Babestation24 - General Discussion

4.36 (11 rating(s))

(4.36 / 5, 11 ratings)

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30.12.2011, 01:47

Re: Babestation24 - General Discussion

good show? Okay the camerawork is better but holy crap the censorship not 1 pussyslip nothing.

30.12.2011, 01:31

Re: Babestation24 - General Discussion

Good show tonight but I fear in a few days the awful production team is back and destroys the shows again. Cry

29.12.2011, 12:29

Re: Babestation24 - General Discussion

I saw the show last night too and it is like Mauro wrote.
1 Hour was okay and then the same shit like everyday.
The tricks of the production team make me so angry when i watch this, because I belive that they think we are all stupid idiots.

29.12.2011, 11:58

Re: Babestation24 - General Discussion

Honestly I only found that the 1st hour after midnight was quite good. After 1 am CET back to business as usual for most parts of the show with very passive and careful camerawork when the girls were allowed to get naked (Nikita obviously wasn't). And when Manja had some callers and was running hot later, BS24 started their dirty tricks again and only showed her on the small picture-in-picture screen, while Cleo who had no callers was shown on the big screen Angry Btw I've missed the closeup scene JuFan mentioned, and it must haven been the only intended closeup scene on her transparent knickers. Remember that 2 weeks ago it was ok to zoom on Nikita Fox' transparent knickers over a longer time, this week it is not. Unfortunately the word "consistency" still hasn't made it into their vocabulary yet.

They are true kings in f*cking up great moments Sad

29.12.2011, 10:43

Re: Babestation24 - General Discussion

I'm sorry to say but only 1 show does not mean much as the issue as always been about the inconsistency of this channel, Ree Petra showed how it should be done and what did they learn nothing.

For BS24 to gain interest back for this forum we need at least 7 days of comments like JuFan's to have the option of free advertising.....Consistency!

29.12.2011, 10:30

Re: Babestation24 - General Discussion

JuFan wrote:Wow, that was awesome! Manja with see-through panties. Camboy zoomed and you were able too see her full pussy. Thumb up

The Director of BS24 has done a great job last night.Tongue Fantastic.
It would be interesting to have the video of the performance of Hot Manja.TongueTongue
Could be the Christmas gift (arrived a little late) or an anticipation of how BS24 shows will be in 2012.Thumb up
I told you that hope is the last to die.Thumb up

Good day at all.SmileThumb up

29.12.2011, 01:59

Re: Babestation24 - General Discussion

Wow, that was awesome! Manja with see-through panties. Camboy zoomed and you were able too see her full pussy. Thumb up

28.12.2011, 15:44

Re: Babestation24 - General Discussion

Nikita tried to show something last night but failed. I don't want to talk about Cecilia as she's one of the worst models on BS24, IMO.
There's not more than shaking phones, some air-cocking and dull powerless oiling shows. Thumb down
Almost all good and active models left or took a longer break.
I really hope for better shows in 2012. IT'S YOUR LAST CHANCE BABESTATION24! Angry

28.12.2011, 15:27

Re: Babestation24 - General Discussion

The directors from BS24 are only interested in money and not in a good show.
They show more when they have not enough stupid callers but the most time they show nothing.
Last night the girls are so lazy oh my god.
Nikita was so bad last night i dont know she so tired and lazy.
I think she was only so, because the direction say it, and under these points I give a 6 for the direction they will only make money and not a good show.

28.12.2011, 15:19

Re: Babestation24 - General Discussion

EasternRebel3 wrote:the show tonight is the most boring show i had ever seen. Day by day it will be more lazy and tired. Mark 5 for nikita and mark 6 for cecilia. And for the producer mark 6----

I confirm, but according to me EasternRebel3 was too large with the votes. I would like the vote 4Thumb down at the models and 3 at the Director.Thumb downThumb downAngry
Or the vote to models depends on direction?Sad
I'd like to review a show of Sexy Jane and Lejla-XTongue or Ree PetraTongue and see if it's hot as their last show.
If it were otherwise, then just do not understand the behavior of the director of BS24.Sad
The Direction of BS24 will never end to surprise us.Sad
It is not known whether to laughSmile or cryCry Certainly, in my opinion, is worth crying for other things.

Good day at all.SmileThumb up

28.12.2011, 01:33

Re: Babestation24 - General Discussion

the show tonight is the most boring show i had ever seen. Day by day it will be more lazy and tired. Mark 5 for nikita and mark 6 for cecilia. And for the producer mark 6----

27.12.2011, 12:58

Re: Babestation24 - General Discussion

fman1 wrote:The models receive enough calls during the night to have incomes. It is useless to do effort to increase them.

Including many fake calls like the "Girl caller" who always seems to be another model of the show.

fman1 wrote:When I see the bad quality of ETV shows, I understand that the BS24 callers are attached to these shows.
On BS24, the camera doesn't show half of the time the sms sent by the public and the director doesn't go away when a model accept to fulfill a wish.

Strange that you are referring to ETV in almost every single post. I can assure you that the quality of ETV is certainly better than BS24 as they use a by far better technique for their uplink. Furthermore ETV - unlike BS24 - doesn't have any problem with showing the beauty of a girl's naked body. On BS24 most of the time you can watch the girls, provided that they are allowed to get naked, in strange unnatural positions which makes them look like remote-controlled dolls with a big pillow between their legs.

27.12.2011, 12:56

Re: Babestation24 - General Discussion is the best site for me!!!but we can't stop posting the amazing videos of BB24!!!Censorship must die!!

27.12.2011, 12:30

Re: Babestation24 - General Discussion

Well done that you put this Crapchannel out this Channel is a Sleepingpill!Thumb downThumb downThumb down

27.12.2011, 12:16

Re: Babestation24 - General Discussion

claudiodp wrote:Please you all must continue posting caps and vids in other site but you all never and never stop it!!!!!!!!!this is the power of freedom!!!!!!!!you all can post at [hidden link - please register]

well done !!!

Long life to BB24 .... Thumb upThumb upThumb up

all the others must only [hidden image - please register]
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