UK Babeshows - General Chat & Discussion

3.33 (6 rating(s))

(3.33 / 5, 6 ratings)

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27.11.2015, 04:24

Re: UK Babeshows - General Chat & Discussion

Well lets hope 2016 is a better year for the babeshows because 2015 has been poor, the early part of this year was ok as we had Sin TV and for a time they were the best babechannel, a shame they fucked it up though by not paying the babes their wages so they all left and the channel ceased to exist

S66 has been dire for the majority of the year they have a poor roster of girls the majority of them are not my type, i've hardly watched S66 since Tommie Jo left a few months ago and Cara Brett stopped doing nightshows

Xpanded/Playboy is a total shitfest, my favorite babe Tori Lee now works for Xpanded but she is constantly having to share a screen with someone else, the bed set they always use is woefully bad so its very frustrating for me, i hope she goes back to BS but its unlikely tbh, i suspect she will retire from the babechannels next year anyway as she has been on them for over 7 years now

BS have a good roster of babes who are very good to look at but the shows this year have been average at best, and proper 2-4-1s have been none existent for most of this year, recently things have picked up though with a few new sets but its still a long way from the good old days

i hope to see some decent new talent next year because the channels are lacking in fresh talent, the best new girls are all daybabes who have no interest in doing nightshows because they hate freeloaders, they will only get their tits out on webcam this a trend with new babeshow babes, the old school babes never cared about freeloaders and thought they were too good to get their tits out on TV

26.11.2015, 09:22

Re: UK Babeshows - General Chat & Discussion

I've just been checking through the ofcom issues with regards to the UK Babe Channels and not since October 2014 has there been any issues, Last December Sharon White succeeded ED Richards as the new chief executive and since then fuck all has been said to any of the channels whatsoever which leads me to the conclusion that it was ED Richards all along who had issues and Colette Bowe to a lesser extent.

Last year in April Patricia Hodgson succeeded Colette Bowe as the new chair person of the ofcom committee. With these 2 factors in place it appears to me that ofcom really no longer give one fuck about heavy handed moderation, sure none the rules have changed, however in the past year I've seen plenty of pussy flashes, some accidentally and some have been done on purpose and the censors haven't even battered an eyelid Big Grin

I've never been one for the dayshows but the other day one of the babes on Studio66 wasn't even wearing a bra, she had a white gown on in which her boobs were showing from time to time with flashes galore. Are we on the brink of greater liberation folks, even the other night Jada announced on the mic that since she's been away from Babestation that new rules have come into force but they couldn't have been for the worse as subsequently she proceeded to strip off completely naked TongueThumb up

My current outlook for the channels is more and more freedom with hopefully 2016 being the year when the good times are firmly back Smile

25.11.2015, 17:45

Re: UK Babeshows - General Chat & Discussion

Due to these channels being so bad i now watch more and more mfc, Great looking, friendly girls, most of them are, That is until you come across the Brit girls. not all Brit girls, just the girls who have stole a living from being babe channel Brit girl. They are the most obnoxious. unfriendly Prima Donna's you could wish to find. Not many of them thank fuck. but enough. They will not do anything unless there are tokens involved. they very rarely smile, they don't chat. They just think they are a cut above the rest. When in reality they can't hold a light to the eastern euro girls. Not in anything, looks, personality, they truly are a misguided lot.

08.11.2015, 00:24

Re: UK Babeshows - General Chat & Discussion

Well mate I've never ever been a fan of Alice Goodwin on any of the channels that she's appeared on but each to their own I suppose. I've also never been a fan either of costumes unless it it something which goes along the lines of skimpy and revealing and the type of outfit that does enough to tease you that perhaps just perhaps you might just get an oops moment Blush

Interesting to note that this is the first time I can remember in the history of these channels that ofcom have barely even given them a mention, interesting too that since the demise of RLC that no investigations have come to the fore, perhaps they were one of the channels which were also responsible (S66 being the other culprit) for grassing up to ofcom on their competitors at the time.

I understand that times are changing and I appreciate the BS Unleashed webshows as much as the next man does but it just doesn't have the same wow factor about it when you take it away from the big screen. As we come towards the end of 2015 it'll be a year that not many of us will remember, it started off well but sadly the channels have deteriorated even further, the only one that still maintains my interest is Babestation, if that were to ever leave our channels then I reckon that would be it as I predict that if such an event were to occur that they'd be the last ones standing.

My only hope for 2016 is that no more babe channels vanish, the content will hopefully ramp itself up again but only if we've still got the babe channels on the menu. Its now about survival as far as I'm concerned.

07.11.2015, 18:51

Re: UK Babeshows - General Chat & Discussion

I posted earlier my thanks to all you vid and pic posters for the efforts you chaps put in. But by watching these recordings from yesteryear it begs the question, ''why are todays shows not as good as they were then''. Alice Goodwin is my favourite girl to watch at this present time. She was, and still is a gorgeous looking girl. But how much better was she two years ago than the Alice we see today. Then she didn't break any decency rules. She didn't purposely flash her lady bits or anything that would upset the watchdogs.

All she did was perform in a sexy manner, wearing a collection of different costumes, not like today's Alice who comes on at the beginning of her shift, wearing a costume and clocks off from her shift. wearing the same fucking costume. And she ain't the only one to do it. Now is that the fault of the girls, or are they under orders to keep the shows as low-key as possible. For me, when the programmes were better, one of the reasons why they were better, was just wondering what your favourite girl may wear next. A simple and straightforward solution to make the shows more watchable, But now the shows are so fucking bland that no other conclusion can be met other than, that is how the babechannels want them to be. They keep professing through the length of the shows that pictures are now on sale that will show the girl being more naughty. I suppose what they mean is, you can see more of the girls if you are willing to pay extra. Conveniently forgetting that it is almost 3 quid a minute to speak to a girl if you are that desperate

The people who make these shows are money grubbing mercenaries, who don't give a shit about it's callers/viewers. They know that they have an audience that will keep coming back for more, that is the nature of this particular beast. What truly galls,is that they get more money per call than ever before, but the content they put out is so much fucking poorer. Maybe instead of the so-called morality view that ofcom supposedly takes, if we are too believe what we hear. They should look at the obscenity of being allowed to take money from gullible sex starved midnight oil burners.

I started this post praising the guys who do the caps and vids. But maybe now is the time you stopped helping to put more cash into these peoples pockets by helping sell there shoddy product on forums like this. And in all honesty are these shows really worth seeing a second time?

22.10.2015, 20:40

Re: UK Babeshows - General Chat & Discussion

Yes well from the point of view as to which babes I tend to record to upload onto this forum, well firstly I know that what I am posting with regards to the TV Shows is still a million miles off of what I would have liked to post but I tend to still record if I feel that the babe in question is putting on as good a show that she can under the circumstances in which we have 3 issues these days. Ofcom, self censorship and a complete lack of effort by some of them.

The webshows are a lot more appealing to me these days but I still like to keep an open mind as to not completely ignore the TV Shows but presently these are very trying times. I've been watching the channels since 2004, back then there wasn't really as much red tape as to say but over the years the shows have been dumbed down to the point where I now question their very existence. A lot of babe channels down the years have dropped like flies. Now we are left with only a handful. Its not just in the UK where this has occurred, outside the UK Channels you've only really got Eurotic, Babestation Germany and Sexysat left and these shows have also been dumbed down.

I'd like to think in the next few years that they could ramp them all up again but its really hard to see any light in the tunnel at the moment if I'm being honest Sad

22.10.2015, 15:19

Re: UK Babeshows - General Chat & Discussion

I have never really appreciated you guys who go to the trouble of posting your caps and vids. But now I would like to take this opportunity to thank all who do this sometimes thankless task. Now with the programmes being worse than awful, it is the only way of watching these shows. Out of all the dross that the babechannels put out, Hiding in the vids sections you are able to see when they were decent and worth a watch. So for all your trouble you vid and pic posters. thanks for your efforts and the memory you awaken of when these shows used to be worth watching.

20.09.2015, 17:06

Re: UK Babeshows - General Chat & Discussion

Beauty may be in the eye of the beholder. But whoever this beholder may be, he wants to get his arse to the babechannels and share this beauty with us. I say this without fear of contradiction, in my eyes i cannot see any of this sorry crop of models coming anywhere near being beautiful. Plain and boring would be a better description. No worse than 'Plain and boring', but plain and boring girls who think they are fucking wonderful.

16.09.2015, 00:11

Re: UK Babeshows - General Chat & Discussion

Firstly my due apologies for having little to no interaction with the forum in recent weeks. The reason being, I'm sick to death of these bloody channels. They are awful. Just a few words I could use to describe them are junk, garbage and boring.

I have no motivation to keep knocking out pointless caps and pointless videos, the shows are a waste of my time in my opinion. Sadly this forum like the other one which I once used to post on has turned into nothing more than a field for fanboys who cannot seem to get it into their heads that none of the babes give 2 fucks for their opinion. Also these babes do not belong to anybody other than the real people within their own private lifes.

Fuck me I don't dare say anything such as I think Clare Richards is rubbish and mind numbingly boring without having 2 or 3 posters come riding in on their white horses as if she would really give a damn anyway, all be it I've been very busy with work of late but the decline is alarming. I joined this forum and the other one when the channels were at the height of their greatness. Sadly this era has well passed.

I really don't have any further comment to make other than last one out please make sure to switch the lights off but if its any consolation the shows died a long time ago and closure is inevitable in my opinion.

Thank you and goodnight,

01.09.2015, 18:48

Re: UK Babeshows - General Chat & Discussion

Who would ever have thought it? At this very moment in time Xpanded would have by a country fucking mile the best most attractive sexy ladies of any of the Babechannels, This station is the best adult station by far. Who would ever have thought that this "two bit" station would outshine the once mighty, but now fallen S66 and babestation. And they have done it by being true to themselves and their customers. Whilst the other two have just found every opportunity to rip off every one.
Well done Xpanded. Remember whilst the other two are down don't forget to put the boot in and hurt the twats. If they were doing the kicking they wouldn't hold back, make sure you don't.

25.08.2015, 16:19

Re: UK Babeshows - General Chat & Discussion

Why as no entertainment company exploited the now absence of adult tv. Since this code of morality started spreading across the land, the adult channels have become so fucking depressing to watch. And that is why i wonder why no one as taken advantage of the situation and launched an affordable subscription channel, bringing a taste of the golden days back to our screens. Is it because out there in dark shuttered rooms the pathetic offerings of sub-standard models (hey bb what can i do for you, does that feel good bb. No it don't feel fucking good) are still catching enough revenue off seasoned tossers to carry on making a profit.

It is well past the time these two bit outfits where blown out the water once and for all. So where are all the established players in the adult market. Why don't you come and make the profits. and give the men of the UK what they want.

31.07.2015, 22:44

Re: UK Babeshows - General Chat & Discussion

I think I am safe in the knowledge when I say that tonight we won't be getting anything in the way of shows, instead it'll be another tired exercise of going through the motions and yet another snorefest and for any of the babes that dare to go that wee bit further it'll be a sequence of the same old tried and trusted ofcom approved positions.

I have more or less consigned the good times to the history archives, from a capping and video making point of view I am more or less retired now in that aspect with regards to the TV shows. I am only interested in recording webshows now. The TV shows are dead and I'm beyond giving a shit either as its totally pointless hoping for any kind of revival. I still flick onto the 900's which is more out of habit rather than expectation.

If I happen to be out for the night workwise or social I won't even bother to set my SKY to record any of the channels anymore as playing it back in the remote hope that any of the shit that is somehow being passed off as 18+ erotic material might be worth saving as even playing it back at 30x speed is nothing more than a pointless and fruitless chore.

Moving on I recently announced my departure from another forum in which I was well known in my no nonsense posting style, however the mods took exception to what I would call speaking with honesty so they decided to fuck me over by way of removing my entire reputation. For anybody that is familiar with that other place please know that yes the mods did indeed force my hands as to my leaving Thread. When they removed my reputation which was sitting at a nice number of 232 reps I gave them 24 hours in which to restore it. My request was ignored.

If anybody wishes to know anything further on the issues what happened then please contact me via PM as I feel its important that whoever wishes to know the real reasons will know instead of reading what was on the whole total garbage which other members speculated upon without actually knowing the real truth.

BTW - That terence reckons I'm a troll. That's rich coming from him, the man that consistently sticks up for Rammyrascal - Enough said I think Big Grin

26.07.2015, 12:50

Re: UK Babeshows - General Chat & Discussion

OFCOM govern all channels, but yet Babestation push the boundaries than any other channels.

The decline is purely down to the very tame shows and also top babes leaving to seek pastures new.

S66 don't really have a clue how to operate at the moment, due to having way too many babes on their books.

It's going to be interesting to see how it all pans out in the foreseeable future.

26.07.2015, 11:07

Re: UK Babeshows - General Chat & Discussion

Given that Ofcom's rules haven't changed since 2010, it's clear that the current ultra soft levels of presentation have been imposed by the channels themselves. They seem to be playing a very dangerous game - dumb down all their free to air content to almost family-friendly levels so that the punters will seek out their harder streams on the web.

The problem is that they're not allowed to advertise these harder streams in their free to air output, so viewers have to find them using links and comments in social media, which is a pain if you don't follow the right people.

Meanwhile there's nothing in the free to air material to tempt people to call, so revenue dries up. Companies react by putting up call rates. This compounds the problem.

Parallel with this, cam sites like MFC and Chaturbate scoop up users unimpressed by the so called 'harder' output from the babe channels. Cam sites offer more variety for less cost, and babe channels can't compete.

It's a recipe for disaster and the channels seem hell bent on committing commercial suicide. The idiots behind Sin TV never had a chance, despite being adequately funded when they started, and Studio 66's behaviour beggars belief: years of expertise behind this channel yet they behave like a rabbit in the headlights.

23.07.2015, 23:36

Re: UK Babeshows - General Chat & Discussion

Well I posted this Thread last month and as some of you may know I have now severed all ties with that other forum so lets put some life into this Thread Big GrinThumb up

As it stands we only have Babestation, Studio66 and Storm left with XPanded having taken over all the former RLC channels Sad and the least said about that takeover the better I think Thumb down
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