What's up with SexySat 2/3?

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29.11.2007, 23:42

What's up with SexySat 2/3?

What's going on on SexySat 2 and 3? How can these channels survive? SexySat 1 / Astra has quite many phonecalls from Germany, but you can count the number of calls on SexySat 2/3 per 4 hour-shift with your fingers. So ...

  • Does the phone not work at all?
  • Do they show non-working phonenumbers on the screen?
  • Did even the Arabs loose their interest in SexySat totally ruined by Alex Dreika?

Does anyone here have experience with calling the models on SexySat 2/3 recently? Opinions and experiences are welcome.

30.11.2007, 19:02

Re: What's up with SexySat 2/3?

but what do you want to call for??..asking how the weather tomorrow??.......

I am not so used to do it but I well understand who has to pay money for calling whom???....

I would call if I could say something directly to Alex Dreika or to whom for him!!!.....

30.11.2007, 09:24

Re: What's up with SexySat 2/3?

I believe that the French and Italians it sorry are to be seen every day the same sleeping pills and therefore boycott Sexysat 2 and 3

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