Pink movies-help me with this one

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03.09.2008, 21:50

Pink movies-help me with this one

Okey guys I need help from you. Did anyone see this movie on pink movies channel two nights ago? I need topic of this one very much, because it was agreat movie, sadly my recorder didnt record it properly and I missed ending. It was a movie late at night about 2 friends, meeting 2 young girls. These 2 guys were friends, but one of them was beating the other, and using all his power on the other guy, and the other guy was just letting him to do this agressive stuff on him. He even forced him to have sex with him and similar crazy things. Then they met these girls and together they decided enough is enough and that they will kill their friend. To me it was a agreat movie with some very sexy stuff ,and I am so pissed about my receiver not recording it. Did anyone see it or does anyone know the topic? It was on schedule at night at about 0300 CET. Thanks.

04.09.2008, 04:11

Re: Pink movies-help me with this one

Hi klemi,

What is this channel? not found on Kigofsat. ( )

Have you more infos about this channel?

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