Chery and two blondies together in a pussy show

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08.12.2007, 19:07

Chery and two blondies together in a pussy show

Was it live yesterday? Today there was another show with Chery and two other girls.

Ok, lots of numbers, I must admit, but lots of hot girls and pussy action too. A real pussy show.

[hidden link - please register]

Playable with vlc. Change the settings to 4:3

09.12.2007, 10:23

Re: Chery and two blondies together in a pussy show

Wow is the word, thanks for the vid

09.12.2007, 09:09

Re: Chery and two blondies together in a pussy show

Wow; - I'm speechless .

What can I say....maybe like the italians:  la fregna che te ceca  !

....or "Shakyra, dai, ho voglia di un bel pompino con l'ingoio"  :=)

Thx m8

PS. Shakyra on Diva Futura now; - che figone !

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