Ingrid - Discussion & Chat

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30.07.2009, 22:42

Re: Ingrid is back


From April to June on Sexysat 1 they showed old models from 2006 regularly like Linda, Daisy, Diamond, Michelle, Jenny, Idares and others to go along with the older shows from 2003 like Ludmilla, Dana, Sharon, Jennifer, Nicky and Merci.

But so far in July Sexysat 1 either show the same repeats over and over again or (this is worse! they keep showing repeats of Justine, Tina, Vicky and others from the day shows (as if we haven't seen enough of them already!!)

So unfortunately that's the situation through the night.

Who knows? Maybe in August they will show some more old shows from 2006 and not 2009.

30.07.2009, 15:21

Re: Ingrid is back


I already knew that you set your recorder for the vintage shows: since I can't record them and I don't want to wait until 3:00am(!!) to watch them, can you confirm that Sexysat "staff" doesn't air those shows anymore?

If so, they have just taken away the only reason left to watch Sexysat.

If I only think about what wonderful archive they have, I have an advice for the "staff": do you suffer for the lack of models and you have no money to invest? No problem: fire them all and only air the good vintage shows!! You already own the recorded tapes and you will definitely improve the channel quality, that's for sure!!

29.07.2009, 20:35

Re: Ingrid is back

idnot like this model

29.07.2009, 19:52

Re: Ingrid is back

Mauro, I think there are a few candidates for the award of dullest model on Sexysat - I can think of Tina, Ingrid, Nikita, Carla now has seemed to join that category.

And if that wasn't bad enough, I've been foolish enough to set my recorder for the through the night vintage Sexysat 1 shows - only to find that they show repeats of the day shows including Tina, Justine etc. They have old shows of Idares, Linda, Regina, Daisy, Michelle and others but just can't be bothered to show them.

There is absolutely nowhere to go with this channel other than just ignoring the whole thing altogether. I don't share the excitement of seeing Yvonne return or anyone else return all the time, these models have been there for years, it really is a lifetime contract.

That really is it for me now, I'm never talking about Sexysat TV again until they either go off air for good or change management completely and start with a new approach.

29.07.2009, 15:29

Re: Ingrid is back

My first reaction when I turned on Sexysat this afternoon was...

Oh no!, Ingrid is second reaction was...

Oh my, did she put on a few kilos...again!? (pull the same trick as Yvonnes)

Too bad Ingrid is superboring 90% of the time and that Sexysat now has less nakedness then Disneychannel during the day!

Anyway, it´s Sexysat..bad technical equipment, questionable models and what seems to be a real nut at the wheel. So, nothing really new under the sun!

29.07.2009, 12:55

Re: Ingrid is back

omg SexySat has a lack of models and who do they bring back? The dullest one :-(

29.07.2009, 12:52

Ingrid is back

It seems Ingrid is back SS2.


21.06.2009, 23:44

Re: Ingrid - Discussion & Chat

You're clearly joking.

21.06.2009, 21:45

Re: Ingrid - Discussion & Chat


I think she's so f*** hot!!!!

17.11.2008, 22:16

Re: Ingrid - Discussion & Chat

And again it's Ingrid filling up the SSTV 1 studio, while cute and motivated Nina has to bore around in the SexySat 2 rubbish bin. Damn, I really wonder about they guys calling Ingrid, unless they have problems to get asleep. And once again?

Which dumbass at SexySat is responsible for the scheduling??? The one must be an idiot since Nina definitely would generate more income than Ingrid.

14.11.2008, 18:10

Re: Ingrid - Discussion & Chat

Noooooooooooooo!!!!!!!! Not again Ingrid

14.11.2008, 09:08

Re: Ingrid - Discussion & Chat

Ingrid on SS1 is really a horror! Harm around this late night show.

13.11.2008, 22:21

Re: Ingrid - Discussion & Chat

Take care guys, don't switch to SSTV1 ... Ingrid alarm!!! :-(

10.11.2008, 10:55

Re: Ingrid - Discussion & Chat

Its true Viki is now polite very often its much better like that as she is a nice and hot chubby girl.Sue always hot i hope she will stay for a long time.But Keena did sheleave sexysat tv?We never see here.

09.11.2008, 18:16

Re: Ingrid - Discussion & Chat

Yeah, absolutely ... if I may continue the list: Tina, Janette, Viki (although she has improved and seems to be more polite and in better mood again, but the way she's trying to be polite seems to be very faked), Nikita, Vanessa, Lucy ... ok that's amost every model -) But after 4 years of doing the same shows every week, every month a job get's boring. I usually change my job company every 3-5 years ... keeps me being motivated.

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