Frustrating days for liveshow fans

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10.06.2008, 22:28

Re: Frustrating days for liveshow fans

As far as I know FullX4Free / ALLOVE has a Duch license.

10.06.2008, 21:37

Re: Frustrating days for liveshow fans

So someone explain this one to me.

FullX4Free now known as !Allove has got full nudity at 21:30and much more explict than ETV ever was. Hey, guess what ? That's a French channel. But then Kermit has always looked after it's own.

I hope you are reading this ETV !!!

10.06.2008, 14:57

Re: Frustrating days for liveshow fans

@ DB

>>>>>>>Eutelsat is based in France but it's satellites cover half the globe. What would be the point of having local regulators if a council in France can override any of it's decisions at a whim. <<<<<<<<<<<<

 Other question : What will be the point of having local rules if the same company can get a licence from a other country an publish their stuff on the same Satellite ?

For example :

A german rule says : No TV ads for tel. sexlines before 11:00 pm. On Astra you see about 50 channels with 24/7 of this ads for the german marked with german numbers. For every german channel it is not allowed to do it befor 11:00 pm and others can do it for the german marked 24/7

To be fair we need one rule for all ! Like with the most things in the EU. And we can be sure that this rule will come if the topic  become popular. And then they present us a rule in a very short time.

10.06.2008, 14:36

Re: Frustrating days for liveshow fans

@ Bill 80

And that's the point I make. Those 'chains' were French channels broadcasting for a French audience. As the French regulator, they had that power. That they were broadcasting on Eutelsat was IMO purely coincidental.

10.06.2008, 14:31

Re: Frustrating days for liveshow fans

@ Mario

I have just found the page you quote.  Allow me also to quote both the original French and English is here.

Les services de radio et de télévision diffusés par satellite sont soumis à un régime de convention avec le CSA, s'ils ne sont pas déjà titulaires d'une convention au titre de leur diffusion par voie hertzienne terrestre ou de leur distribution par câble. The services of radio and television broadcast by satellite under a convention with the CSA, if not already holding a convention under their dissemination via terrestrial or cable distribution. 

La loi n° 2006-64 du 23 janvier 2006 relative à la lutte contre le terrorisme et portant dispositions diverses relatives à la sécurité et aux contrôles frontaliers supprime toute formalité préalable pour la diffusion des chaînes extra-communautaires relevant de la compétence de la France ainsi que pour les chaînes relevant d'un autre État membre de la Communauté européenne ou partie à l'accord sur l'espace économique européen. Law No. 2006-64 of 23 January 2006 on the fight against terrorism and various provisions relating to security and border controls removes any formality prior to distribution channels from outside the EU within the jurisdiction of France and for the channels under another Member State of the European Community or party to the Agreement on the European Economic Area.

Les chaînes extra-communautaires relevant de la compétence de la France en application de son article 43-4 et 43-5 demeurent soumises aux obligations résultant de la loi n° 86-1067 du 30 septembre 1986 relative à la liberté de communication, et au contrôle du Conseil supérieur de l'audiovisuel, qui peut notamment utiliser à leur égard les procédures prévues aux articles 42, 42-1 et 42-10. The channels from outside the EU within the jurisdiction of France under Article 43-4 and 43-5 remain subject to obligations under the Law No. 86-1067 of 30 September 1986 on freedom of communication, and control of the Higher Council for Audiovisual, which may be used against them the procedures provided for in Articles 42, 42-1 and 42-10.

Ainsi, si une chaîne extra-communautaire diffusée par Eutelsat et donc relevant de la compétence de la France diffuse des programmes contraires à l'un des principes fondamentaux posés par la loi (respect de la dignité de la personne humaine, du caractère pluraliste des courants de pensée et d'opinion et de l'ordre public, protection de l'enfance et de l'adolescence, absence d'incitation à la haine ou à la violence pour des raisons de sexe, de mœurs, de religion ou de nationalité, etc.), le CSA peut demander au Conseil d'État d'ordonner à l'opérateur satellitaire de cesser la diffusion de la chaîne. Thus, if a channel extra-community broadcast by Eutelsat and therefore under the jurisdiction of France broadcasts programmes contrary to one of the fundamental principles laid down by law (respect for the dignity of the human person, pluralist nature of currents of thought and opinion and public order, protection of childhood and adolescence, no incitement to hatred or violence for reasons of sex, morality, religion or nationality, etc.), the CSA may ask the Council of State to order the satellite operator to stop distributing the channel

Surely, the fact that ETV has an Austrian licence and is transmitted via cable covers itself  - see the bold text above.

They are misinterpreting their own laws. The sanctions were quite correctly put against Xtream because it was outside the EU

10.06.2008, 14:20

Re: Frustrating days for liveshow fans

there were 2 channels in France, which had broadcast a start liveshow evening after midnight (Rtl9 and nt1). The csa has halted immediately for the following reason: steals and fraud against viewers.

10.06.2008, 14:03

Re: Frustrating days for liveshow fans

DB Says: The arguement that the CSA can regulate for the whole of Eutelsat is very weak. In fact their own website states that it is not a censor.

The CSA Website Says:  Thus, if a channel extra-community broadcast by Eutelsat and therefore under the jurisdiction of France broadcasts programmes contrary to one of the fundamental principles laid down by law (respect for the dignity of the human person, pluralist nature of currents of thought and opinion and public order, protection of childhood and adolescence, no incitement to hatred or violence for reasons of sex, morality, religion or nationality, etc.), the CSA may ask the Council of State to order the satellite operator to stop distributing the channel.

Original link:  [hidden link - please register]

Translated link: [hidden link - please register]

10.06.2008, 13:41

Re: Frustrating days for liveshow fans

Wonderful Opportunity for RedLips.

INTERNET has no Censorship, so far….

Let us see what they are capable to do with this Challenge 

10.06.2008, 13:38

Re: Frustrating days for liveshow fans

The whole transponder on 12360 H was out erlier (maybe still, cannot check right now), not only the Sexysat channels.

10.06.2008, 13:05

Re: Frustrating days for liveshow fans

Hi guys,

on my receiver Sexy Sat 2, 3 and 4 is gone on Hotbird. I don´t know if they have technical problems but the channels are black.

At Astra Sexy Sat 1 works.

Only a information for you.

Best regards,


10.06.2008, 12:35

Re: Frustrating days for liveshow fans

The arguement that the CSA can regulate for the whole of Eutelsat is very weak. In fact their own website states that it is not a censor.

Eutelsat is based in France but it's satellites cover half the globe. What would be the point of having local regulators if a council in France can override any of it's decisions at a whim.

My reading of the role of the CSA is to regulate France(part of that regulation is why you see the numbers '14','16','18' on original French transmissions) and cooperate with the EU as part of the 'television without frontiers' concept for the EU

10.06.2008, 11:55

Re: Frustrating days for liveshow fans

The CSA has the power to regulate emissions of the satellite, remember that hotbird belongs to Eutelsat and this is a French satellite

[hidden link - please register]    Use a translator if you don´t know French, but in the link that I leave you it says all the competitions that the CSA has

[hidden link - please register]  as a summary I found this link which is the work of the CSA

08.06.2008, 22:05

Re: Frustrating days for liveshow fans

Hi, bill80,
Yes but only on the channels who are on the TNT too. Not on all HB channels.
Regards to all the "ch'ti" and of course "la Somme".

08.06.2008, 20:00

Re: Frustrating days for liveshow fans

The csa pointed ban on liveshows rtl9 and nt1 who start disseminating this kind of program after midnight. Article published on télé the csa has all rights to the audiovisual sector.

08.06.2008, 19:53

Re: Frustrating days for liveshow fans

Hi Mauro,
The C.S.A, is only a Council. It has No power on the laws.
And believe me, most of french members of Parliament
don't care about FTA channels on HB.
I think that they have other préocupations