New rules ???

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09.05.2010, 22:55

Re: New rules ???

Yvonne has gotten bigger and bigger since 2005. Check her 2005 videos in the videos section. She's fat now.

And she is definitely not the best!!! I was always unhappy with her return. She's been there too long and her and Viki carry on like they run the place.

And don't forget Sue, she'll be back as well. The channel can't make progress until those 3 leave for good!

09.05.2010, 17:59

Re: New rules ???

pimpollo wrote:ivone is the best? jajajajajaja ivone is fat!!!!!
Not ivone -> Yvonne ! She has a good proportional body!

09.05.2010, 16:08

Re: New rules ???

pimpollo wrote:ivone is the best? jajajajajaja ivone is fat!!!!!

ivone is the best and still the best hope that it still providing a very hot show Thumb up

09.05.2010, 12:49

Re: New rules ???

One of the best Shows since the good old Hollandtimes! I wish Ivy make such a hot Show,her first Solo-Nightshow was disapointing!

09.05.2010, 12:44

Re: New rules ???

ivone is the best? jajajajajaja ivone is fat!!!!!

09.05.2010, 12:38

Re: New rules ???

I saw just the very first bit of it and thought it might get interesting, but didn't have a possibility to record anything. If anybod recorded the show, can you please post it?

09.05.2010, 10:33

Re: New rules ???

gruesli wrote:Yvonne is still the best. In the last show she had a real orgasm!!!! She showed her wet fingers! great Thumb upThumb upThumb upThumb upThumb upTongue

She really had an orgasm? So the whole area had to be wet because she squirts Big Grin where i know it? from her private webcam shows Smile

I switched this night to sexysatchannel too and indeed it was very very hot what Yvonne made.

09.05.2010, 02:06

Re: New rules ???

Yvonne is still the best. In the last show she had a real orgasm!!!! She showed her wet fingers! great Thumb upThumb upThumb upThumb upThumb upTongue

09.05.2010, 01:27

Re: New rules ???

I agree with Tari Cabot, I just refuse to watch Yvonne and Viki, don't care if its full penetration with a dildo.

Now - will Mystery use a dildo tomorrow night?

Will Martina do a topless show with sound in the afternoon? Ashley did that just three weeks ago.

That's the sort of changes I'm interested in.

09.05.2010, 01:15

Re: New rules ???

Tarl_Cabot wrote:it's just a fake dildo show and she did this already some days ago

edit: it is more than just fake Smile

but it is still Yvonnes Sad

09.05.2010, 01:05

Re: New rules ???

Tarl_Cabot wrote:it's just a fake dildo show and she did this already some days ago
and she's solo on the screen Sad
seems like Ivy is missing this night like Sara was missing the last hours
i saw it to. But this show is much hotter

09.05.2010, 00:19

Re: New rules ???

Mabe is fake but sure is beter and hoter from etv night show

09.05.2010, 00:16

Re: New rules ???

it's just a fake dildo show and she did this already some days ago
and she's solo on the screen Sad
seems like Ivy is missing this night like Sara was missing the last hours

09.05.2010, 00:08

Re: New rules ???

I dont watch it but the news are very goodThumb up

09.05.2010, 00:03

Re: New rules ???

It's the hottest show since years !!
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