SexySat TV - General Discussion

3.73 (15 rating(s))

(3.73 / 5, 15 ratings)

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12.02.2010, 13:02

Re: SexySat TV - General Discussion

I gave up watching (again), since they lost the 'Dutch' license!!Cry

12.02.2010, 12:51

Re: SexySat TV - General Discussion

wolf1 wrote:For me SexySat is History!AngryCry

with just Kika and Mystery but both not naked is SexySat probably in general history.

12.02.2010, 12:31

Re: SexySat TV - General Discussion

For me SexySat is History!AngryCry

09.02.2010, 19:38

Re: SexySat TV - General Discussion

Why this channel doesn't engaged the wonderful models like Marayah, Lilian, Aria, Jessy, Angie, Eliza, Amanda? They are perfect with Viky, Sue, Yvonnes, Mia.

09.02.2010, 15:12

Re: SexySat TV - General Discussion

could someone be so helpful and kick my ase, please.

Switching to SexySat I see Vanessa (again and again and...) ...
... Is it so difficult for a former SexySat model to find a good job
...... and also for SexySat to find new models?

31.01.2010, 22:45

Re: SexySat TV - General Discussion

New rules censorship and the following removal of Kylie. After a progress in the end of 2009 this channel is returning boring Thumb down. In television the censorship doesn't regard the violence but the sex, there are strange rules.

27.01.2010, 16:24

Re: SexySat TV - General Discussion

Finally ,SexySat is cutting off the last fans of this stupid channel by forcing new rules. SexySat becomes a bad music channel with 6 numbers to call on the screen , what a waste of time . Who is gonna watch this channel to bring money on a regular basis after midnight. Bye-bye you are deleted from my channel-list . I will stay here on this forum looking forward to hear some better news . Probably there be some better news in the near future . Till then - so long .

p.s.: If someone will harm them very badly : by "German Law" all 0900-Numbers must have a written hint on screen about the costs . SexySat is stupid enough to ignore this because the 3 german 0900-numbers do not have this information . More about this you can find at [hidden link - please register] ! Directlink for complaining .... : [hidden link - please register] . So my fellow friends I am off ....

27.01.2010, 00:11

Re: SexySat TV - General Discussion

And not only the new rules - I´m so sick and tired of Vikis pissed off manner while heaving her wobbly bubbly body around on the sofa just like a fat walrus would on its iceshelf. Or the likes of Sue and Yvonne following their boring routine dayin dayout - heavens sake, we don´t wanna see this anymoreAngryAngryAngry

Every new girl since Nina has been an improvement, so please dear sexysat staff: get rid of these old rags and get us some new girls. The competition these days may be asleep, but one of these days...

Btw, what happened to Kylie, didn´t see her around for a while

26.01.2010, 22:14

Re: SexySat TV - General Discussion

New Rules on SexySat:now only topless,nude after Midnight!AngryAngryAngry

19.01.2010, 00:38

Re: SexySat TV - General Discussion

According to this, the license ran out yesterday [hidden link - please register]

So it looks like the license might have been renewed (unfortunately!) unless they don't know it ran out, as Mauro says Big Grin

Anyway to celebrate 5 more years of Sue and Viki, Sue is on right now. And guess what? According to a thread started yesterda, Yvonne comes back on Tuesday. So instead of new models, yet again Sexysat TV turns the clock back to 2005.

If there is no change by the end of this week, I'm never discussing Sexysat TV on this forum ever again.

18.01.2010, 21:49

Re: SexySat TV - General Discussion

True, they slowly start to fill the screen of SexySat 1 with phonenumbers too. So they only watchable SSTV channel (provided that one of the 2 or 3 nice girls they have are on) will be history soon. License is running out today, however they seem to continue their unprofessional business as usual. They probably even don't have a clue that their license is running out tonight Big Grin

18.01.2010, 19:59

Re: SexySat TV - General Discussion

Just a simple question :

Who is gonna answer the phone during the "not-live" time ? ...the answering machine who thanked for calling .....?
With permanently 6 numbers on screen .... ? I cannot believe this : 6 numbers ! What a joke .

14.01.2010, 17:22

Re: SexySat TV - General Discussion

LOL Big Grin

Isn't that ironic???
Well, I'm still hoping that it's ironic...

13.01.2010, 21:17

Re: SexySat TV - General Discussion

Mauro wrote:During Kika's nightshow, SexySat TV gave us a quick view on their business ideas for 2010:

[hidden link - please register]
Empty like the Heads of the SexySat-Staff!Big GrinBig GrinBig Grin

13.01.2010, 19:45

Re: SexySat TV - General Discussion

Interesting framework ...
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