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This site is full of dead links, videos of divafutura-eros live-hot chili are terminated or canceled for some time, and no one has more reloaded.
what a disappointment questo sito è pieno di link morti, i video di divafutura-eros live-hot chili sono scaduti o cancellati da tempo, e nessuno li ha più ricaricati. che delusione |
dazaman wrote:kokko wrote:Iabsolutelydid not want toprovoke anyone, I justexpressedmy opinion, I neveraccusedanyone, evermention names,justexpressedanopinion,butI do not thinkcertainnegativeis prohibited.Mine wasa criticism,notan accusationthere is a seabetweenthe two. dazaman, sono molto soddisfatto della tua risposta, pacata,civile ed esauriente, capisco e rispetto anche se non condivido la decisione del forum di andare avanti tralasciando, per scelta e per necessità i video "vecchi", dazaman, I am very satisfied with the reply, calm, civil and thorough, I understand and respect even if I disagree with the decision of the forum to go on ignoring, by choice and by necessity videos "old", |
kokko wrote:Iabsolutelydid not want toprovoke anyone, I justexpressedmy opinion, I neveraccusedanyone, evermention names,justexpressedanopinion,butI do not thinkcertainnegativeis prohibited.Mine wasa criticism,notan accusationthere is a seabetweenthe two. kokko, constructive is always welcome and to be honest, i'm disappointed about some not re-uploading there files but, we as a forum need to live with that and move on! I personally want this forum to be how it was when i first joined, i also want older members to be as active as they once was. We don't always get what we want and need to live with it |
io non volevo assolutamente provocare nessuno,ho solo espresso un mio parere, non ho mai accusato nessuno, mai fatto nomi, solo espresso un opinione, negativa certo ma non credo sia vietato. La mia era una critica, non una accusa c'è un mare tra le due cose.
Iabsolutelydid not want toprovoke anyone, I justexpressedmy opinion, I neveraccusedanyone, evermention names,justexpressedanopinion,butI do not thinkcertainnegativeis prohibited.Mine wasa criticism,notan accusationthere is a seabetweenthe two. |
dazaman wrote:You ignored forum rules from even your previous account by requesting constantly, then started i think 4 threads, you was courteous or just wanted to piss people off ? ehhmmm .... contact the Mods about which account should be continued and which account should be binned would be welcome, too. |
kokko wrote:then I'm right sections divafutura etc are useless, good to know. You ignored forum rules from even your previous account by requesting constantly, then started i think 4 threads, you was courteous or just wanted to piss people off ? I lost quite a lot of files through MU and know many others did, i know also there is files i would love to have, i and others ask through PM, did you ever attempt or again is this to piss people off ? Contact the video maker! |
quindi ho ragione le sezioni divafutura etc non servono a niente, buono a sapersi.
comunque la mia è stata una critica posta in maniera educata, e senza offendere nessuno cosa che nel web è molto rara. Mi spiace per i tanti video andati persi. then I'm right sections divafutura etc are useless, good to know. however my criticism was placed in a courteous manner, and without offending anyone thing that the web is very rare. I'm sorry for the many video lost. |
I wonder why people still bother themselves with giving explanation and polite replies.
Slow |
Well I started on this forum with uploading divafutura files and so in my answer to you I kinda should quote arnewa.
Back then my HDD didn't allow me to keep files indefinitely, the file hoster is completely dead and my original disc have died on me like a year ago... Funny thing that I didn't receive a single upload request from that forum section on PM. |
excuse me "gentleman" kokko first of all maybe you know the forum rules right?
but excuse me again and first of all again you know the respect words? you know how much time videomakers spend to made videos? all you find in this forum is due to you? just a excuse me and you put the videomaker name can you please reupload this video cause link dead? is it so difficult for you? ah ok i forgot that you are a disappointment're right so please excuse me for to be so kind |
I am quite certain that a lot of the files, if they didn't get downloaded during the time they were on line, simply have vanished.
It has gone years since most of these files were recorded, which means that the harddisk-size was limited seen in relation to these days. Several of the clips were uploaded with the comment "Get them while they are there", meaning that the "owner" uploaded them and deleted them. So, as nobody at that time expected what was to happen, we of course downloaded some and deleted most of it. Personally, I don't think I have anything left after some 5-10 harddisk-crashes in the time since. So, don't complain - Feel lucky for whatever the uploaders decide to, or are able to re-upload. |
no credimi mi pare chiaro che le richieste di re-up cadono nel vuoto, solo bisognerebbe dire che le "voci" divafutura-fuego-e altri livechannel italiani (chiusi per carità) sono ora mai uno specchietto per le allodole
no trust me it seems clear that requests for re-ups fall on deaf ears divafutura-fuego-and all "in memoriam" is decoy |
Hi kokko, one thing is sure, if you opened this thread to catch some reps, you failed your mission...
Personally, i always re-uped my files here but i have far less files on line than Mauro, daz, zxccxz30 or other pillars of this nice place, obviously... A pleasant afternoon to the readers |
Hi kokko,
Please read this post once and then read it again, [hidden link - please register] click the links provided and then post in off topic your apology Mauro lost 2 Rapidshare accounts and of course there megaupload account, posting constantly the files are dead only gets you ignored and not as you think listened too, now follow the rules through these links and hope someone will reply |
noto con dispiacere che bisogna lamentarsi per ottenere una risposta, sollecitare un fastidio, il solo chiedere di condividere ancora i video evidentemente (per qualcuno) non merita una risposta.
scusate l'inglese- google translate I note with regret that we must complain to get a response, solicit a nuisance, the only wonder still share videos clearly (for some) does not deserve a response. sorry for the English-google translate |