services that fall within the statutory definition of On-Demand Programme Services. ATVOD was previously known as The Association for Television On-Demand. they do not have any government backing so are a self appointed watchdog. [hidden link - please register]

In addition to determining which services fall within that definition, our role is to ensure that such video on demand services comply with their statutory obligations in relation to the ‘editorial content’ to which they provide access and the need to notify ATVOD of their intention to provide an On Demand Programme Service.

This website contains information on ATVOD and on the video on demand services it regulates. On it we publish the rules with which regulated services must comply, along with non-binding guidance on their application, details of how users of those services can complain about apparent breaches, and an online complaints form.

Service providers will also find guidance to help them assess whether they meet the definition of an On Demand Programme Service and, if so, how to comply with the obligation to notify.

the embolden part is highlighted... NON-BINDING guidance... they pass every complaint off to ofcom so basically they are backdoor regulators of the web.

basically what im getting at is its not for this company to ask for age verification to be put into place. its only remit is to advise program makers comply with the standards given by ofcom. so jamie and alan saying its down to atvod making demands is just bullshit... they can make em, sure enough but they have no legal power to enforce em. nor do ofcom as per the. e.u 2007 laws.
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