Cellcast not working?

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13.06.2008, 00:45

Cellcast not working?

Anyone else having problems with cellcast?

Anyone got any alternative links?

18.06.2008, 23:02

Re: Cellcast not working?

Seems as though the contract ran out and they didnt see it worth renewing.  As all the main websites are now showing Sexstaion live thru the day and a recording at night I dont see the point of the websites at all.  We will have to wait and see if some kind person will stream a link from there personal website or else it looks well gone.

17.06.2008, 00:29

Re: Cellcast not working?

Hasn't been working for a few days now... which sucks.

15.06.2008, 10:36

Re: Cellcast not working?

I have the same problem with cellcast... I'm from italy so that was the only way to see these channels, it will be nice to know some alternative links ;)

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