Georgie Darby - Storm Caps & Videos

4.38 (13 rating(s))

(4.38 / 5, 13 ratings)

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04.05.2016, 23:41

Re: Georgie Darby - Storm Caps & Videos

Brilliant - please keep up the good work Dackel

02.05.2016, 20:23

Re: Georgie Darby - Storm Caps & Videos

Georgie Darby; 30.04.2016

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HEVC (x265); avg. bitrate 1050Kbps
704x396@50fps; 16:9
Filesize: 492MB

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22.04.2016, 17:44

Re: Georgie Darby - Storm Caps & Videos

Thanks for your Georgie uploads, Dackel Smile
Much appreciated.

17.04.2016, 22:38

Re: Georgie Darby - Storm Caps & Videos

Georgie Darby; 15.04.2016

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HEVC (x265); avg. bitrate 1300Kbps
704x396@25fps; 16:9
Filesize: 732MB

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03.04.2016, 12:09

Re: Georgie Darby - Storm Caps & Videos

Only just discovered this thread and overjoyed to see somebody posting vids of the lovely Georgie. I know it's difficult as she's on satellite only so please keep up the good work!

02.04.2016, 22:02

Re: Georgie Darby - Storm Caps & Videos

Thank you very much for your kind words and I really appreciate it! I guess it is not the best or right place to discuss this, maybe both posts should be better moved to "Offtopic" or "Storm - General discussion" - whatever.

Since 2012 I've uploaded hundreds & hundreds of videos here and of course not all the members should be tarred with he same brush (I've met some very fine gentlemen here), but considering all the feedback during the years I'm very sure that the percentage of members who appreciate the videos are below 5%. I wouldn't exactly use the words "ret..... f.....t", and yes, you are right, it's clearly a minority, maybe indeed really just one or a handful persons. The positive feedback over the years? Well, I don't need many fingers to count it...

It's not just one lousy rating (got three of them for my videos in the last six months or so and I really started to notice such details quickly), it is more what has accumulated over the years and now I have to say enough is enough for me. Not even considering dozens of private messages asking for videos of girls I don't even know or have ever recorded. The constantly incoming requests to use another filehoster for video xy is another popular and it seems unavoidable matter. A small fraction of the messages were just plain stupid (sorry), some unreasonable, but nonetheless it is a question of respect and of course politeness for me to give at least an answer and I only used the nice words in my reply ;-)

What sticks out are the few who were not happy with my answer and got personal then. I don't wanna use another filehoster, because I'm paying for a 1fichier-premium-account. I think that should be understandable and I don't have thousands of videos stashed on my harddrives and I don't want to share them. Everything babechannel-related is uploaded and apart from some videos from the last days, I only have a backup of the videos already posted in the forum.

I find it strange that some people don't believe that, but accusing me of insisting on because I make money with the downloads is just WTF ridiculous. I don't make money with, I even have to pay for it every year, have to pay to keep my videos available for plenty of members that take everything for granted. I never ever made a single cent with uploading videos, exactly the opposite is the case. In one case I was even called a "Nazi piece of shit" because someone's computer broke down during playing one of my videos, so it must have been the fault of the my video. That goes way beyond WTF and being called a Nazi - I guess I'll never forget that. Usually I don't give a ... about such statements, but that one was really heavy. Additional to such unnecessary bullshit it doesn't seem possible anymore to upload videos without finding half of them scattered across the internet only a few days later.

You can believe me that as a videouploader you won't see much appreciation for what you do and sadly sometimes not even fairness and a minimum of respect (which would be at least a good start). In all the years I've only downloaded seven or eight videos from here, so I can say I have added a lot more than I took. Would I do it again (with todays knowledge)? No way and today I see it mostly as a very disappointing experience and such a feedback is just "another slap in the face" for me and it is really a bad day for that.

I'm sorry to disappoint you when it comes to Georgie Darby-videos, the chances that I'll change my mind are not the best. They could be better in a few weeks, but I'm not promising anything. I'm fully aware that it hurts the wrong ones, but hopefully some people will think twice in the future. It would be a big surprise if that would happen, but sometimes miracles happen. In the next weeks I'll only upload videos of the 2nd nicest babechannel-girl (nicest on Storm of course) and that will be all. Doesn't seem to be a bad idea for me to stay away from a place where I'm feeling more and more treated like a doormat. Well, at least that will make one person very happy who thinks that "biased fanboys" like me are a plague for the forum...

I don't know if it helps but you can find a very small tutorial how to record Storm via the Sky-plattforum in the "Storm - General discussion"-thread. A modern settop-box, a PC and a dish pointed to 28.2E is all you need.

02.04.2016, 17:26

Re: Georgie Darby - Storm Caps & Videos

Mr Dackel0401 I understand your frustration after all of your effort but I and no doubt many others appreciate the hard work you put in to provide us with some top quality vids of the gorgeous Georgie Darby and I also understand why you wouldn't want to provide us with any more but just to let you know it would be massively appreciated if you could keep up the good work on this thread that I've been waiting for since Georgie joined streamless storm. Just because one retarded fuckwit doesn't appreciate other peoples hard work doesn't mean the rest of us don't.

02.04.2016, 16:05

Re: Georgie Darby - Storm Caps & Videos

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A one star out of five-rating? Very nice, thank you! I guess the video must be really bad to deserve such a bad rating...
Do I need to apologize for it?

Every single one of my Storm-Videos is processed entirely by Vapoursynth R31 and encoded by FFmpeg in x265 with very high quality settings. Vapoursynth-DeBlock does the first part and deblocking (mostly medium, sometimes even heavy) is always necessary with the extremely low bitrate Storm-recordings. The job of KNLmeans is the denoising and deinterlacing is done with QTGMC in slower mode. Encoded in x265 to give you small filesizes to download, but offers great quality at low bitrates. Do you wanna know what brings an Phenom II X6 1065T to its knees? Vapoursynth-DeBlock, KNLmeans, QTGMC in slower mode and encoding in HEVC (x265) sure does. Now imagine to do this with videos of 60-90mins and after that run the videos through FFmpeg to create 2000-2500 screenshots. Just to make sure to get the best ones to post with your videos. Sounds like a lot of work - I can assure you that it indeed is...

So much hassle just to create babechannel-videos? For what? I must be stupid and especially when I see such negative feedback like a very bad rating for one of my videos, then I really think I am. It is an enormous effort to create these videos and please consider this before you give a 1/5-rating for a thread. It doesn't look good and once again questions the value of my contributions (if there's any value at all left and I doubt that more and more).

Here's another, my second and last Georgie Darby-video and there won't be another one from me...

Georgie Darby; 30.03.2016

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HEVC (x265); avg. bitrate 1100Kbps
704x396@50fps; 16:9
Filesize: 613MB

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01.04.2016, 19:24

Re: Georgie Darby - Storm Caps & Videos

Love this woman. Smile
Thanks for the upload. Thumb up