Telelinea tv

5 (6 rating(s))

(5 / 5, 6 ratings)

Author Posts

25.04.2009, 05:11

Re: Telelinea tv

Well done, cmike!

I'm glad the edited highlights of this great one hour show actually add up to a one hour video!

Most other channels need a month to get to one hour of edited highlights!

Looking forward for the thursday and friday show, as I missed those.

25.04.2009, 00:07

Re: Telelinea tv

@ticky and @mauro......thank you guys. You came through for me with wonderful videos. Can't say enough in thanks. And yes, I have covered up the keyboard. I like that you guys enjoy your work, and have fun with us who are indebted to you. Made my weekend since my girlfriend is out of town. LoL....

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